
As Sun rays found their way to shine everything that lies in their way I am alone in his room still laying in the bed. The other side of the bed is cold indicating that he has left long ago.I wonder at what time does he wake up. When I checked the time from clock on night stand it shows 7:15 A.M.

As I was still thinking about what happened that night I rushed to the bathroom as I remember him saying that everyone have their breakfast between 7:30-8:00 and every members attends this unless there is an important excuse.

After our conversation in the bathroom I put on the condition that we will be sleeping separately on our respective sides without any contact to which he accepted with an annoyed face. To make sure that I placed two spare pillows in between us a barrier which pissed him off for god knows what reason.

It's been a week since I got here but never left the room as everything came to me.Alex said that I can my time to settle myself and can attend breakfast lunch or dinner when I feel comfortable.

I have been all alone as Alex doesn't stay here much except when he sleep or when he needs something. Thinking of Alex it would be a lie if I say that he is really cold and dangerous.

He is completely calm and composed with me. And whatever attraction I felt before towards him has started multiplying more and more. I can't even imagine how would it be if I spend all my day with him.

In this week Alex explained me rules in the house of how I should have a fingerprint access to go anywhere in the estate which I will be getting done.I will even be given access to his room and elevator which are used only by elite members. He also said about the timings of breakfast lunch and dinner with the family members. He also said what the twins do as I forced him.

He also said details of my job. I need to look into their accounts as per my eligibility which is a degree in finance and accounting. And I will be working from his office itself.Uffff!!! I need to see him whole day which is really going to make it hard for me to resist him.

I never really thought that I would get attracted to a man this much. But how can someone resist the Greek God himself?? Any girl who sees him drools over him. But one thing is for sure, he is a completely different person when alone.

I went into his closet to get sweatpants as I was only in a hoodie. When I went to his closet which is as big as his bathroom and has various segments for various types of clothes. And I searched for what I need and reached bathroom.


As I brushed using a spare brush in the cabinet and washed my face and reached downstairs for breakfast. I used the elevator which is used by Alex and his brothers.

I was late as I could already hear people chattering and eating. I slowly walked in and my nostrils are filled with the aroma of delicious food which made my mouth watery. This is my first day for breakfast here. Let's see what happens!!

As I looked around for an empty seat I found one in between Stephan and Sebastian which is weird as there is no vacant seat in between them when I came here on first day. Whatever I felt relieved as I need not sit between strangers.

I slowly reached towards them." Can I sit here??" I asked still confused as they might have spared this for someone else.

"Yeah!! we actually left this for you!!" Stephan said with no emotions.

Arrgggghhhhhh!!! Why so cold?? But I felt good seeing that they thought of me.

"Thanks" I replied with a smile. All I got is a nod from them.

As we started eating the brothers chitchatted among them they made sure that their voice is heard only among them. The blondie has been trying to eavesdrop but failed which is clear from her expressions.

"How is she wearing your clothes?? You never share your clothes with us??" Steve asked Alex out of blue.

Alex is quite flustered by this sudden question so I answered." As I didn't get a chance to pack my things so he has to give his clothes for me." I shrugged.

Everyone were convinced by my answer but still they are curious about something which I don't know.

"Doesn't he share his clothes with anyone??" I asked Sebastian. I have been wearing his clothes for a week now Damn it!!

"No he doesn't like to share anything that is his. Not even with us".

" Then why is he letting me stay in his room??" I asked as I really wanted to know the reason as I was not convinced by the reason Alex gave me that night.

"Wait what??" Nikolai whisper yelled. Shock was clearly written on his face.

"Yeah I stayed in Alex's room all these days".I said.

Everyone looked shocked and saw each other's faces as if they are communicating something. During all this conversation Alex remained calm but I guess he is uncomfortable. But why??

"You call him by his name??" Stephan asked.

"Yeah. When I asked him if I could call him Alex,he agreed."

Now everyone faced Alex as if they are expecting him to speak something. But he didn't say anything.

"Ha parlato qualcosa??" He asked changing the topic and now his face is serious.


