《Alpha and His Luna》Chapter 26
Laura pov.
''Do you like this one?'' Emma asked. I shook my head and she held another up. No.
''How about this one?'' Jane asked. No. How can people like that?
''Come on choose already! We only have few hours left until the ceremony!'' Emma said annoyed.
''But I don't like any of them!'' I shoot back. How can I wear something that I don't like?
Yesterday, after the meeting, Emma came and asked me if I have something to wear for the ceremony today. We looked through my closet and didn't find anything. Emma said that we need to go shopping for dresses. I was really happy about that.
Emma and I last went shopping when we had a girls day. That was weeks ago! We used to love shopping together. No we still love shopping!
We asked Ross if it was okay and he said that we have to bring guards with us. I instantly picked Carter, Oliver and Daniel. They were really funny.
Ross gave me his credit card, but I argued with him. I didn't want to spend his money. I have my own, but he said that what's his, is mine. After ten minutes of arguing I finally gave in and he won.
Now Emma, Jane and I were shopping for dresses for the ceremony, what was five hours away. Every dress that they shoved me, I denied.
We already found Jane's and Emma's dress. Jane's dress was black that ended just above her knees. It was tight and on the shoulders there were little rhinstones.
Emma's dress was simple and purple that was free and loose.
''There is nothing in this shop let's go somewhere else.'' I said and they nodded. We walked out of the shop and the guys groaned. I laughed and we went to another shop.
''We need to find a dress that shoves that you are the white wolf and that symbolizes your powers too.'' Emma said looking through some clothes.
I nodded, looking at some clothes too, ''That is a good idea, but there is nothing.''
''How about this one?'' Jane asked. I turned around and gasped. It was perfect.
It was a white, loose dress that went all the way down. At the end it was blue, symbolizing water. Under the breast's it was red, symbolizing the fire. It was perfect.
''Perfect.'' I said happy and the girls smiled. I grabbed the dress and went into the changing room to put it on. It fit me perfectly. It was like the dress was meant for me.
I walked out and the girls screamed happy. I smiled and twirled around.
''It's perfect.'' Jane said and Emma nodded.
''You look amazing.'' Emma said.
''Come on. We have to go back to the pack house to get ready.'' Jane said and I nodded. I quickly went back in the changing room to change.
I walked out, paid for the dress and we went home.
Like the last time we went home, the boys were telling some funny jokes and embarrassing memories of themselves. I was crying from the laughter, so were Jane and Emma.
''No I didn't!'' Carter shoot back at Oliver, who was laughing his ass off.
''Yes you did!! Your face was full of mud!'' Oliver said and started to laugh more probably remembering the scene. How I wish I was there to see it.
One year ago Carter liked a human girl. She was really shy and quiet. He was practical 'In love' with her, how Daniel said. Anyway... one day he wanted to ask the girl out. It was a rainy day. He went to the girl from behind and poked her shoulder. The girl got scared and shoot her arm back, witch contacted with his face with a lot of force. She knocked Carter down and he landed face first in the mud.
''Was not!'' Carter shoot back. Oliver smirked and took his phone from his pocket.
''Really want proof?'' Oliver asked, smirking. Carter went pale. I started to laugh more with the girls.
''You wouldn't.'' Carter said scared.
''Watch me.'' Oliver said and shoved us the photo. I started to laugh so hard and laud that people out of our car could hear me and everybody else. Daniel was trying not to laugh hard because he was driving, but his laughter came anyway.
''I'm going to call you mud-face now!'' I tried to say, still laughing. Carter smiled at the picture, he laughed at himself too. I mean who wouldn't!
After we calmed down, Carted said something embarrassing about Oliver and we started to laugh again. These tree guys are the funniest werewolves ever!
When we reached home, my stomach and cheeks were hurting from all the smiling and laughing. Walking to the pack house, some of us still were giggled. I looked at Emma and she was red just like Jane, from all the laughing. I probably wasn't better.
When we walked in some looked at us weirdly. I gave them a smile witch hasn't left my face yet. We walked in the kitchen were Ross and James were talking.
I walked up to Ross and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. He smiled when he saw me and put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer.
''Why are you so happy?'' he asked us, while the girls and boys sat down at the table.
''What? We can't be happy?'' I asked teasing.
''No, of course you can. I was just curious.'' Ross said, kissing my cheek.
''Your guards are the best!'' I said and he growled.
''Mine.'' he whispered and I rolled my eyes.
''Yeah, yeah I'm yours and your mine. Stop saying that.'' I said. Stupid boy ruined my laughter.
''Then stop talking about other boys being better that me.'' he said and pulled me closer.
''I didn't say they were better that you, you idiot.'' I said and sat down on a chair next him.
''Hey! Are you saying that the boring Alpha is funnier that us?'' Oliver asked, faking that he was hurt.
''Hey! I'm not boring!'' Ross shoot back at him.
