
"HERE WE COME KING'S" Lily screamed in my ear after we reached our destination of a super lavish club in the center of the city.

King's Club is where we are right now. It is the most lavishing club I have ever seen. Why don't would it be?? After all, it is owned by the KING himself. I wonder how much he must be earning per month after owning almost everything in Italy and all over the world. How would it be to manage his accounts?

How dumb of you to think that you can get to work for KING just because you came here in his club to get wasted??

Well, my subconscious is true for once.

He is THE KING of the world whom everyone knows but no one saw. Well, There has been a rumor that no one gets to see the King unless they have a death wish.

"Come on, let's get inside" Lily brought me out of my train of stupid thoughts.

When we reached the entrance there is a long row of people waiting to get inside as it is Friday night. It would take more than 2 hours for us to get inside if we stand in the row. But why worry when we have sexy Lily by my side who can use all her charms on the bouncers to let us in which actually works every single time.

So that's how we are inside the club in no longer than 5 minutes ignoring the cussing of people for letting us in. Just as we enter the club I was hit by the strong smell of alcohol and dim red and blue lights which makes everyone around us unseen. We made our way through the crowd of people dancing in their own world irrespective of what was happening around them and reached the bar and settled ourselves on the bar stools.

"How old are you??" A bartender who seems to be in his early 20's asked the question which shouldn't be as we know we are underage. But as I said before why worry when Lily is here.

"We...are...old...enough...to....give...you...want...you...want."She seducingly whispered in his ear by dragging each word to make her own effect on him.

"Well, what can I get for you, my beautiful ladies??" He asked us still flustered by the spell Lily cast on him with her voice. I wonder how she has such an effect on men.

"I will go with vodka" Lily said

"I am fine with vodka too". I said as he gave us our shots smiling sheepishly at Lily.

"Can I have a dance with you love??" An unknown handsome guy who seems to be in his mid 20's asked lily as he extended his hand towards her. I glared at her not to leave me alone but of no use as she gladly accepted and let him lead the way to the dance floor where she started to sway her hips according to the song.


Well, I guess I am the only one not enjoying it here!!

I was exhausted in boredom that I have been drinking shots continuously for the past 15 minutes or more. I lost the count of my shots after 17 which was long ago and now my senses are completely consumed by vodka.

"Can I buy you a drink baby girl??" An old man with an ugly ass asked me eyeing me with a disgusting smirk on his face. His eyes traveled all over my body and halted on my breasts and I feel like pulling his eyes out from his sockets. I started to get negative vibes from him and I wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible.

"Um....thanks but I think I need to go to the restroom" I excused myself to go and stood up from the stool only to make him hold by my shoulder and put me back to my position before.

"Why rush baby girl?? Can I accompany you ??" I feel like throwing up every time he calls me baby girl . I wish to break his teeth so that he couldn't call me that again. But I am in no position to go against him now as I couldn't control myself. I regret getting wasted now.

Just as I looked around to find Lily in the crowd he laid his hand on my thigh and slowly moved it upwards. I feel like my skin is being crawled just by his touch.

I searched my surroundings to find something when my hand found......A Wine bottle. Whatever it is. As his hand reached the hem of my dress I was about to hit the bottle right across his face he removed his hand to turn around to see the most handsome man I have ever seen.

His blue eyes have been shining in this dim light. Even before I can take his features more he started speaking to this old ass which I couldn't understand completely as I started to feel dizzy. But I could make out a few words like King.......meet......now.

Even before I can completely understand what he said the old man left hurriedly with him shivering. It's quite clear that he is completely frightened by what he said.

Then it clicked to me what he said


Does King want to meet him??

Is he related to him??

If he is related why is he frightened??

Is king here???

My brain is now occupied by a number of questions but I slowly dozed off into my dreamland.

Narrator POV

Painful screams are resonated in the warehouse which is secluded in the woods. And those screams are like music to the ears of people surrounding him. Everyone has a sinister smile on their face as one of the Elite is doing his artwork on the victim.


Alexander whose name itself sends shivers down the spine of others is watching all this and is impatiently tapping his foot.

Alexander POV

"Ahhhhhhhhh" Those screams are making me more and more impatient. That bastard is not even opening his mouth.

"ENOUGH!!!" I barked and everyone moved back frightened at my sudden outburst. David stopped and is looking confused.

Right now I am in no mood to answer anyone, not even my brothers. I have been working all day since 4 am and attended various meetings where I have been completely exhausted and now this.

I can't take this anymore. I just shot that bastard who betrayed us right between his eyes. I felt satisfied looking at his lifeless body. I smirked and left the warehouse.

"Why don't we go and have a drink, Fratello??" My second in command and also my brother Stephan asked walking beside me. He exactly knows how I feel and what I want.

"Fine!! Get everyone let's go" I said referring to my other brothers.

And now we are headed to one of the clubs also an important one in the city center. As we reached I sighed looking at the name of the club...KING'S.

It might just be one of the many other clubs I own but this is a place where I made my first deal so it's obvious that it is special to me.

As we stepped out of the car we reached the backdoor of the building through which we entered my office. Everyone settled themselves comfortably and ordered the drinks.

Just as I drew the curtains of the glass window aside I was met with the view of people drinking and dancing among themselves. I can see all around the club but no one can see me. As I was about to turn myself to go to the boys something caught my attention. Maybe someone...

I saw a beautiful girl sitting alone on one of the stools enjoying her own company. She might not be the most beautiful girl I have ever seen but there is something about her that attracts me. She has been going on drinking and smiling to herself.

God help this girl because whoever or whatever catches my attention can never get out of my sight.

Now she is going to be mine. ONLY MINE!!! And I get what I want.

And the scene I saw next made me see all RED. An old ass has approached her and tried to touch her and she seems completely uncomfortable and tried to get up and leave but he didn't let her. I am fuming in anger and I wanted to kill that bastard then and there. Because nobody touches what's mine.

"Is everything okay??" Stephen asked being concerned.

"Prendi quel bastardo qui,adesso!!" My voice beamed all across the room as I pointed towards the man with the girl.

(Get that bastard here, Right now!!)

All of them looked confused but Sebastian immediately went to get that old ass here as I said. They actually know that it's better to follow my orders than to question back.

As Sebastian approached him and conveyed my message all the color in his face disappeared leaving him frightened. I love to see people fear and right now he is panicked just by hearing my name.

And just as they left, my girl sat there bewildered and slowly fell down on the table and slept.

Seeing her like that, I just want her in my arms now rather than dealing with this rotten old ass.

"Get him into our basement, I will deal with him later" with that I left the room and moved towards my little girl.

As I moved close to her I found her even more attractive than before. She is sleeping peacefully. I scooped her into my arms carefully not disturbing her and went to my car where the boys are already waiting for me.

They seem a little shocked but immediately hide their emotions. We all left to our mansion and she is now snoring softly and her hands clutched to my shirt and snuggled more into me. I held her closer to me. She must definitely be a Panda. I chuckled to myself at this thought.

As we reached the mansion I took her to my room and laid her on my bed. This is the first time I brought a woman into my room. I sleep with different women but never brought them to my room. I didn't feel like doing so until now. This room and this bed have seen me at my worst. So I just couldn't let a whore here. But she seems different.

What is she doing to me??

Ignoring all those thoughts, I just changed myself into sweatpants and laid myself beside her and moved her close to me, and slept. As I laid beside her she turned around and tangled her legs with mine and her hand rested on my chest. She looked cute when she did this. Did I actually say that!?? Cute??

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