《Walking Wet Dream》Dinner Night


The next night went well, she picked up Gage first who, truth be told she didn't think could look any better and yet managed to do just that in a crisp button down shirt and jacket paired with some jeans and loafers. Then add to that the cologne and she was in heaven.

At her next stop she picked up Josh and Mark who were looking just as wonderful. She blinked then her mind fell in the gutter, leaving her blushing before climbing out again.

"Wow you two look wonderful. I'm going to be the envy of every girl at the restaurant."

She took them to a steak place that was a little more upscale and as a result catered to a dressier set.

Since she had been driving no one had actually seen Jesse so when she got out she was met with a gasp, a whistle and a, "Wow you look hot."

The dress was a little black one that came to mid thigh, it wasn't skin tight or trashy though, it held the right amount of innocence and sex appeal all wrapped into one, paired with the three inch black heels. Her hair was pulled to the side and secured loosely on her shoulder with a black ribbon. Tendrils hung about her face. Tonight she had the added accent of makeup as well. Now typically her idea of makeup was a bit of powder, mascara and lip gloss. Tonight however she played up her eyes with dark shadow as her cheeks bloomed with a pale innocent pink, even as her lips shimmered with lip gloss. In short her makeup gave the same illusion as the dress.

Gage swallowed his desire while Josh openly gawked. Mark laughed watching Gage's face knowing his thoughts since Mark was having a few of his own. Damn but she did look amazing.

Offering his elbow he said quietly, "Shall we."

With a grin she took Mark's arm as they made their way inside.

The hostess' jaw dropped when she saw the three men, it took her a minute to gather her composure before asking for the party's name.

"I do believe she's beside herself just from looking at you three."

Josh smirked. Mark blushed, and Gage laughed then leaned in and whispered, "You have my permission to make her seethe with jealously."

Looking up at him she burst out laughing. "And how would I do that."

"Hmm." He looked at Mark, "Any ideas"?

"None that won't get us kicked out of here or arrested."

Jesse's eyebrows went up even as she tried to stifle a giggle. "Really?"

"We could make her think more is going on than what is really there."

Jesse had a permanent smile she was so giddy. "Hmm."

Josh nodded, "Oh we could definitely give her the wrong idea if you like?"

Jesse shrugged, "I am your date and at your mercy, do what you will with me?"

Gage's jaw nearly fell to floor.

"This is gonna be fun," Mark said rubbing his hands together while winking at Gage.


When the hostess was moving toward them, signaling that their table was prepared Mark was running his hands gently up and down Jesse's arms in a soothing manner. Then Josh slid beside her putting his hand on the small of her back to guide her behind the hostess.

"Mmm, you have warm hands," Jesse said watching the hostess flinch ahead of her.

Then as she was seating them Gage took the seat next to her placing his hand on her leg.

"Your waiter will take your order shortly." She stood staring a half-second longer than necessary when Jesse said, "Wonderful, my marines can build up quite an appetite.

The girl actually shivered then licked her lips before turning to leave.

"Wow Jesse, that poor girl will never be the same again."

"It's nothing more than the truth, I've seen you eat," she said looking at her menu.

Mark tilted his head in surprise. He gave Gage a silent look that said, 'Is she really that innocent'?

Gage's face said it all and left Mark without air for a moment.

The dinner was excellent, one of the best steaks Gage had ever had.

Josh was in awe of everything, but especially the food since his salary would never allow for such. Each bite of his steak was better than the last. "I think I'm in love."

"With who," Gage asked hesitantly?

He looked up reluctantly from his dinner to answer, "This steak. Have you ever tasted anything so wonderful?"

Mark patted his back, "I hope you two will be happy together."

Jesse beamed. "I'm so glad you like you it."

"Trust me Jess, your next in line after the steak for bringing me here."

"Nice to know I compare favorably," she said biting back laughter.

Mark grinned then noticed that Gage's hand never left Jesse's leg, well maybe long enough to cut his steak, but then it had returned, and she hadn't seemed to notice.

When dinner ended and the check was paid, Gage followed her through the restaurant past the hostess who watched them longingly and out the door.

"That was so much fun guys, thank you for coming."

"Uh Jesse, you paid for our ridiculously priced meal, we should be thanking you not the other way around."

She shrugged, "It was fun and I had a great time, so it doesn't really matter. Besides I never get to dress up and go out so it just sort of added something different to it. I really enjoyed the company and the hard work you did yesterday."

Mark wrapped his arms around her in an affectionate hug. "God you're a good person. Thank you anyway." Leaning down he lightly kissed her lips.

Gage stiffened.