''That's not what I heard.'' Oliver whispered, but so we could hear. Ross growled and looked at me.
''What? Why are you looking at me?'' I asked, acting innocent.
''You think I'm boring?'' Ross asked me. I slowly nodded my head. Ross leaned down to my ear and whispered so I only could hear what he was telling me, ''Why don't I shove you how boring I am tonight after the ceremony?''
I instantly blushed and jumped off the chair, ''Come on girls why don't we go get ready?''
Ross started to laugh and I blushed more. Emma and Jane looked at me confused, but I just shook my head and we went to my room.
''Get ready for tonight baby.'' Ross said in the mind link.
''As if.'' I said back and blocked him out of my mind.
''What was that about downstairs in the kitchen?'' Jane asked. I just shook my head.
''No time for that. We have to get ready for the ceremony.'' I said and took my dress from the bag to put it on the bed. I walked in the bathroom and took a short shower.
After I was finished, I put on a robe and walked out and saw that Emma was only sitting in my bed in a robe too.
''Where is Jane?'' I asked her. Coming to the bed and sitting down.
''She went to her room to shower. I already shower and now I'm waiting for you too. Well now only for Jane.'' she said and I nodded, ''You know I'm going to do your makeup right? And Jane your hair?''
''And who is going to do your hair and makeup?'' I asked her confused.
''No one...This is your day so we are going to do your hair and makeup. Me and Jane will do it ourselves our makeup and hair.'' She said.
''But that's not fair.'' I said arguing back.
''Yeah it is! This is your and Harry's day! Not mine or Jane's. You two are joining the pack!'' she said.
''Fine, but promise that I will do your hair and makeup at your wedding day with James.'' I said and smirked when Emma looked down and blushed.
''Who said we are getting married?'' she whispered, still looking down.
''Oh come on like you two wouldn't get married. I just know that you both will get married just like Jane and Harry will someday!'' I said smirking, but my smirk soon faded and was replaced with a blush.
''And when are you and Ross getting married?'' she asked, her blush has disappeared.
''We aren't getting married.'' I whispered.
''Yeah I just know that someday this year Ross will ask you to be his wife.'' Emma said, just as Jane walked into the room.
''Who is asked who to be their wife?'' she asked.
''Ross will ask Laura someday this year to marry him.'' Emma said.
''How do you know?'' she asked confused.
''I just know.'' she said and bumped my shoulder, wiggling her eyebrows at me. I just glared at her. She laughed and fell back to the bed.
''Okay end the chit-chat and start getting ready.'' Jane said. Going to my mirror and signaling me to go sit in the chair that was in front of it.
''Oh and I'm doing your makeup at and hair at your wedding too.'' I said and she blushed.
''No I'm doing her makeup! You are doing her hair!'' Emma said and came to stand next to me, grabbing the makeup bag. I only nodded and they started to work on me.
After an hour they were finally finished. I looked in the mirror and gasped. I looked amazing. I had beach waves and my makeup look natural. My eyes looked bigger and my face looked like baby's skin. I smiled at thanked them.
''Thank you I look amazing.'' I said and then pulled back.
''No need to thank us.'' Jane said, ''Now go put on the dress. Emma and I are going to go get ready ourselves.''
I nodded and they walked out. I looked at the clock. An hour till the ceremony.
I walked to the dress and put it on. I was trying to get the zipper up, but couldn't. Why can't I zip it up now, but at the store I could?
''Need some help?'' A husky voice, that sent shivers down my spine, asked from behind. I looked behind me and saw Ross leaning against the door frame, looking at me with lust and love in his eyes. He was wearing black suite and boy did he look sexy in it. Me wolf howled in me, seeing her mate dressed like that
''Y-Yes.'' I whispered and turned back around so I could hide the blush.
Ross came to stand behind me and slowly pulled the zipper up. Too slowly. When the zipper was up, he still kept his hands on my back and kissed my shoulder.
''So beautiful'' he whispered against my shoulder. I blushed more and he spun me around. I still kept my head down so he wouldn't see the blush on my face. I probably looked like a tomato now.
He slowly put his hands under my chin and pulled my head up so I was looking in his eyes.
''Don't hide that beautiful face of yours.'' he whispered and put his forehead against mine. I didn't speak. I couldn't. There were no words to say.
He kissed my lips, but pulled away too fast for my liking. I glared at him and kissed him again. This time we kissed longer, but pulled away again because someone just had to come in here.
I glared at James as he walked in. He chuckled and gave me an apologizing smile, ''Sorry''
''What do you want James?'' Ross asked, not looking at him, but in my eyes.
''We have to go.'' he said and I nodded. He walked out of our room and Ross gave me one last kiss before we walked out and downstairs.
When we were down I saw Jane in her dress by Harry side. They were whispering thing to each other and Jane giggled. They are such a cute couple.