(Did he speak anything??)

As soon as his mood changed the remaining members too changed into the serious mood.

"Ho provato a chiederglielo normalmente minacciando la sua famiglia,ma non credo che gli importi di loro" David spoke.

(I tried to ask him normally by threatening his family,but I don't think he cares about them)

"Perché non provi a modo tuo David??" Alex said

(Why don't you try it in your way, David??)

"se pensate che parlare in italiano possa farmi impazzire allora vi sbagliate di grosso" I spoke even before David can answer.

(If you guys think that by speaking in Italian can make me odd one out then you are highly mistaken)

They are shocked as well as impressed by my confession. I actually spoke as I really wanted to meet whoever this guy they are speaking and ask him.

When I was a child I always wanted to be a police only for this investigation purpose. I know this is crazy. So I just wanted to do this.

"Can I come too?? I really wanted to investigate someone!!" I asked

"NO!!!" everyone said in unison.

"Please!! I always wanted to do this. To get answers from others. Please." I asked them pleasingly giving my best puppy doe eyes and pouted.

Stephan sighed as looked towards Alex. "Fine!!" Alex said. I smiled happily and excited.

"But you have to do something before that." He said and everyone nodded.

"As long as you let me do this I will do whatever you say" I was completely excited for this investigation.

And breakfast ended soon I followed Alex along with 6 others to his office. After we entered the office a man with full of tattoos came with a bag.He placed the bag on the table near sofa and placed his equipment from the bag on the table.As soon I realized what's happening I couldn't help but panic.

"Are you okay??"Damon asked as he stared at me.

"No!! I am not going to get a tattoo!!" I said panicked.

"Why?? This is the ritual you need to go through before joining this family. As we wanted you in our family you need to get this one." Nikolai spoke.

"No way I am getting a tattoo!!" I said more frightened as the man is setting up adjusting the needle.

"You are afraid of needles,Aren't you??"David asked.

"YES!! " I asked not wanting anymore questions.

"Are you trying to play with us Anna?? If you think that you can leave by not getting a tattoo then you are wrong. If you don't be a member you will be staying here as a maid or something. But you will not be leaving this place" Alex said with anger raging in his eyes.

"Well if you don't trust me unless I get a tattoo I have another way of making you trust me" I said and slowly walked towards Alex.

"How??" Stephan asked from behind.

As I reached Alex he is staring at me intently and I bent down so that my hands reached his shoes. Without breaking the eye contact I took out the knife he hid there. As soon as I removed the knife everyone pointed their guns at me. Well I expected this one. Don't ask me how I know that he has a knife there. I saw him taking out the knife from there one night.

I ignored the guns and death glares from others and cut my hand as Alex did that night. And blood started dripping from my hand.

"I swear on blood that my loyalty belongs to the KING and his family. I would never try to betray them or go behind them."

Everyone lowered their guns as I took the blood oath and I just couldn't decipher the emotion on their faces.

"Welcome to the family Anna!!" Alex announced and I returned his knife to him.

He let the man go and treated my wound as I did that night which left everyone of us in the room bewildered. How can a man like him do this?? The rumours I heard of him and the man I am seeing in front of me are completely opposite. Which one is real?? The things I heard?? Or the man in front of me treating my wound!?

Whatever it is he is the one that took my freedom away from me. No matter what he did he can never compensate that. As soon as he finished treating I asked what I was so excited for.

"So can I meet that man now??" I asked

"Why are so excited in meeting him??" Sebastian asked.

"Why are you guys so excited to get answers from him??" I questioned back.

"Because he has information that we need" Nikolai said annoyed.

"And I like to get information from others" I answered. "So can I??"

"What if you can't make him speak??" David asked.

"What if he speak!?" I spoke confidently. May be over confidence it is.

"If you do so, you can get more cases like this" Alex spoke.

"Really??" I asked as I can't believe what I heard.

He nodded and I exclaimed happily.

"Thanks!!! I can't wait, Let's go!!" I said already moving out of the room.

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