《Alpha and His Luna》Chapter 20


Laura pov.

I was packing and waiting for Ross in my room. He went to call his guards to come and get my bags.

This time I had three bags. I packed some clothes that I left here and one time this week me, Emma and Molly went shopping. So I have a lot of clothes.

I was putting in some new jeans when Ross came back and hugged me from behind me. I looked up at him and smiled, he smiled back.

''So...how long do you have to pack?'' he asked.

''Five more minutes.'' I said and he nodded. He let go of me and started to help me pack.

''So we are running back then?'' I asked him.

''Yeah, I said that they have to come for your bags now and that your parents will give them to them.'' Ross said while putting my clothes in my bag.

''Oh okay'' I said and put the last top in my bag and zipping it up.

''You said that it will take five minutes?'' Ross asked when he picked up my bag.

''You helped me so it went faster than I thought'' I said and he nodded, ''By the way where are you taking my bags?''

''I said that your parents will give our guards your bags, so I'm bringing them down.'' Ross said and opened the door for me.

''Oh okay'' I said and walked out of my room. Ross followed me and closed the door.

We went downstairs to the kitchen where my parents were.

''Hey mom?'' I asked when we entered.

''Yes sweetie?'' she asked and looked at me.

''Can you give these bags to Ross's guards when they get here?'' I asked her and sat down.

''Yes, but why?'' she asked.

''Me and Ross decided that we would ran back to the Black Night'' I said and she smiled.

''That's good, you haven't shifted in so long'' she said and I nodded.

''Yeah and we can't run with three bags so Ross called his guards and they are coming here right now.'' I said and she nodded.

''Okay I will give them the bags.'' she said.

''Thanks mom.'' I said with a smile, ''Hey where is dad?''

''He went to his office.'' she said and I nodded.

I walked upstairs and Ross stayed down with my mom.

''Hey.'' I said when I walked in dad office.

''Hey.'' he said.

''What are you doing?'' I asked him and sat down in the chair in front of his desk.

''Nothing, just looking at our old photos.'' he said.

''Why?'' I asked.

''Just wanted to remember the old times when you were my little princess.'' He said.

''Dad, I'm always going to me your little princess.''

''But the old princess always wanted to be by her dads side, but now she is growing up and moving away from me.'' he said and I stood up.

''Dad, just because I am growing up and moving away doesn't mean that I'm not your little princess, ''I said and walked to him, ''I'm always going to be your little princess no matter where I am. I'm always going to love you.''

''I love you too.'' dad said and hugged me.

''So...what did you want to tell me?'' dad asked when he pulled away.

''I was going to tell you that we are ready to go back'' I said and he nodded. He stood up and we walked downstairs.


We walked down and my mom and Ross were talking near the door. I gave Ross a smile and he smiled back. He thought that I was going to go to him, but I stayed with my dad. He understood and let me.

Mom came to my other side and hugged me.

''I wish Jack would be here'' I said, ''Not everyday we have this moment''

''Who said I'm not here?'' Jack asked when he opened the door. I smiled and he walked to us and hugged us.

''I love you guys.'' I said and a tear rolled down my cheek.

''We love you to.'' they said and hugged me tighter.

"Hey, hey. Don't forget about us!" Molly said when she walked in with Luke and Dylan by her side. They came over and hugged me and Jack. I giggled at them.

"How could I forget you losers." I said and Molly slapped my shoulder.

"Don't tell me you are leaving me here again with these losers." She said and I giggled while the boys growled at her.

"Sorry," I said between laughs.

''Let's go?'' he asked me when we pulled away. I nodded and went over to his side while he pulled close. We walked outside and I waved my family goodbye.

''I'll see you soon!'' I said with a smile.

''Bye!'' they all said with small smiles as well.

Me and Ross walked to the woods and I shifted and Ross went behind the three to take of his clothes and shift. When he came out of the woods I helped him put his clothes around his leg and then we started to run.

We ran side by side, but I wanted to have some fun, so I ran in front of him. He ran a little bit faster, so he was running beside me again, but again I ran in front and he growled. He ran faster again, but I took off running really fast. He growled and started to run after me.

By being a white wolf I was really fast, but him being an alpha means that he is fast too. He was catching up with me.

He jumped in the air and was about land on me, but I took a sharp turn to the left and ran away. I smirked when I saw him land on his head in the dirt. He growled and stood up and started to run after me again.