Emma was standing next to James. James had his arms around her waist. They also were talking, but not like Harry and Jane.
I looked around the room confused. Where was Aiden? Like reading my mind Ross answered my question. He probably did read it. Jerk.
''Aiden's already there, getting everything ready and I'm not a jerk!'' Ross said, glaring at me.
''Keep telling yourself that.'' I mumbled, but he hear me and glared at me, again.
''Ready?'' Ross asked, when he looked away from me.
''Yeah, let's go.'' James said and we walked out the house and to the cars. Ross and I are driving alone in Ross's car while the others are driving in James's car.
We were driving to field in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence. I was looking out the window while Ross was driving.
I couldn't stop thinking about the ceremony. What If I slip and fall down? What if I barf? What if I get sick and I throw up? What if the pack doesn't like me? What if-
''Stop thinking negative!'' my wolf yelled in my head, ''Non off that will happen!''
''How do you know?''
''I just know... Now stop thinking negative! You're getting me nervous.'' she said and blocked me out. I sighed. She is probably right.
''I'm always right!'' she yelled in my head and again blocked me out. Such a nice wolf.
I looked around and didn't even realize that we were at the field.
''Ready?'' Ross asked when he opened the door and helped me out, taking my hand in his.
''I guess.'' I whispered. He smiled and kissed my lips.
''Don't worry you are going to do great and they are going to love you. They already do.'' Ross said with proudness in his voice. I nodded and we started to walk.
We walked behind the stage that the guards build. I saw Harry walk towards us and he nodded at Ross. Ross nodded back and then looked at us.
''Everyone is hear. Let's start'' he said and both me and Harry nodded. Ross walked on the stage and me and Harry stayed back.
''Welcome... We are gathered here today to welcome two new werewolves in our pack. I know that you have hear that I have found my mate, your future Luna.'' Ross paused and looked around. Some people were gasping in surprise, some were just smiling, ''My sister too has found her mate. A lot of you have already seen my mate and Jane's mate walking around the pack house, but now all of you can see them. Let's welcome Harry Styles and your future Luna Laura Marano!''
Harry and I walked up the stairs to the stage. I looked at the crowed and saw Jane, Emma, James, Aiden, Carter, Oliver and Daniel at the front. They were smiling at me and Harry and I gave them a smile back.
We stopped few feet away from Ross. I guard came from behind Ross and gave him a knife. Ross signaled for Harry to walk forward. Harry walked forward and repeated what Ross said.
Ross cut Harry's palm open and then cut his own palm. They put their hands together so their blood would mix. Harry stepped back and bowed at Ross while pack cheered. Ross stood tall and didn't even move while Harry bowed. Harry walked back next to me and Ross looked at me. He smiled and signaled for me to walk forward.
I walked forward and stopped two feet away from him.
''Repeat after me'' he said in his Alpha voice, ''I, Laura Marano, The White Wolf and Future Luna of Black Night pack,''
''I, Laura Marano, The White Wolf and Future Luna of Back Night Pack'' I reapeted.
''Promise to protect the pack from all the danger,''
''Promise to protect the pack from all the danger,''
''Promise to help the members when they need help,''
''Promise to help the members when they need help,''
''Promise to be loyal and never lie,''
''Promise to be loyal and never lie,''
''Promise help the Alpha when it's needed,''
''Promise help the Alpha when it's needed,''
''And never turn against the pack.''
''And never turn against the pack.''
Ross nodded and took the knife again. I pull my hand up and he cut my palm open, just like he did with Harry's palm. He cut his palm open witch was healed from his last cut he did with Harry. He took my hand in his and let the blood mix together.
I felt something in my head pop in. I felt better, stronger and more powerful. My wolf howled from happiness. We were finally in Ross's pack.
Ross took his hand away and the cut heal immediately. Ross stepped back.
''Luna of Black Night Pack!'' Ross said and the pack bowed before they stood up again and cheered.
''I said that they would love you.'' Ross said in the mind link, ''Talk to them.''
''What?'' I yelled in the link scared.
''Don't be scared just be you and talk to them.'' Ross said and I nodded. Deep breaths Laura. Everything is going to be fine.
I walked forward and stopped where the microphone was. I took one last breath before talking, ''Hi'' I started nervous. They all stopped talking and were looking at me, ''I'm really happy to be a part of this amazing pack and to be your Luna. I promise that I will try to be the best Luna and help whenever I will be needed.'' I said and they cheered.
I smiled and walked backward until I felt Ross's arm's go around my waist and pull me against his chest. I smiled and he kissed me. I kissed back, smiling against his lips, while the pack cheered seeing us like this. When I pulled away I saw Jane running up the stairs to Harry who welcomed her with open arms and they kissed just like us.
This is the family that makes me happy. This iswere I belong. In Black Night pack. With my new friends. With my mate. With myRoss.
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