《You Have No Idea, My Dear Alpha》•6•


•Mara's POV•

The rest of the week went passed smoothly. I was expecting something from Ryder, some payback of some sort, but there wasn't anything. He was acting normal around me, holding me to him, whispering things in my ear.

But, he hasn't asked me on a date or anything yet. And I know I believe him about me being different to him, but there is a voice in the back of my head telling me he might dump me like of the rest of the girls he's used.

I stare at the ceiling as I lay in my comfortable bed, the morning sun breaking through the blinds where they don't meet.

I sigh and sit up, running a hand through my honey blonde hair. It's so long now, I remember when I was twelve and I decided I wanted my hair to be like Rapunzels. I've only gotten small trims from then on and it's now down a little past my belly button.

I go to the bathroom and take a relaxing shower, I wash my hair and use my favourite body wash before hopping out and applying some light make-up and blow drying my hair.

I feel like today is going to be a little warm, so I put on one of my favourite summer dresses. It has a pretty floral pattern all over it and has a well-fitted torso, about three done-up buttons go down my chest in the same pattern and the dress flows out at the bottom.

I smile at the girl in the reflection and make my way downstairs.

"Morning dear," Mum greets, "There's a letter addressed to you on the kitchen counter."

"Morning mum, thanks." I smile and make my way to the sweet smelling breakfast.

When I enter the kitchen, dad is making his signiture waffles.

"Yes! Waffles!" I fist pump the air.

Dad laughs, "It's our first saturday here, I thought we'd celebrate a little."

I see the letter with a neaty scribbed:


I frown a little as I pick it up, who would send me this?

I open the envelope and pull out the letter.

Hello Samara.

It starts, who uses my full name?

I need to talk to you about something.

Meet me at Sal's Diner at noon.


Okay, quite demanding, but interesting. I'm guessing it's Ryder due to the 'R'.

I look at the time and see it's only nine.

As I'm waiting for dad to cook the waffles, I grab my iPhone and decide to browse through my Facebook.

I have a few notifications and some likes, but I click on the personal message I have from that girl, Jessica.

Why is she messaging me?

I shrug and look when it loads.

Jessica: Okay, here's the deal, slut. You stay away from Ryder or you'll be sorry for the rest of your miserable little life.

Is she seriously still going on about that? I scoff and type back a message.

Me: I can do what I please, thanks. Last time I checked, you weren't my mother.

I go to put down my phone, but a notification stops me.

Jessica: Oh, you're so asking for it now.

I sigh and put down the phone, I think it's best if I just leave it at that.

Dad puts a plate of mouthwatering waffles in front of me and I instantly dig in.


"So, what's the plan for today?" Dad asks, as mum comes in to find her plate of waffles.

I shrug, "I think I'm meeting Ryder at the diner where I went with Mandy to meet her friends."

Mum and dad share a look, "Are you and Ryder dating?" Mum asks.

"What? No. We're just friends, good friends." I shake my head.

Dad turns around, but I see his smirk.

Mum giggles like a teenager, "Whatever you say."

I give them a look and push my now-empty plate away from me.

"Goodbye." I roll my eyes and walk up to my room.

Gosh, they can be annoying.


I decide to walk to the diner, since it's only a few minutes away and I don't fell like driving mum and dad's car.

When I walk in, I don't see Ryder anywhere so I sit and wait. I look at the clock on the wall and notice I'm a little early.

I start scanning the menu when I feel a presence lingering near my table.

I look up, expecting to see messy, light brown hair and bright green eyes.

But instead they are met with dark blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.

I look and the boy in front of me for a second before gasping a little.


He smirks, "You remember my name. Can I sit?" He gestures to the seat in front of me.

I nod and watch him sit down.

"You're the one who sent me the letter?" I ask.

"Yeah, about that. I came here to talk to you about something." He frowns a little.

"Okay, sure." I reply.

As he is about to continue the waitress comes and takes our orders.

"So, shoot." I say after she leaves.

"I know what you are." He says.

"What?" I ask, frowning. I take my glass and bring it to my lips.

"I know that you're the tiger." He purses his lips.

I choke on my water and cough a bit.

"H-how?" I stutter, my eyes still a little watery from the coughing.

He clears his throat, "Well, I was one of the hunters that was with dad when we saw the tiger, or you. When you ran, dad ordered us to split up to see if we can get it. I went the way towards the houses, I was coming towards one when I saw the tiger, I was about to shoot it when all of a sudden it crouched down and turned into you.

"I was shocked and surprised. I didn't know what to do or think, so I pretended I didn't see you and decided to confront you about it later. Then next time I went to see you, you had already taken off and moved." He finishes.

I just look at him as our food comes.

The lead hunter's son knows.


We sit in silence as we eat our food, I guess Ryan realised I need to process it all.

Once we finish I speak up.

"You can't tell anyone." I whisper.

He looks at me, "I know." He replies.

I look up at him, "You do?"

He nods, "I guess I would want to keep it a secret too."