I ran to the beach taking sharp turns. He almost caught me again, but I jumped up. I started to run again.

When I reached the beach I stopped and looked to a place where I could hide.

The water!

I quickly ran to the water and jumped in. I could see something black in the sand looking around. I went deeper in the water so he wouldn't see me, but I could see him.

I saw him looking around and growl. I smirked and swam up. When he saw me he growled and ran towards me. When he reached me. He licked my ears and nudged me a little. I quickly swam away from him back to the sand and He followed me out the water. I laid down on the sand and Ross came next to me. He laid down and put his head on my back.

We couldn't talk. He hasn't marked me yet so we couldn't mind link each other.

I whimpered at that and Ross looked up at me. He locked my ears again, telling me that it's okay. I closed my eyes and let him lick my ears. I liked it. He nudged my head slightly, telling me that we should go. I growled at him but stood up anyway.


We started to run again.

I started to run away from him again. He growled realizing it was this game again. That's for waking me up!

He started to chase me and I giggled when he ran in a tree. He quickly jumped away from the tree and started to run again.

I looked behind me and saw that Ross wasn't there. I looked around confused and slowed down a little.

Suddenly someone jumped out of the trees and landed on me. I looked up and saw Ross smirking. He started to licked my face. I tried to wiggle out, but he stopped me from getting away.

I whimpered and he growled. He stood up and we started to run again, but this time I stayed my his side.

We ran for about two more hours until we finally reached Black Night's territory. Some guards were standing near the border. When they saw us they bowed and let us go past them.

While we were running I looked around. I haven't seen this place for a week.

How I missed it! The trees, lakes, everything.

When we reached the pack house, Ross went behind a tree and shifted. I didn't have to go behind a tree so I shifted there. I thought about some blue shorts and a yellow top.

I opened my eyes and waited for Ross.

He came out from behind the tree and we started to walk to the house while he put his arm around me. When we reached the door, Ross opened it and we walked in.

''Ross!'' Jane yelled, but I didn't see her, ''Where were you? We were worried sic-Laura?'' Jane asked shocked and then stated to run towards me to hug me, ''I've missed you so much!''

''I missed you too.'' I said and hugged her tighter.

''Jane? What are you yelling about?'' Harry said and walked out of the kitchen with Emma, James and Aiden.

''Laura!'' Emma yelled and run to me and hugged me, ''Your back!''

''Yup'' I said with a laugh and pulled her closer.

''Ross where have you been?'' James asked Ross and smiled at me. I gave him a smile back.

''I heard what the girls were talking about and ran to find Laura.'' He said and smiled at me.

''So your good now?'' Jane asked me, with hope in her eyes.

''Yes.'' I said and walked to Ross side. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer.

''This is great!'' Emma said and I laughed.

''Yeah it is!!'' Jane said, ''Let's go celebrate!''

''It's midnight!'' Aiden said.

''I know.'' Jane said.

''Are you not tired?'' Aiden asked and Jane shook her head.

''You know that I'm a night person'' she said and I smiled.

Jane never went early to bed, she always stood up until midnight or even longer. But mornings weren't her thing. She always slept for so long. I wonder if Harry is the same way...

''Yeah I know that.'' Aiden said rolling his eyes, ''I could hear you and your mate every night this week.''

Aiden's room was next to Jane's and Harry's room, so...

Jane looked down and blushed, while Harry smirked and pulled Jane in his side.

''Okay me and the girls will go to my room to talk and you guys can do whatever you want for an hour.'' Emma said and I looked at her.

''Why an hour?'' I asked.

''Because I'm not a night person like Jane over there, so I want to go to sleep, but I want to know everything that happened to you this week when I left.'' Emma said and I nodded.

''Great.'' Ross said with a sigh and I looked at him confused, ''Come back home and your mate is already taken away from you.''

''Hey, you will get her after an hour and then you can do anything you want with her.'' Jane said and Ross smirked, looking down at me.

''Oh no...no no no no no no no.'' I said and backed away from him, ''Why did you have to say that?''

''Say what?'' Jane asked.

''What you said! I wanted to sleep tonight'' I whined and looked at Ross who was smirking at me and walking closer.

''Oh...'' Jane said realizing what I was talking about, ''sorry''

''Yeah sorry isn't going to cut it'' I said and glared at her,'' Tonight I will have to deal with a perverted mate.''

