《Walking Wet Dream》Redecorating


He was still on the fence about sleeping with her two weeks later and time was not on his side. Her furniture was supposed to be delivered the next day, although she had already started sleeping on the floor of her old apartment. It wasn't the most comfortable arrangement, but worked for the most part. Thankfully her days of rolling onto her knees first thing while awkwardly getting to her feet would soon be over.

Gage, Mark and Josh arrived early bringing food and new bar stools, while they all held a vigil for the furniture movers. They were there to rearrange furniture and of course hook up electronic devices, which in their minds was tantamount to everything else.

"Guys, ya'll are so sweet, thanks for the bar stools I love them."

What they bought were high backed faux leather with thick padded seats. They looked nice and felt even better.

"We needed a place to sit while eating," Gage said shrugging.

They each dug into their food smiling at the glow on Jesse's face. True to their word the guys were up the minute a large moving truck came in to view.

Things moved quickly from there. Everything was unwrapped and then assembled. The sofa only required feet and cushions so they placed it where the previous one had been and got it out of the way then they moved onto the bedroom where the bed came together quite nicely, the guys made a few perverse, but harmless jokes about leaving the plastic on the mattresses before heading into the living room to assemble the entertainment center. That's where things got tricky and heated. Men in general became intense about such projects so she did what she could to stay out of the way. Putting fresh sheets and a new comforter on her bed with dozens of pillows was her first step. Adding a few personal items as decoration onto her new dresser came second along with transferring her delicates to it.


When that was done she headed toward the living room to see Josh unwrapping all the electronics and placing them neatly in the dining area. Jesse didn't really need a dining room table and so decided to wait on purchasing one. She wanted to make sure she had enough money left over for any incidentals she may need or had forgotten. Not to mention she was toying with the idea of turning the dining room into a computer area.

It took four hours and some cursing, but eventually Mark and Gage finished.

"Very nice."

They both grinned as they looked over at the electronics that had yet to be placed. Grabbing the surge protectors he shifted the entertainment center out from the wall and began organizing the wiring, cables and plugs, while Mark and Josh brought the television, dvd player and stereo system into the living room.

They sat and discussed placement of certain electronics as well as trying to make it all function on as few remotes as possible. Once a game plan was approved they each began. This went much faster than the actual building of said unit.

By the time they were done it was seven in the afternoon. Jesse grabbed them each a soda from the fridge and watched as they collapsed on her new sofa while channel surfing.

Ya'll are the best. She said walking through her apartment looking at everything happily.

"Tell you what," she said dropping to her knees in front of the sofa. "How about we get dressed up tomorrow and I take you all out to dinner someplace nice, my treat?"

Their exhausted faces all held a look of surprise, but pleasure none the less.


"You don't have to," Josh said in a weak protest, "I didn't mind helping out today."

"You really want to take us out," Mark asked curiously?

"Yes, I do. You will all three be my date for tomorrow, I'll even pick you up around say six o'clock."

"Wow, that sounds great. I can't remember the last time a girl actually bought me a meal."

"Me either," said Gage with a grin.

"Then it's settled." She clapped happily still kneeling on the floor in front of them.


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