《You Have No Idea, My Dear Alpha》•33•


•Mara's POV•

I hear the soft classical music through the doors, yet I don't make a move to enter. Behind the large wooden doors I face are more than a thousand werewolves.

Alright, so I said I was ready. But that was before Mandy told me that not only was my pack going to be out there, but all neighbouring packs will be too.


I sigh and turn around walking over to Mandy and Layla, "So, let me just go over this, one more time." I say.

Mandy rolls her eyes, "Mara, we've been over this, like fives times already."

"Please, just one more." I reply.

She sighs, "Fine."

"Okay," I say seriously, "So you guys will be standing out that door," I point to the doors, "And when my name is called, which I should hear with my tiger hearing, you will open the doors and I'll step out. People will cheer, blah blah, I'll make my way to the stage where Ryder will be waiting."

Layla nods, "And when you're up there?" She asks.

"I smile and support Ryder, hug when needed to be hugged and repeat the lines when needed to be repeated." I say almost automatically.

"See?" Mandy says, "You're fine."

I take a deep breath and nod, "Okay."

Mandy gives me a supportive smile, "Alright, Ryder's been called. Listen closely girl, good luck."

I weakly smile back, "Hey," Layla says, "I'll be right behind you."

They hug me and slip through the doors.

I walk up to them in my red heels and smooth out my dress, making sure I won't trip over it when I walk.

'Wow, did you think a few months ago that we'd be here?' Snow asks.

I smile and shake my head, 'Not even in my dreams.'

'I'll be with you.' She says.

'Thanks Snow.' I reply.

"So, I'd like to introduce my mate and the Dark Moon's Luna. Samara Banks." I hear Ryder say.

'Here we go.' I say to Snow.

'Here we go.' She repeats.

The doors pull open and the dimming suns last shine of light fills my eyes, it takes me a while to ajust to my surroundings, all I hear is a round of applause and a lot of cheering.

I put on a smile and walk onto the grass, through the gap that has been made to the stage. When I look up I see Ryder on the stage, smirking at me as I walk down, Layla behind me.

"Why does every ceremony feel like a wedding?" Ryder mind-links me.

I smile and look down to refrain myself from laughing, "I'll agree on you with that."


"At least we'll be prepared for the real thing." He says.

I look up and stare into his eyes, this time his expression soft yet serious.

I slowly smile as I approach the stage, pulling my dress up a little from the ground so I can go up the stairs.

When I look up, Ryder is in front of me and smiles, pulling me to him and giving me a kiss on my temple. A loud round of applause and a few 'aws' go through the crowd and I really hope my makeup is enough to cover my blush.

He leads me to a chair situated in the middle of the stage and I take a seat.

Ryder sits in the chair next to mine and takes my hand, entwining our fingers together.

Ryder's dad steps up and the crowd goes silent.

"Thank you all for coming today, I don't know about you, but I've been waiting for this day ever since Ryder was born." He begins.

I give Ryder a smile.

"We have come across many obstacles, some bad, some good." He looks at me, "And we welcomed this amazing girl into our lives, our pack, and our family. Samara, it's great to have you on board, I know you'll make a very kind and strong Luna to our pack."

The crowd applauses and I smile at Harry.

He turns back to the audience, "And I would now like to resign from my duty of Alpha of the Dark Moon Pack, and hand it to my son, Ryder Jackson."

Ryder stands up and so do I.

"Ryder, do you agree to lead this pack? To care for it, take risks for it, and vow to protect it. Do you agree to be Alpha of the Dark Moon Pack?" Harry asks.

"I agree." Ryder replies.

Harry turns to me.

"And Samara, do you agree to assist Ryder to lead this pack? To care for it, show affection for it, and be strong for it. Do you agree to be Luna of the Dark Moon Pack?" He asks.

I nod, "I agree."

Harry turns back to the crowd.

"Then I hereby introduce to you, your new Alpha and Luna. Alpha Ryder Jackson and Luna Samara Banks, leaders if the Dark Moon Pack." Harry says.

The crowd errupts into cheers and claps, waving and smiling. I return the waves and smiles, as Ryder looks over his pack.

Harry starts to motion to the crowd to quiet down, when the do, I still hear the faint rhythm of another.




Harry frowns and I search around for the source of the clapping.

I person steps into the gap where I walked down, wearing a hat, trench coat and sunglasses.