I feel a vibration in my back pocket and shuffle a little to get it out.


I open the message from Ryder.

Come to my house, ASAP.

Aw, he added a kiss.

I look back up to Ryan.

"I need to go, how long are you staying for?" I ask.

"I leave at noon tomorrow." He replies.

I nod, "I'll meet you in the main park at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. Sound good?" I ask.

"Yep, see you then Samara."

"Please, call me Mara." I smile.

"Alright, bye." He waves.

I nod, "Bye Ryan."

The lead hunter's son knows.


As I walk up the driveway, I start to realise how bad this is. Also, Snow isn't helping by begging to go on a run.

I knock on the door, but nobody answers.

I push on the handle and the door opens a little. I shrug and slowly push is all the way.

The lead hunter's son knows.

I start breathing heavily as the realisation sinks in deeper.

"Ryder?" I sigh in frustration.

He asks me to come over 'As soon as possible' and he's not even here.

The door is still open behind me and I suddenly hear shuffling from the hallway.

"Attack!" Someone shouts.

I stood frozen as something lurches at me, it hits my shoulder and slides down my arm. I notice it was water-bomb. But this water-bomb wasn't full of water, no, it was full of raw egg.

Raw egg.

Suddenly a whole heap are thrown at me and I just close my eyes shut, not even defending myself.

Because, even though I'm being hit with water-bombs full of raw egg. The only think going through my mind is.

The lead hunter's son knows.

When the attacks finally stops, the room is full of laughter. I open my eyes and see all my friends doubled over in hysterics.

But I just stare at the window to my side.

"That. Was. Great!" Mandy says through laughs.

Everyone calms themselves and wipes their eyes, they turn to me, probably expecting me to my glaring at them, but frowns form on their faces when they see me staring emotionless out the window.

"Mara?" Ryder steps forward.

I turn my eyes to him.

"I need to go." I whisper and turn around, running out the door and into the forest.

Snow needs to be let out and I need to get away for a moment.

I hear shouts of my name behind me, but I just keep running. When I feel I'm deep enough in the forest I shift and walk at a fast pace until I'm on top of a large hill.

When I see a giant tree, I climb a it and lay on a branch that sticks out horizontally from the trunk. I look out at the never ending forest, so peaceful yet so full of life.

I swing my tail back and forth as I use my front paws to steady my tiger body on the branch.

I smell a weird scent in the distance, but shrug it off.

Then I hear footsteps very close and turn my head to see six giant wolves approaching. They haven't spotted me yet, but if they attack, I'm pretty confident I can take them.

I just watch as they get closer, suddenly the one leading, the biggest wolf, tilts it's head up and spots me. I swear it's eyes widened for a second.

Like it sent a telepathic message to the other wolves, they look up at the same time too.

I just stare at the biggest one, the leader obviously. It has jet black fur and has a sense of dominace that I just can't place my finger on, it's extremely bright green eyes have flecks of blue through out them and they are just magical to look at.

They kind of remind me of Ryder's eyes, but these ones are too bright and have the blue in them.

As they just look at me, I decide to test their friendliness.

I jump down from the tree swiftly and gracefully, walking towards them, they puff out their chests in a defensive manner.

I stop when I am a few feet away from the black wolf. There is something calming about it that I can't put my finger on.

He bows his head a little, and the other wolves follow.

Okay, this is a little weird. When they return to normal, I nod my head and take off towards the outskirts of the town, I don't really want to lead them to the actual town.

But I keep seeing that black wolf in my mind.

For some reason, I just feel connected to it somehow.

•Ryder's POV•

I don't understand why Mara took off after we pulled the prank on her. Something was obviously on her mind that was putting her off, as soon as she ran I ordered the others to follow me and we started calling her name as we ran after her.

Man, she was fast.

Soon, I mind-linked the others to shift. It was the best way to track her if we were in our wolf forms.

I suddenly loose her scent, and start panicking.

"Don't worry Alpha, we'll find her." Josh mind-links me.

"We better." I reply.

I pick up a different scent and follow it, my pack following my lead.

As I enter a small clearing on the top of a large hill, I search around for the smell. When I feel someones eyes on me, I look up and stare into beautiful amber eyes with radiant flecks of gold throughout them. White fur, like snow, covers the tiger. Black stripes wrap around it's powerful body like tenticles.

"The Monster Tiger." I mind-link the others.

The look up and I hear a few 'holy craps' and 'Oh my gods'.

I smile a little at Josh's comment, 'Gold'.

I know he's referring to the money.

The tiger jumps down from the tree perfectly and approaches me, I stand my ground as it comes, it's the same size as me so I puff my chest to look bigger. It looks at me and I realise the power radiating off it.

I find myself bowing my head and I feel my other members do the same. The tiger holds my gaze for a second and nods before running off, near the outskirts of town.

But I just keep seeing the tiger in my mind.

For some reason, I just feel connected to it somehow.



Yay another chapter :)

I had to finish this in a but of a rush so sorry if there are any errors.

I don't have anything else to say really, so tune in!

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