《texting you | jeon jungkook √》thirty four.


morninggg ❤️






is this you or is it someone else

ffs jungkook it's me.

okay i never text first but since we are like

you know then i should start texting you first


i don't know what "we are like you know"

means. please explain that to me

jungkook stop. you know.


i really don't know :(


since we are boyfriend and girlfriend


ohhh okay now i understand sorry 😊

you're so sarcastic


but you love it

no i don't


i feel like we are so used to being sarcastic

to each other that it will be hard to say cute


no. you always say cute things


then it's just you babe

try say something cute to me


you have nice hair



okay you need to work on that

not my fault i'm not flirty like you 😔


awe it's okay. just be you

we need to go on a date soon

oooh you're right


what's your second favourite place

no what's YOUR favourite place


mine? oh i like going to arcades




but if you don't like them then we can go

somewhere else.

no no i love them

i can finally see you do what you love best


awe somin you know me too well

then after we can grab pizza :)


of course.

only for you ❤️

how about sunday



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