''Sorry'' she said again with a smile.

''Come on guys let's go,'' Ross said with a smirk and winked at me. I gulped and looked at Jane and Emma.

''I won't get any sleep'' I mumbled. Emma just laughed with Jane and I glared at them.

''Okay, let's go. We have a lot to talk about.'' Emma said and we walked upstairs to her and James room.

We walked in and I sat down on the bed, while Emma sat next to me and Jane went to sit on the couch.

''So...What happened when I left?'' Emma asked.

''Nothing really,'' I said, ''but one thing that is awesome!''

''What is it?'' Jane asked.

''I found my second power!'' I said happy.

''OMG!!'' Jane yelled.

''What is it?'' Emma asked happy.

''Water'' I said proud.

''When? How?'' Jane asked.

''This morning when I went to the beach'' I said.

''How?'' Emma asked.

''The moon Goddess told me to concentrate on the water so I did. She said that I have to open my eyes and when I did, in front of me stood a water wall. I moved my hands to the left and up and the wall fallowed. I dropped my hands down and the wall disappeared.'' I explained to them.

''Wow'' they said together.

''And the best part is that I can breathe underwater!'' I said happy.

''Omg'' Emma said and I laughed, ''I'm so jealous of you right now.''

''Yeah me to'' Jane said.

''Hey at least you are a werewolf, but I'm just a human'' Emma said.

''Hey'' I said and they looked at me, ''I want to know what happened when I was gone''

''Oh...'' Jane said and blushed, ''Harry marked me and we finished the mating process''

''Really?'' I asked shocked.

''Yeah'' she said.

''We finished it also'' Emma whispered and looked down, blushing.

''You did?'' I asked shocked.

''Yeah'' she answered with a smile.

''So me and Ross are the only ones who haven't completed the matting process? Or even started it...'' I asked and they nodded.

''But not for long'' Jane said and I glared at her. I picked a pillow and threw it at her.

''Yeah thanks to you'' I said.

''Hey it isn't so bad. It's actually really good. When me and James did-'' Emma started to tell, but I quickly interrupted her.

''Noo! Stop talking I don't want to know what happened.'' I said and closed my ears. She just laughed.

After a while of talking, someone was knocking on the door and the door opened.

''Hey girls, time's over. Give me my mate!'' Ross said with a smirk.

''No, don't let the pervert take me'' I pleaded to the girls.

''Sorry Laura, but I want to go to sleep and James is coming here'' Emma said.

''Yeah and I want to go to sleep to.'' Jane said.

''Really? The one time when I really need help you want to go to sleep?'' I asked Jane.

''Sorry?'' she said smiling and walked out.

''Come on Laura let's go to bed.'' Ross said and James walked in.

''Yeah go to bed, because I want to go to sleep to.'' James said.

''Fine'' I said and walked out with a smirking Ross.

He followed me really close. I walked upstairs to our room and opened the door. I walked in and went to the closet to put Ross's shirt.

I walked out and Ross said, ''You know you could sleep naked. I wouldn't mind.''

''Pervert.'' I mumbled and went to my side of the bed.

''But you love that side of me.'' he said smirking while I climbed in and went under my covers.

''Yeah, that's what you think'' I mumbled and felt Ross arm go around me.

''What did you say?'' he asked and pulled me closer.

''Nothing,'' I said and closed my eyes.

''That's what I thought'' he said and put his head in my neck.

"Ross?" I asked and he looked up, "I found my second power."

"You did?" he asked me with a smile, "What is it?"

"Water." I answered him and he kissed me.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered when he pulled away, "So proud and lucky to be your mate."

"Because I am a White wolf?" I asked him a bit hurt.

"No, not because you are a White Wolf. I proud of being your mate because you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. You are smart, brave, funny, kind and so much more. I'm so thankful that The Moon Goddess choose you as my mate." He whispered to me with a smile while looking in my eyes, "I love you Laura. So so much."

"I love you too." I whispered and his eyes went wide. I blushed and pulled him closer so I could kiss him and hide my red cheeks from him. He growled at that and kissed me back.

"Say it again." He said when I pulled away.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I lo-" I said while giggling and he kissed me again.

"I could listen to that everyday for hours." He whispered to me when he pulled away and looked in my eyes. I giggled again.

"Who knew that the big bad Alpha could love." I said and he smiled.

"Only you. Only my mate."

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