
As I felt something soft under me, I slightly opened my eyes to see a pair of blue eyes already staring at me. These eyes has captured me so much that I need not open my eyes completely to see who it is.

"Alex..." I barely whispered.

"Hmm.." He hummed in response making sure that he heard.

"I need to bath" I said still in sleepy tone. I really need one. It's been more than 24 hours now. And I might be stinking as hell.

He didn't say anything. So I tried to get up but immediately he scooped me in his arms and lead me to the bathroom. By the sudden action I regained my senses.

"What are you doing?? Put me down. I can go by myself"

He simply smirked and placed me on toilet seat and prepared for my bath. He definitely doesn't want to show but he is caring.

But why does he care about me??

Is this true or just an act to make me stay here??

"You can bath now. It's ready" he said gesturing towards bath tub.

"Yeah I will. But for that you need to go out" I said crossing my arms.

"What if I wanted to bath too" He said in a playful tone.

"Fine!!! Enjoy yourself " I spat and about to leave the bathroom but a large hand gripped me by my waist and pushed me back. I can feel his hard chest on my back.

"Don't act like you don't want this. Deep down you too know that. Don't you!?" He whispered right behind my ear and bit my earlobe and sucked it. It felt like Deja vu.

I have never felt this helpless before. I resisted myself so hard not to moan.This action alone turned me on. But I can't do this. I can't loose my innocence whom I barely know. Moreover he is making me stay here forcefully.

As he bit my earlobe shiver ran down my spine and a weird sensation formed in my stomach. But I never felt his touch disgusting as I felt when a male touched me before.

"No I don't want this!!" I finally found my voice to answer him.

He immediately released me and went back to the bedroom. I closed the door and locked it. I can hear my heart beating so fast that it could explode any second now. My cheeks are red as a tomato. How can this man has this much effect on me ?? I can't let this happen.

I went to bath tub and when I was about to remove the coat I have been wearing from so long, I felt an urge to sniff to see how He smells like. It's chocolate and smoke. What's happening?? Is he the same man in my dream yesterday. How can this be?? Is this what called a destiny or just a coincidence??


I pushed all my thoughts aside and took a warm bath. When I reached a towel to dry myself I realised that I don't have anything to wear now. Shit!!!!

As I wrapped myself with the towel I slowly opened the door not to reveal myself completely I called the only one who can help me now.

"Alex..??" I called out the person who is solely responsible for this.


"Can I get something to wear?? I don't have anything!!"

"I don't think that's my problem!!"

Seriously??? I can sense that he is smirking right now.

"That's definitely your problem. You are the one who kept me here. And I didn't even get a chance to get to bring my things. So you are the reason of this problem."

He didn't speak for a while and just simply eyed at me. After a few seconds he went in to the closet and came back with huge hoodie and huge sweatpants. What else can I expect from this huge man!? Girl's wear?? Not possible!!!

I just took the hoodie from his hand and locked the door behind.

When I wore the hoodie it almost reached my knees. So it's fine. And I left the bathroom to sleep as I am completely exhausted today doing absolutely nothing.

As I left the bathroom Alex eyed at me with a different emotion in his eyes. But I exactly can't find what it is. But just in a second his cold stare came back. He went in to the bathroom as I sat on the bed waiting for him to come back so I can ask him where my room is.

After 15 minutes what felt like eternity he came into the room. But shirtless!!! He only had sweatpants on which he gave me but I didn't take. Water is dripping from his hair. He might have showered. His toned abs and chest is full on display. All the tattoos he had from his neck to sleeves and those filled the chest and back made him look even more sexy.

Wait!! What did I say??

"Like what you see??" I felt deja vu again.

I diverted my gaze to anywhere in the room except on him.

"Can I know where my room is?? I need to sleep!!" I asked him still not looking at him.

"This is the room you are going to stay"

What!? Isn't this his room??

"I think it's your room"

"Yes it is. That's why you will be staying here"

I couldn't believe what my ears heard. I can't stay in the same room with him.

"No way I am going to stay in the same room as you!!"


"Yes you are."

"But why?? I thought no one is allowed in your room??" I still can't believe that he wants me in the same room as him.

"You remember a quote I said earlier??"

"Yeah friends and enemies one!? "

"Yes. So I want you to keep you closer to me" He said approaching the bed.

"I am your enemy!? " I felt disappointed when he thought of me as an enemy. But why do I care??

"We don't know that yet. But I need to watch you carefully to decide whether I should trust you or not." I felt a sting in my heart by his words. I don't why but I wanted him to trust me.

I had no words to answer. I sat there still not knowing what to do. He laid on the bed on the other side.

"Don't you want to sleep??"

"Umm...Uhh...Yes" I still don't know what I should do. That's when it clicked. I took a pillow and started walking out of the room.

"Where do you think you are going?? " He asked me from behind confused of my actions.

"I think I can find a room myself in this huge mansion" I said opening the door and walked out.

Even before I cross his room I was lifted from the ground and my vision is upside down now. Even before I realise what's happening I fell on the same bed bouncing a few times. Alex hovered over me and held my both hands above my head with his one hand.I felt tiny compared to his huge size. His eyes are now filled with rage. I would be lying if I say I am not terrified.

"Move!! I need to go!!" I tried to wiggle out of his grip but it only tightened more but not in a hurting way.

"Where do you think you can go?? This is the only floor you can stay safe."

"What ??'' I asked not understanding what he meant.

"Do you know what happens if you sleep in a room downstairs?? Someone will knock at your door and do whatever they want with you. All the whores in this house stay in the rooms downstairs. Do you still want to go?? "I was shocked at his words.

"Then why can't I have a room in this floor itself?? "

"All the rooms in this floor are occupied by the Elite members which means me and my brothers. So you will be staying here."

I was actually convinced by what he said but I am not sure about what he can do.

"But how can I trust you that you will not be the same as the other men down there?? How can I trust you that you will not take advantage of me without my consent??" He looked hurt by my words but composed himself and took a knife from one of the cabinets from nightstand. I was frightened thinking what he is going to do. Is he going to kill me!??

"Come with me!!" He said giving me a hand. I hesitated but finally gave up and walked along with him. He took me to the bathroom and stood near the sink. I am confused about what he was about to do.

He cut his hand with the knife and blood started coming out of his hand. "I swear on blood that I will not take you without your consent"

Did he just take a blood oath?? Everyone who learns to fight know what's a blood oath is. Once someone take a bloodoath they can't break that no matter what.

"I hope you don't have an objection in staying here.Do you??" I lost my words at this scene. I never expected him who is the KING to take a blood oath for a normal girl like me who means nothing to him.

"Where is first aid box??"Are the only words that came out of my mouth.

He looked suprisee at first but when he realized what I said he spoke "That's not needed it will heal"

"WHERE IS THE DAMN FIRST AID BOX??" I yelled at him unknowingly.He was taken aback by my words but immediately directed me towards one of the cabinets in the bathroom.

I cleaned his wound ,disinfected and wrapped it after applying some cream.

"This is absolutely nothing compared to my other wounds." He chuckled.

"May be but you need not take a blood oath just for me to trust you"

"It doesn't matter if it's worth it. So do you trust me??"

"Yes I do trust you. I would have trusted you even if you didn't do this" I said wholeheartedly showing his wound.

He smiled. He actually smiled. I never thought his smile would be so intoxicating. Dimples formed on both sides. This is the best smile I have ever seen. Even God has taken his time while creating him.

As much as I want to not like him the more I get attracted to him.

This man is going to be the death of me.

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