
The more I stay in this room the more I am going crazy. I have been in his office since afternoon doing absolutely nothing and the sun has set already. I moved around the room searching for something that can keep my mind busy.

When I reached the bookshelf before, I was completely confused to select a book from many amazing books there. I spent almost half an hour choosing a book but couldn't find one. I fell asleep too for a while in between.

During all this, His brothers keep on visiting for different reasons which I really don't wanna care about. But one thing I found is that when they are alone they are just normal brothers. They try to get on his nerves which they succeed and fail at the same time.

This man who has kept me locked in this room makes me feel something I never felt before. I don't know what it is but it seems as if I am being pulled to him. I just want to stare at him and do whatnot.

Uffff My crazy dirty mind!!!

All this time whenever I see him, I mean the so-called King his face showed no emotions. Whatever may be the thing he is dealing with his face remains the same. The only expression he can show is annoyance whenever they try to irritate him for no reason.

Well, he shows anger too. I wonder how would he look when he smiles. Wait!!! He doesn't smile maybe because he doesn't have perfect teeth. Oops!!! I smiled at this completely insane thought of mine.

"You okay??" He asked as usual emotionless.

"Um...yeah...why??" I asked confused. Do I look like I am not okay?? What does my face look like?? Ahhhh I haven't even bathed since last night. Of course, I would look worse. What-

"You are smiling to yourself" My thoughts were cut off by him and I let a sigh in relief.

"That's just nothing. By the way, can I ask you something??"

"Will you stop if I say no??" He chuckled.

He actually chuckled. OMG!!!!

I finally got to see his third expression.

"Nothing to offend. What's your name??" I don't know why I asked that question but I really wanted to know his name. Not many know his name and everyone calls him King or My Lord or Fratello by his brothers. So I never get to know his name.

"All of a sudden why do you want to know my name??" He asked raising his eyebrow.

He looks hot!!

Wait, what??

"Umm.....I don't know your name...everyone calls you king and..." I couldn't say anything more as I was searching for a valid reason-" And as I am going to work with you and we need to face each other often from now so I just wanted to know ".


"Well...I am Alexander, Alexander De Luca" He said with a smirk on his face.

"So what should I call you...King...or Alexander....or Alex..???" I know I shouldn't do this but I really want to push his buttons. He needs to know how the game is played.

He didn't say anything but raised an eyebrow instantly staring at me. I could feel my cheeks burning. What is he doing to me??

"I think you liked the name Alex. Don't you??" I said smiling sheepishly.

He didn't respond to anything yet. This is definitely not what I heard of him. No one calls him by his name. Whoever does that their head would be snapped in a second.

"Yeah I do" I was completely shocked at his reply. This is not what I expected. I expected him to burst on me at least. But I don't know why I felt happy more than being disappointed with his answer.

"So can I call you Alex??" I asked still not believing what I just heard.

He paused for a while before he spoke."Yeah you can".

Am I dreaming now??

Did really the KING whose name was not to be taken actually allow me to call him by his name. What is he doing??

Why is he being nice to me??

Is he planning to kill me??

For all the things that I did??

Is this why he is keeping me here with him??

I really have no idea of what's going on and I don't know what to do. Should I just obey him and do whatever he wants?? No!!! I am not going to do that. But do I have any other option?? No!!!

My mind is clearly a mess now. I never thought that one night can change everything in my life. 24 hours ago I am free and can do whatever I want to. But now I can't even move out of this room without his permission. I don't know what's going to happen in my life.

Should I be a pessimist to think this is the end of me??

Should I be an optimist to think this is the new beginning??

To think this is what my DESTINY has for more??

Whatever the only thing I need to do is to go on with the flow and where my life takes me to.

Do I have any other option?? NO

The only thing that I have in my mind is not to give up no matter what. I need to fight for my survival, for my pride, for myself.I need to do this.

With all these thoughts I don't know when I fell asleep again.

Alexander POV


She did. She accepted the proposal. Does she think she has other option??

I have been working in my office and I didn't let her go out of the room. I already have a lot to deal with instead of checking on what she will be doing if I let her out. So I thought it would be better to keep her in my sight.

I know she felt bored. She slept too. All the time she is either fiddling with her fingers in her lap or glancing at me to see what I was doing. And she went to get a book from the bookshelf but couldn't decide on one book. So she gives up on the idea.

Meanwhile, every once my brothers came to me with different things about my business and stuff. Once the discussion is over they wouldn't just leave and try to irritate me as usual. This has been the same for 10 years or even more.

When I saw her see what she was doing she is smiling. Smiling to herself.

"You okay??" I asked her to know why she was smiling.

"Um...yeah...why??" She asked confused.

"You are smiling to yourself!!" She now has relief in her eyes. But why?? What actually happened??

"That's just nothing. By the way, can I ask you something??" Now it's her turn to ask something.

"Will you stop if I say no??" I chuckled to myself.

I started to like answering questions just like her.

"Nothing to offend. What's your name??" She asked a question I haven't expected.

"All of a sudden why do you want to know my name??" I asked really being curious as to why she wanted to know my name.

"Umm.....I never knew your name...everyone calls you king and...And as I am going to work with you and we need to face each other often from now I just wanted to know ". Well, what she said was true. No one knows my name except for a few but no one dares to call me because they know what would be the consequence.

I really never liked someone who is not close to me calling by my name. Only my parents and Godfather used to call me. But since my parents died when I was 8, only Godfather whom I call padre called me by name. Even he started calling me King since I became the leader. He says he likes to call me that because I am one.

My brothers always called me Fratello which I loved. And it's been 10 years since I heard someone call me by name.

"Well...I am Alexander, Alexander De Luca" This might be the first time I am saying my name to a girl. Because every time I sleep around with different women this question has been raised quite a number of times.

But I never said my name. I never felt like saying so. Today I wanted to say my name to her and I wanted to hear it from her if possible.

"So what should I call you...King...or Alexander....or Alex..???" Her angelic voice seemed even more angelic when she said my name. I wonder how would it be when she moan and scream my name when I-

"I think you liked the name Alex. Don't you??" She cut off my wild thoughts.

To be frank I really liked this name.

"Yeah I do"

She seems taken aback by my answers. To be more precise she is shocked.

" So can I call you Alex??" She said still shocked by what I said.

"Yeah you can" I said involuntarily.

Wait!! What??

Did I just let someone call me by my name??

This never happened before.

Every single time I tried not to think of her I think of her more and more. I never thought a girl would do something like this to me in less tha 24 hours.

I can't do this. I have to stay far from her. As far I wanted to go away from her she brings me that close to her. Every single time I see her I feel something I never felt before.

There is some part of me that wants her. That started to crave for her. She totally made me go crazy. She just can't be my weakness. That would not just mean risk to my family but also risk to her life.

With all these never-ending thoughts I finished the work whatever was left. When I glanced at the clock it showed 10:30p.m and I think I should go back to my room.

Scenes from last night flashed in my mind. She is in my arms sleeping peacefully and looking as beautiful as ever. Last night was actually the most peaceful sleep I ever had in my life.

I glanced at her to see her sleeping on the couch. I gently picked her up and went to the elevator which only me and my brothers use. As I reached my room I placed her gently on the bed not to wake her up.

But she never does what I wanted her to do.....

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