《Our Love Has No End》Prologue


*yaawwnn* Zhou Ning is currently writing a theisis on the history of the guqin for his chinese class. Although he usually skips that class, the professor started to nag for hours like one of those doting aunties. Hey, theres nothing wrong with the class or the professor, she is a really chill person and all, but it's soooo boring. (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ The only reason why he is doing this is because 1) he likes to play instruments and the guqin just happens to be one of them and 2) Any more nagging and he'll start to hear ringing in his ears.

The lights are already out since it's currently 12:00 am and Zhou Ning has early classes so he decided to go to sleep.

*ring**ring* Zhou Ning's peach blossom eyes groggily opened as he practically threw the alarm clock across the room

"Ugh, got to replaced the clock...again" Zhou Ning went and did the usual hygiene, threw on the first set of clothes he saw, grabbed a piece of toast, and ran out of the dorms as he was nearly late.

"Hey Zhou Ning, whats up?!" His childhood friend and cousin, Zhou Jian yelled as he catched up to Zhou Ning."Geez, you got the be more careful, who knows if a creepy pedophile will come out of know where and kidnap you."

"Who in the world would want to kidnap me?" Zhou Ning said in a skeptical tone.

Zhou Jian looks at Zhou Ning in utter shock, "Have you not looked at a mirror before!?!?"

Zhou Ning despite what he thinks, has looks that can make a model jealous. Zhou Jian suddenly pulled out his phone and searched up the school website, "My dear Zhou Ning... you are literally voted as the number one beauty on campus, who wouldn't want to kidnap you?"


"Haha very funny, lets hurry to class so we won't have to hear professor Li's "lecture" stated Zhou Ning.

After class Zhou Ning was feeling slightly hungry so he decided to go to a cafe across the streets. Zhou Jian said he had club activities so he wasn't able to come along.

The crosswalk lights turned white indicating people to walk. As Zhou Ning was half way across the street, a truck driver that was noticeably driving dangerously crashed into Zhou Ning killing him instantly. It all happened so fast that Zhou Ning wasn't able to dodge quickly enough.

The last thing Zhou Ning saw before he drifted into the darkness was people screaming and an ambulance.

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