《Mate for life》Date?


A few days later, Peter woke up to his phone ringing, text messages coming in.

"Who is texting me so early in the morning?" He rubs his eyes and grabs his phone.


"Morning, just wondering what's a good time to hang out?" Peter reads out loud.

He texted back about going to school today, then got up to get dressed.

After breakfast he was off to the bus stop, he checks his phone as he waits.

"Hey Peter."

He looks up to see wade.

"Oh hey."

"I'm not creeping on you, I just happen to ride this bus a lot." He chuckled shyly.

"Oh aha, I didn't think that. But it's nice to see you."

"Nice to see me? You like seeing my ugly mug?"

"Don't say that. Was it an accident?" He asked shyly.

"Um, yeah. That's kinda tough to talk about." He covers his face with his hood.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." He had a tiny blush from embarrassment.

"You didn't know. But hey after school you wanna hang out?"

"Yeah sure."

Every so often Peter would text wade through out his classes, Ned was getting curious of who he could be talking to, and giggling so much.

"So, are you talking to someone?" Ned asked during their last class.

"I mean yeah, but it's not like that."

"Then how is it? Because it looks like you're flirting with them." Ned wiggles his eyebrows.

"I am not flirting, he's just really funny." Peter got defensive.

"Is he an alpha?"

"Yeah, so?"

"I'm sure he is trying to flirt with you." Ned smirks and wiggles his eyebrows again.

"No way. Shut up." He puts his phone away but couldn't help to think maybe Wade was trying to flirt with him.

After classes were done, Ned went to the library to study and Peter went off to meet wade at the park.


Ned teased him that it was going to be a date.

Peter of course ignored him and left the campus.

Wade was sitting on a bench staring at the river, Peter noticed it was him, because he's the only person who is wearing a hoodie in hot weather.

"Hey wade."

"Sup Peter."

"What did you want to do?" Peter asked.

"Hmm, wanna have a race?" He smiles.

"What? Like running?"

"Yeah, you look like you're an athlete."

"I don't play any sports, I just like to workout."

Of course having powers did help him with looking defined.

"That's boring, but still lets race."

"Okay fine. Why not."

Peter was curious of how fast he could run, and Wade seemed like he wanted to make it interesting.

"Awesome. Okay, the goal will be around the park and back here, who ever touches the bench first gets to punish the loser."

"How did I know you'd throw a twist to it?" He smirks.

"Because it's more fun that way." Wade also smiles.

"Alright, ready."

"Set, go."

They take off quickly, Peter was ahead but wade was gaining speed.

"I can't wait to make you do something stupid." Peter yells behind him.

"We'll see about that." Wade yells at him, and pushed faster.

They run side by side, going over a bridge and continued around the park.

Wade tried to push Peter, but his senses helped him avoid the others hand and side steps then pushed himself to go faster.

"That was a cheap move and you failed." Peter huffs.

"You got some good reflexes for someone who doesn't play sports."

Peter hoped he wouldn't read too into it, but that couldn't bother him now he had a race to win.

He could see the bench that wade was sitting on at the front of the park, wade was behind him he was going to win.

He touched the bench and falls onto it, breathing heavily.


"I win." Peter claims victory.

"Damn you're fast." Wade falls to the ground defeated.

"Haha I know."

"Oh, someone is cocky." Wade gets up and looms over Peter, who was laying on the bench.

"You just knew you'd beat me?"

"Yes, please move, you're too close." He pushed him away with a blush on his cheeks.

"Fine, so what's my punishment?"

Peter thought for a moment, something embarrassing would be funny but he was kind of hungry after wasting his energy.

"Um, buy me food."

"Sounds like a plan, I'm hungry after that run. Anywhere you want to go?" Wade agreed.

"Anywhere that is good, I can eat just about anything."


They walk silently for a few blocks, Wade doesn't tell Peter where they are going and Peter didn't ask, he was too busy being curious and looking at the scars the alpha had.

When his mouth got the better of him and spoke,

"How did you get these?"

"It's a long story, and I don't think you want to hear it."

"They kind of remind me of that guy deadpool. He has scars too."

"Ha I wish I was cool like deadpool." He had a nervous sweat down his neck.

[you are deadpool dumbass.] said the voice in his head.

"Shut up." He whispered.

"What?" Peter looked up at him.

"Nothing, what were you saying?"

"Um, why would you want to be like deadpool? he's a bad guy who kills people."

"Where did you hear that from?" Wade got defensive.

"Um, it's on the news, and I've ran into him before He's kind of weird." Peter flinched back, worried about upsetting him.

"Well maybe you just don't have all the information, plus it's New York, everyone is weird here."

"I guess you're right. So where are we going?"

"Right here."

Peter looks up at the sign and read, Olive Garden.

"I love their breadsticks." Said wade.

"I do too."

They go inside and get seated by the hostess, who smiles softly at them.

"Your waitress will be right with you."

"Thank you." They said in unison.

"So, are you a fan of deadpool?" Peter asked.

"You could say that. He's not as bad as the news likes to make him look."

"I guess I understand, the media still hates on Spider-Man yet everyone loves him."

"Exactly, you must be a fan of Spider-Man." He smirks.

"Well yeah, who wouldn't be?" He knew the conversation needed to change before he said something he would regret.

"Sorry for the wait, can I get your drinks?" The waitress came up and asked.

"Water with lemon please." Said Peter.

"Strawberry lemonade." Said wade.

Soon they order food, and once it came out the conversation dulled down as they ate delicious nutrients.

Wade would steal glances at Peter every so often, quickly looking away before he got caught.

Peters phone suddenly went off, "sorry."

"Hi aunt May."

"Sorry I didn't tell you, I'm actually out eating right now."

"Um, with a new friend, I met the other day."

Wade couldn't help the small smile creep on his face, he liked hearing friend.

He didn't hear the rest of what Peter was saying, too busy blissfully dreaming about being close with the omega.

"Wade, hey." He taps the table to get his attention.

"Huh, yeah?"

"I'll have to go home after this."

"Awe but it's still early."

"I know, but my aunt wants me home to help her with some stuff." He felt guilty for lying to him but he still had to protect the city. That's a never ending, no day off responsibility.

"Okay. But this was nice right?" He said flirtatiously.

"Yeah, let's do it again."

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