Then Josh came up and literally picked Jesse up, "Tonight was the greatest, thanks Jess." Leaning in he kissed her cheek, before setting her back down.

"Wow If I'd have known I'd get this kind of attention I would have bought you dinner a long time ago."


Everyone laughed while climbing in the car.

She dropped the boys off first then headed toward Gage's. "Hey Jess, why don't we just go back to your place."

Grinning she shrugged. "Ok. But all I have to drink is soda."

"That's fine," he said quietly wondering what in the hell he was doing. He was jealous of Mark and Josh touching her, that much was obvious he also wanted to thank her for tonight, but with more intensity and privacy than his friends had.

When they got to the top of the stairs which was her living room she took a seat on the nearby bar stool. "Tonight was so great Gage, I had a lot of fun."

He placed a hand on the barstool seat while leaning forward trapping her a bit. "It was great and now I get to say thank you."

"You don't have to you know."

"Mmmm, but I really want to," he growled.

The minute his lips touched hers, her arms came up wrapping around his neck

His kiss was hot and heavy his hips rocking in need. Sliding her forward to the edge of the seat he stepped between her thighs pushing himself against her with each thrust of his tongue.

Her hands slipped slowly from his neck to work the buttons on his shirt. She released a sigh when she felt his hard chest beneath. But it wasn't until she began unfastening his jeans that he let out a hiss of breath.

When tentative fingers reached in and stroked him he whimpered. "Yes baby."

His fingers eased their way up her inner thigh even as she brought him to the edge of control. He had never touched her as intimately as he was about to and his body was sending so many signals he wanted to scream from the pleasure.

When he reached the top and found no barrier he growled sensuously. "No panties."

He could feel her mouth turn up in a smile as they kissed. "Never with you Gage."

Kissing her in a frenzy his fingers deftly found the wet slit he had been wanting, sliding inside to touch her warmth.

She screamed into his kiss at the pleasure he was giving her, if her bucking hips were any indication.

Soon her entire body was shaking while she chanted his name, "Gage, oh my Gage. I-I uh Gggggaaaaggeee." A flood of wetness followed her final scream before he picked her up and carried her limp body to the bedroom. Pulling back the comforter and sheets he laid her down losing contact briefly to take off his clothes before starting on hers. Her dress was off in seconds and he was laying directly on top of her kissing and touching once again. When her legs opened at his touch he knew she was ready. He had been working her up to where she was a moment before while attempting to hold himself back.

His tongue lapped at her breast as his fingers began their rhythm once more. She was panting and writhing with every touch until at last she felt him withdraw, then come back, only this time it wasn't his fingers. She opened her eyes and looked down to see him guiding himself into her very wet and throbbing interior. She nearly came from that sight alone, but it was his eyes meeting hers and then that sexy smile as he pushed into her that set her off again.

"That's it baby, cum for me," he whispered as she pulled his mouth to hers in another mind blowing kiss.

He slid further and further in as her panting grew labored. Pulling back from the kiss he could tell that this part was difficult for her. Lying atop of her he held still letting her get used to his size. Kissing her nose, cheeks and eyelids he whispered, "You ok baby?"

Slowly her eyes fluttered open, filled with worry and self doubt. "A-are y-y-y-ou."

Gage could see her fear and wanted to douse it immediately, hell he'd even made her stutter. "Ah precious, you feel so wonderful to me. I could stay inside you forever."

She blinked in surprise as he rocked his hips feeling the friction of him on the inside.

He was so close just a few more strokes and he would be gone, but not without her she needed to cum with him inside then everything would be perfect, so with that in mind he lowered himself touching her body from head to toe with his own. Looking into her eyes he slid his right hand down low grazing her hip bones before touching that place that would send her over the edge for a third and final time.

Her pupils dilated as he stroked her there teasing before he felt her body begin to tense and shake, "G-gggggaaaageeee!"

He barely captured his name in the kiss before bucking his hips in a frenzy that left him groaning her name as well.

She could feel him pulse inside as well as the wetness that soon followed she shivered with it holding him tightly when he collapsed on her, sweaty and exhausted. They were both panting, their heartbeats in time.

Jesse had heard and read in her favorite magazines about what men like or don't like post coital and the do's and don'ts of such. So she knew better than to ask if he liked it or show her insecurities off in such an obvious manner. She also knew better than to talk unless it was somehow sexy or a compliment to his body. Unfortunately she wasn't savvy enough to come up with something that wouldn't sound forced, especially since she was reeling with the knowledge that this was her first time, well technically it was her second, but this was by far the best and it had been so perfect. Lying there she stroked his hair as he dozed off to sleep. Eventually he shifted off of her and that's when she decided that a shower was in order. She felt slippery and cold.


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