
"Well..where should I start from?!!" I started to process what I should say and how to explain everything I saw here.

"Start from the very beginning" My savior said.

He is definitely my savior.

"So as I have been brought here without my consent last night by none other the king himself and has woken up in his room today morning. Well, this afternoon as it's already time for lunch. I wo-" I was cut off by a blondie who is barely wearing anything and has a face caked with makeup.

She started to speak looking at the King." She is speaking rubbish. No one is allowed in the King's room. She is just adding up everything. You shouldn't trust-" it's her turn to get cut off by none other than the King.

He raised his hand to stop her and used the same hand to gesture me to continue. He definitely has a way to make things go his way even without speaking.

"As I said before I woke up in King's room and I just sneaked out to escape but met with this beast who brought me here" I pointed towards the man who brought me here."And here I am with the KING as his familia"

"How do you know that he is the KING??" The blondie asked with an annoyed face.

"Well, the first thing I saw when I woke up is, the woods that surrounded this house or mansion whatever it is. And then when this beast dragged me here I saw a gun on his back. And everyone in this room has their own guns with them which proves only two things. One this must be the place where the President of Italy lives or Two where the King lives. As everyone knows how the president looks like he is definitely not the one which leaves me with only one option that he is none other than the KING and the people here in this room are his familia Or his most trusted men".Everyone looked at me amused the whole time

"Why can't he be a multi-billionaire or a rich businessman who needs security??" Someone from the room asked.

"I don't think the tattoo on the right side of everyone's neck says that. It's a symbol of your familia. The LION. Everyone knows what that tattoo means. And even King has this tattoo on his neck but the only difference is that he has a tattoo of a crown on the back of his neck which indicates he is the one." I gave a smile feeling proud of my observation. Thanks to the mirror behind the DEVIL as well.

Great work Anna!! I am proud of you!!

"And what else do you know about this familia??" The blondie asked again now with a disgusted face.

She is really getting on my nerves now.


I crossed my arms against my chest."I also know that you are not a member of the familia but you are still here just because you are a slut. I know it's gross to call that but you are actually one''.

She is now fuming in anger "How dare you??"

"Well not everyone here is a slut. There are few who are here for love. Can you see the three girls over there" I pointed to three girls with red, black, and blonde colored hair sitting across her." They are here for love unlike you."

"How can you say that??" The redhead asked out of curiosity.

"You three are the only ones who don't care about other men had your eyes only for your men. The partner of the middle one is not here now for whatever reason it is and she doesn't spare a glance to other men. Unlike you three there are others-" I turned my attention towards that blondie who is already eyeing at me-" who are actually throwing themselves upon men to get into their pants"

The three girls looked completely amused while the others glared at me like I am the one who is slut. Do I look like I care??

"Anything else you found??" My savior asked.

I should definitely know his name soon.

"Yes!!" They all raised eyebrows at me to know what else I came to know." The 7 people over here-" I gestured to the 3 pair of twins and king-" are actually brothers or cousins or whatever it is blood-related. "

This is the first time I observed some expression in these 7 cold faces. But only for a second. They are quite shocked.

I gestured to my savior and his twin-

"You are younger brothers of the king and-". I turned to the other 2 pairs of twins-" these 2 pairs of twins are brothers while these are the elder ones and they are the younger ones" I gestured towards the pair whose twin whom I hit first and the other pair respectively.

"And you-" I pointed to the one from whom I snatched his gun-" are the second in command for the King"

"How do you know??" He asked bewildered.

"Not just because you sat closest to him but also because you are the one whom king turned to when I asked who brought me here and you stood when King is the one that brought me here. As you are the first one whom he turned to when he doesn't want to reveal himself it made everything clear" I said calmly

After looking around I found that everyone is left speechless by what I said right now. The King smirked which indicates he is amused too.

I was quite shocked to see myself speaking so confidently in front of these many people who can actually take your life in a blink. I don't know where this confidence came from.


Well done Anna!!! You definitely have your own way of talking.

Alexander POV

Earlier this day

As I woke up as usual at 4 a.m. I felt warmth against my body which is strange as I sleep alone in my room. When I looked down I met with the girl whom I brought last night. She is sleeping peacefully with her hair all over her face. She really has long black hair which reaches her waist. I gently placed her hair behind her ear to see her face. She is a flawless and natural beauty. She has no makeup on. I wanted her to wake up soon as I wanted to see her eyes. I didn't get to see them last night.

Why are you being so curious about a girl!??

Right!! I have never paid this much attention to anyone.

I carefully moved out of the bed and got freshen up for my workout. As I finished my workout and came back she is still sleeping. I wonder how can she sleep so long. I immediately got ready for my day and went to my office on the ground floor.

As soon as I entered I met with my brothers whom I trust with my life.

They have been there for me throughout and supported me in everything I do.

"How good is she??" Steve asked immediately. Everyone is curious to know about her as it's the first time I brought someone home myself while carrying in my arms.

"Why are you all here!?" I dodged the question as I have no answer for that.

"You didn't sleep with her, Did you!?" David asked looking confused as this is the first time I haven't slept with someone I brought home.

I sighed and simply went to my chair and sat down not wanting to answer the question again. They all know me too well. They can understand me even when I am silent.

"Wait isn't this the first time ever Fratello brought someone home and haven't fucked her??!" Sebastian asked completely shocked.

"She is drunk and not in her senses" I answered shortly to avoid any more conversation.

"Woohhhh!! What's so special in her that you waited for her consent?? I think I should go and know by myself" Nikolai started walking towards the door.

"IF YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER, I AM GOING TO SHRED EVERY SINGLE MUSCLE OF YOURS!!!" I burst out in anger and started to take long strides towards him.

The remaining members held me tight before I reach him and Nikolai raised his hands in surrender.

"Okay okay cool!! I am not!!" He said and I composed myself and went back to my chair.


Everyone started to leave the room silently.

"I have never seen my Fratello like this for a girl!!" With that Damon rushed outside the door and closed it behind even before I could react.

Right!! What is she doing to me??

I can't be like this. Especially for a girl. How can she do this to me in such a short time?? I need to keep her away from me as far as possible.

Later I called Damon to get complete information about her to find anything suspicious about her which is his cup of tea.

I have been in my office until it's 12:00 PM and now I have to have lunch with my familia which included my most trusted men and some sluts who stay here just for some release purposes for us and my men.

I really don't get this idea of having breakfast lunch and dinner daily with them. But I have to follow this as it's a rule going on for generations and I couldn't stop that. Now, this reminded me of my Godfather.

Where has he been??

How is he doing??

He is the reason what I am today and I really wish he were here with me.

As I left my office and went back to my room to place a file in my locker and I still found her sleeping. Well, she is definitely a panda!!

I removed my coat and placed it on the chair nearby and went to put my file and when I came back I saw her stirring in her sleep. She might wake up anytime soon and may suffer from a hangover. So I went to one of the nightstands and took out a pill for hangover and placed a note along with it.

Since when are you caring for a girl?? You have never been like this before. You are being soft when it comes to her!!!

Arggghhhh!! She is no special one. I will just let her go once she wakes up.

I immediately left the room and reached the dining hall. And as usual, it's boring unless it's for my brothers who make it less annoying.

And all of a sudden Diego comes in with a girl and pushes her. As soon as I saw her face I felt blood boiling inside me. He was about to speak something and I stopped him from doing so.

She slowly started walking towards us and whatever she did next impressed me a lot. She is really one of a kind. She is smart independent and more she is brave. How can she assess every single detail so well in such a short time? I really need someone like her on my team. Why not her!?

"I need to talk to you. Right now in my office!!" I said.

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