《Walking Wet Dream》A.A.


The next Saturday, Jesse called Gage to see if he was up for some more pt. He agreed and had her drive him to the base facilities. They met up with Mark and Josh as well, attempting exercises that didn't disturb their crispy parts. After an hour and a half she could see the boys were wiped and took them back to the barracks.

Once she arrived at Gages she walked him up to the front door opening it for him. "You need a bath marine, you're all sweaty."

Biting his lip nervously he asked if she would mind doing that for him again. Shaking her head she gave a smile. "Go stand in the kitchen while I get the shampoo."

Peeling off his damp shirt slowly so as not to hurt himself, he eventually got it off over his head throwing it to the floor.

"Bend over," she said placing her hand on his lower back before taken the kitchen sink hose thing and washing his hair. Once that chore was done she dried his hair and sent him to the bathroom.

Grabbing the same bowl from last time she repeated the things she did in the last bath she gave, trying hard not to think of him in sexual terms. The first time it was easy because he was being a jerk and he was in pain. This time he was almost himself, the pain was still there of course, but he was looking at her differently. There was a tension that hummed in the air. One that was exciting, if she were being honest.

When she asked him to stand so she could finish, he again was at full mast. She released a shaky breath as his own hissed out at the feel of the sponge on his underused organ.

"Almost done," she whispered as he stood there trembling. "Alright we're done, come on and get out."

He nodded moving slowly his groin begging for her attention.

Get some clothes on and I'll see you in the kitchen, "Are you hungry?"

He nodded, not knowing what to say or think.

She disappeared through his bedroom door quickly, collapsing on a kitchen chair with her head resting on her arms.


"You ok," Marty asked coming around the corner with some groceries in hand?

Jesse swallowed a lump in her throat. Looking at the table, "Yeah, I uh just have a lot on my mind I guess."

Marty could tell there was something more, but didn't pry. "So what do you and Gage have planned today," she asked unloading the groceries?

Shrugging she said, "I was going to grab us some lunch, did you want something?"


It took them a bit to agree on a fast food place, but when they did Gage was coming out of the bedroom.

"Hey Marty."

When she turned to look at her cousin he had this sheepish, nervous expression then she looked back at Jesse who hadn't really looked up yet.

"Jesse's gonna get us some lunch what do you want?"

The minute he said cheeseburger and fries she practically sprinted out the door.

Marty turned to Gage cornering him. "What on earth is going on between you two? You were fine this morning."

Gage's face filled with color. "She gave me a sponge bath after my work out."

"And," Marty asked not realizing that his feelings were engaged.

"It was sexy as hell, alright."

She burst out laughing. Not the response he had expected. "Ok, so did you do anything about it or did she?"

Shaking his head he muttered, "I wish. I don't think she knows how."

Marty's eyes grew round, "Oh."

"Yeah 'oh'. Not to mention I'm in no condition to teach her anything."

"Not now but soon."

"Soon is not soon enough." A blush filled his cheeks.

She giggled. He glared.

"It's not funny, hurts like hell and I can't even do what comes naturally, then add to it these little bathing rituals and I'm about to lose my sanity."

"Not trying to get all Dr. Phil on you, but you really need to talk to her about this."

"I can't, not about this."

"Missing all those sluts now, aren't you," Marty asked jokingly with a gleam.

Jesse was falling in love. Yeah she had always had a bit of a crush on Gage, but now everything just seemed complicated. They were close friends, but that was it, there was nothing there. She tried to convince herself that she was imagining more, but so far was failing in the attempt. Her heart stopped listening to common sense pounding wildly whenever he was near.


He was standing in the kitchen his nerves already raw while trying to open the bottle of pills he needed for the pain, but his hands weren't cooperating and making the pain worse while trying to operate the stupid safety cap. Releasing a feral yell he threw the bottle at the wall in frustration.

"Gage, Gage are you ok?"

He had been alone just seconds before, apparently Jesse arrived during his little tirade. He definitely did not need this. He was on edge and frustrated damn, damn, damn. "Kitchen," he growled.

Closing his eyes tightly he could hear her heels click on the tile floor. "Hey what's wrong?"

Pointing to the pill bottle that lay taunting him on the floor, he moaned, "It wouldn't open."

With a nod she walked over picked it up and opened it for him. "How many?"



He nodded, feeling useless while she moved around efficiently doing the simple every day stuff he couldn't. Eyes misting over, he looked away while blinking back his frustration.

She saw the sadness in his eyes and nearly wept from it. Reaching up she put her hands in his hair stroking him affectionately in an attempt to soothe his upset.

"Mmm," he moaned, "that's nice."

Leaning against the counter he shifted his legs apart so she could stand closer. His head lowered his breathing became labored. Slowly he got closer and closer until his lips met hers. Her eyes flew open to meet his clear blue steady stare. They said all she needed to know. She buried her fingers in his hair as he deepened the kiss.

Resting his palms flat against her hips he continued to enjoy their exchange, his lips traveling across her cheek, down her neck and then back up again. She was moaning and gasping, desperate for his touch. When one of her hands slipped to his stomach running it across the still defined muscle there, his breath hitched. Having been without a woman or even his own hand for two months his body responded and began to tingle in excitement, spilling forth in a furious burst of wetness that soaked his briefs and shorts.

He cried out, sounding as though he were in pain. Jesse pulled back instantly afraid she had hurt him. Using her hips to pull her back toward him, he rested his uninjured cheek on her chest while attempting to gather his breath.

"Did, did I hurt you," she asked tentatively stroking his hair?

He groaned, and laughed simultaneously. "It was a good hurt. Trust me," he murmured his energy drained.

She smiled kissing the top of his head.

"Can we lie down," he mumbled feeling sleepy and sated?

Grinning she felt his open palm on the small of her back as he propelled her toward his room.

"You go first, I'll be right back."

Gage shuffled to the bathroom seeing the huge wet spot on the front of his shorts laughing. Shaking his head he removed them completely, then carefully wet a washrag and cleaned himself, before returning to his room in all his glory.

Jesse was lying on his bed, her eyes closed when she heard the click of the door and saw him enter. A blush filled her face although she didn't look away. She'd seen him naked before just not in this particular setting. Reaching for a pair of shorts he quickly put them on before climbing on the bed next to where she sat.

"Will you take a nap with me," he asked stretching out.

She smiled. "I'd love that." Her mind raced at what this meant, his kiss this new intimacy. Maybe it all equaled to nothing and he just needed to be kissed. She didn't know and couldn't ask it wasn't as if he'd asked her out on a date or anything, so she lay there her mind reeling from the knowledge that even if he considered it nothing, she had for a moment been his. Curling up next to him she drifted off a short time later.

He felt as if he were floating. Never had an orgasm made him feel so completely at peace. His eyes drifted shut, a smile plastered on his face as he slipped into a deep contented rest.

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