They're trying to disguse themselves, but I know that smirk anywhere.

"What are you doing here?" I ask sharply.

He doesn't reply, just stands exactly where he is.

"Mara, do you know him?" Ryder asks.

"Oh yes, I know him alright." I reply sourly, "And I think you'll find you know him too."

The smirk from his face drops and one appears on mine.

"Nice try, Cam." I say.

The crowd gasps, well our pack does anyway, most of them knowing who he is.

He takes off his glasses and hat and throws them on the ground, starting to walk slowly towards us.

"Well, don't you look nice Luna? If I'd know it was a special occasion, I would have dressed up more." He smirks.

I curl my lips, "You're not welcome here."

He stops walking and shows fake hurt, a hand flying to his heart, "Oh, and here I thought my invitation got lost."

I take a step forward, but Ryder grabs my arm, "What are you doing?" He asks.

"I need to handle this Ryder." I say seriously, looking him straight in the eyes.

"I can't risk you getting hurt." He replies.

"I'm a big girl, I need to do this." I say.

He sighs and lets go of my arm, surprising, "Fine. But I'm going with you."

I nod and turn back to Cam, "Get off my land." I say sturnly.

"Darling, I've been on your land for a while now." He retorts.

"Well you've overwelcomed your stay." I reply.

"I don't believe I'm on holiday." He smirks.

I intake a breath and take a step down the stairs.

"What are you going to do Luna?" He asks.

"What am I going to do? I don't think I'm going to do anything." I reply.

I take another step down.

"Are you afraid of what I can do to you? I would have thought that after the last couple of times you would have gotten the message." He says.

I get to the bottom and point a finger at him accusingly, "There was no need to bring Trent into this."

I chorus of whispers travels through the crowd.

He smirks, "I did warn you."

"He was about to die! You're sick Cam! You disgust me!" I shout.

We're still a good ten metres away from each other, yet I am a little hesitant to move forward.

He laughs, "You know, you and your Alpha did have me fooled for a bit there. I actually thought that fight was real. But then when I saw you the next day at school, I realised how foolish I had been."

I scoff, "You're not foolish Cam. You're selfish, mean, unkind and uncaring. You don't care about anyone, you have no good emotion left inside of you. You're hollow, hollow and empty."

I didn't realise I was travelling forward until I notice the distance between us getting smaller and smaller.

He huffs, "You're right, I don't care. But do you know what? Everything I'm doing is right. I don't need to please anyone, I don't need to worry about anyone, and I certainly don't need to care about anyone."

"Then answer me on this," I say, looking him straight in the eye, "Do you think Claire would be happy with what you're doing right now?" I ask.

He growls and steps forward, almost eliminating any space left between us, "Don't bring Claire into this."

I narrow my eyes, "So you do care about her then?" I ask.

He curls his lips but before he can do anything, Ryder steps forward and pushes him back, stepping in front of me in a defending manner.

"Leave." Ryder demands.

"No." Cam retorts.

Ryder growls loudly.

Suddenly there's a scream and I look onto the stage to see Mandy up there, I notice Torah behind her but that's not the only thing I notice. I see Torah has her arm around Mandy's neck, holding a knife to her throat.

I walk towards Torah slowly, "Torah, you don't want to do this." I say.

She smirks, just like Cam, "I did it to Trent, don't you think I can do it to her?" She asks.

I stop, "You. You did that to him! How could you?" I ask.

She just laughs evilly, "Don't you see Luna? Not everyone gets happy endings."

Cam strides past us and jumps onto the stage. He turns and looks at us.

"Here's the deal. I give you back Mandy if you give me what I want." He states.

"What is it that you want Cam? We can't give it to you if you don't tell us." I reply.

He looks at me, "That's because I've been waiting for this moment to tell you." He replies.

"What do you want?" Ryder asks.

He smirks and looks around before his eyes cast to me.

"Your Luna."



So I have a couple of things to say.

First is this chapter is dedicated to @LiveWILD143. Thank you for all the messages!

Second I need to tell you about this really awesome book that my friend has written! It's her first book and if you're in to sci-fi or just want to try something different you HAVE to check it out.

She's an amazing writter and the books called 'Xaliburgh' and her account is @Eletee.

Okay, please vote and comment and check out that book! You won't regret it.

Thanks! xx

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