
I woke up with a feeling like my head has been banged against something hard a number of times. Well, this is what you get after drinking like a maniac last night. When I opened my eyes completely I shut my eyes again due to intense sunlight falling in the room. But my hotel room doesn't have a window on the East. Where am I??

I looked around frantically to see myself in an unknown room which is actually as huge as my whole apartment back in London. The room is actually decorated only in two colors black and white. I am on a king-size bed with white silk sheets. This is the most comfortable bed I have ever slept in.

But why am I in this room instead of my hotel room!?

Whose house is this??

Where am I?? What happened to me??

I started to panic as I checked myself for any kind of bruises or marks but I sighed in relief as I am in my own clothes as yesterday night and happy that whoever it is who brought me here hasn't taken advantage of me. Thank God!!!

I looked around for my phone and purse which are on the nightstand. I looked at the clock on the nightstand to know that it was 12:30 P.M. and I have been asleep for almost 12 hours. This is the longest sleep I ever had in my life. And I surprisingly found a plate with water and some tablet along with a note.

This pill will help you to get over the hangover you are having now.


Wow!!! This host of mine must really be a gentleman and caring. I took the pill and headed to the bathroom to clean myself up. The bathroom is large with a huge shower where more than 10 people can fit. And then I looked around the bedroom to find something to cover myself as the dress is really showing too much in daylight. I found a black coat on a chair against the reading table.

I immediately took the coat and quickly wore it. It's so huge on my small body that it almost reached my mid-thigh. Very well!!. I wonder how huge this man could be.

As I reached the door I opened it to meet with a silent corridor as if no one is present in this house. I walked until I found stairs and descended them until it comes to an end. I almost took 2 stairs down to reach again an empty hallway.

I found this really suspicious so I tried to sneak out of the house when I was hit by the wall. I cursed myself under my breath. Wait!!. But why do walls have hands??


I raised my head slowly to meet with a beast who is almost triple my size and so tall that I could only reach his waist even with my 5'6 height. I felt so tiny compared to him.

"Where do you think you are going, you slut!?" He roared.

I flinched a bit but as soon as I registered what he said I am more than furious " One I am not a slut, Two I don't know how I am here so I am just finding a way to leave this place and go back to my place."

He laughed like an ugly creature he is "How silly of you to think that you can go back once you enter this house??"

What?? What does that mean I can't go back??

Even before I could ask something he held my hand tight and has been dragging me to God knows where. I started to fear if he might do something to me. I tried to hit him as hard as possible with my free hand but he didn't even budge.

As I was about to open my mouth to scream for help he yanked me away into a big room which is actually a dining hall filled with people and as I was pushed into the room everyone looked at me and silence filled the room.

I was confused as hell why I was brought here and looked at the beast who opened his mouth to say something and immediately closed again as if someone said him to do so. I played along my curiosity to see who is the one who made him shut his ugly mouth even without a word.

Then I met with a pair of blue eyes at the head of the table. He is the most handsome man I have ever seen.

You said the same thing yesterday to the other man??

Fine!!! I take my words back. Actually, they both look similar but this one is far better than him.

I came out of my trance as someone cleared their throat. And that one is none other than my savior last night.

Why is he here??

Is he the one that brought me here??

Pushing all my questions to a side I walked past everyone carefully and everyone seemed shocked by looking at me like I am some kind of a ghost. Weird!! I reached my savior only to find that they are not one but two. Identical pair of twins. I nervously asked who is the one that I met yesterday.

One just nodded his head to say that he is the one. I thanked him for what he did. He just nodded as a reply.


Wait what's wrong with him?? Can't he speak?? But he spoke yesterday??

"Can I know who is the one that brought me here last night?? I just wanted to thank them too!!" I said smiling sheepishly

As I have been talking I felt a pair of eyes staring at me from the head of the table but I ignored and then one beside my savior stood to say he is the one. When I saw him he felt familiar.

"Well, thanks for what you have done yesterday. And you look familiar to me. Have we met before??" I asked

"No" he replied coldly and as soon as I caught him off guard I backhanded him and banged his head to the table and I immediately took the gun he had in the holster to turn around and point it straight at the so-called leader sitting at the head of the table.

Well getting trained in martial arts and weapons have proved to be of some use. Thanks, Dad for forcing me to learn them. I wonder how it would be useful in my life ever to learn all this fighting stuff. But it is definitely useful. I love you so much Dad And I miss you.

All of this happened in seconds that everyone stood there in shock and started to point guns at me as soon as they realized what I did.

"This is what you get for bringing me here without my consent" I gave a victorious smirk to the leader who is now smirking at me.

"You better put the gun down. You don't know who you are dealing with!!" The owner of this gun yelled as soon as he sat straight again.

I wonder how he is not affected by my hit. He may be trained and strong enough I guess.

"You don't get to yell at me. I know whom I am dealing with" I replied calmly.

Everyone looked at me as if I am a weird creature in this world.

"Do you really know who he is??" My savior from last night asked.

"Yes. I do......I am dealing with the KING himself. Aren't I??"

Everyone in the room gasped at my reply except a few and kept their emotionless face as usual.

"What else do you know about him??"

The one who looked like the twin of the one I knocked out asked.

"Well if you all are patient enough I will tell you what I learned about you all during my stay here. For that I just want every one of you to put your guns down"

"Seriously!? Is this a kind of joke??" One of the other sets of twins asked.

Woooohhhh is this family full of twins??

"Well there is no point in aiming guns at one another when no one is going to die at this moment"

"I don't think so. You will be the one who is going to die soon. Put your gun down to get a painless death.NOW!!." The twin of my savior chuckled cruelly.

"I know I am not going to die anytime soon. If I were to die I would have died by now in the hands of the King himself. He had a gun himself but stayed calm irrespective of my blabbering and being distracted. So there is no use in aiming guns as I am not going to use this as I know the second I use this, tens of bullets pass my body which I would definitely not prefer now. So why don't we sit and talk like civilized people." I said throwing the gun at its owner which he caught easily.

As I turned to see guns still pointed at me I felt stupid to give away the only weapon I have to protect myself.

And as soon as the king gave a small nod everyone put their guns down. That's when I started to take in all his features.

He has blue eyes as deep as an ocean, thick eyebrows sharp jawline, and his black hair perfectly jelled backward. He has perfect abs and biceps which can be seen even if he is dressed. He has his 3 upper buttons open which shows his chest filled with tattoos. He has his sleeves rolled upwards and the tattoos on his hand are on display. He is wearing black trousers and a black shirt without a coat. His shirt has golden letters printed on them saying ADL. That's when I realized that I am wearing his coat right now as it has the same initials. So it means I am in his room last night.

It only means one thing. King brought me here.


But why would he??

Is he that free that he brings wasted girls home??

Isn't he busy with whatever he has??

I was brought back into this world by a question asked by the only twin left.

"Are you going to speak now or should we make you speak in our way??"

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