《The reject of silver falls (COMPLETED)》chapter twenty-six



I stared at the bars that held me captive and sighed. I wish Jason was here, at least he didn't stare and smile at us evil, I thought as I glanced at the New guard out of the corner of my eyes.

I couldn't really make out any of much in the darkness except for his icy blue eyes and his pearl white smile.

"I'm sorry" Jake whispered from his cell. If I hadn't been facing him, I never would have heard him, even with my good hearing.

"If it wasn't for me, they wouldn't know you were hear. They wouldn't know you were alive. I'm so sorry," Jake sobbed.

The guard shuffled uncomfortably and I sighed as I scooted closer to the bars.

"Jake, I love you," I said.

Jake raised his eyes from the cell floor and looked into mine.

Despite the redness around his eyes, he still looked as handsome as ever.

"Even after I did this?" Jake asked.

"None of this is your fault and I am sure you have a good explanation," I said, hoping I wasn't wrong. Jake smiled and I watched as the sadness melted from his face slowly.

Justin snorted and I turned my head to look at him.

"Hes a traitor, Angelina. They betray you once, they sure as hell will do it again," Justin snapped.

Before I could say anything, the door opened and Jason walked in.

"Youre being relieved," Jason said.

The guard didn't ask twice, he turned and left the room. shutting the door behind him.

Moments passed before Jason walked to my cell and slid a key in. turning the lock as quietly as possible.

The gear clinked and the cell door slid open.

"What are you-"

"Shhh. The guard didn't go far and it won't take long for him to tell the alpha," Jason said as he unlocked Jake and Justin's cell too.

"Why?" I asked.

Jason sighed and looked to the ground.

"I took the position I have in hopes of working with one of the best alphas ever. Yet I have come to realize in fact, that Astion is only a corrupt alpha and the council should know this," Jason said.


I smiled and hugged Jason as tightly as I could.

"Run. Just keep running and please don't look back," Jason whispered in my ear.

I nodded and ran to the door, pulling it open silently. I looked both ways before I took off as fast as I could. Justin and jake right behind me.


I sighed as I stared at the empty cages. My life was ruined. I knew it the moment I sensed the alpha coming my way.

I should have ran with Angelina and the other two, but it was too late to run now. I had to face the alpha and I knew what the punishment would be.

The door flew open and I jumped, my eyes connecting with the alphas.

"Jason?" He growled, his eyes taking in the empty cells.

"What have you done?" He growled, storming forward.

I had only a second to prepare before he grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the wall.

I could feel his wolf pushing my wolf down and daring me to fight back.

I couldn't help it.

My hand turned to claws and I swung low, slicing him across the stomach. He growled, loosening his hold on me.

I slammed my forehead into his and he stumbled backwards.

Taking advantage of his weakened state, I kicked him in his wound, making him cry out in pain.

I grabbed his head, preparing for the twist that would end his life.

The click of a glock made me freeze.

I raised my eyes to stare into the cold hard ones of alpha bane. In his hands was a silver and gold glock 45. I could smell the silver bullets from where I stood.

"Release him," alpha bane snapped.

I didn't want to, but I had no choice. I let go of alpha Astion, taking a step back from him.

Alpha Astion inhaled very loudly, holding a hand to his wound. He stood up, his face a mask of anger.

"Lock him up," Alpha Astion ordered a man that was standing behind alpha bane.

The man nodded and stepped around Alpha bane, walking towards me. He grabbed my shoulder, and shoved me into one of the cells, locking it with a smirk.


I sighed, bowing my head in defeat.

"At dawn, you did," Alpha bane said through his teeth. My eyes widened, looking at Alpha Astion. He nodded in agreement with Alpha Bane and they both stormed out, leaving the guard in their place.

"You really messed up this time," the guard chuckled to himself. I remained Silent, cursing my wolf for his stubbornness.

But after a while,I realized that we would have died either way, now at least I would not die at the hands of my own Alpha.



I watched as the Alphas paced the length of their make believe stage, probably reciting what they were going to say.

I could feel the power that was within my grasp. All I needed was for the to give me what was rightfully mine. That was all I needed and then, I would be invincible.

I leaned back in my spot and put my hands behind my head.

My father would be proud of me if he could see me now. I had accomplished more in my lifetime than he ever could and I was not going to let a few mangy mutts stand in my way of completing my father's dying wish. Never.

I leanded forward when I saw the crowd starting to form. This was it. This was what I had been preparing for my whole life.

I waited silently as someone was being brought forward. I prepared myself to jump, but i froze when I saw who it was.

"What the hell?" I growled in anger.


I struggled as much as i could as I was dragged forward through the crowd that was starting to form. I couldn't believe what was happening. I was actually about to die.

The guard shoved me up the small stairs of their makeshift stage and shoved me to my knees.

Alpha Bane growled at me from where he stood but he made no move to get closer.

Alpha Astion stepped up to the edge of the stage and linked his hands behind his back.

"We are gathered here to day, to witness the death of a traitor. Jason cartwil," Alpha Astion said, projecting his voice so that everyone could hear.

My eyes widened.

"Jason Cartwil has been trialed and found guilty of consulting and planning with the rogues," Alpha Astion said.

I shoved to my feet.

"You liar!" I roared.

I would have attacked him but I felt the cool metal gun in the middle of my back and I froze.

"One more step and you're dead," Alpha Bane said, too low for anyone to hear.

Alpha Astion continued on, telling everyone that I had given Angelina and the other two to the rogues as a sacrifice to save the pack. He told them how I had attacked him when he stood in my way and he even presented the wound to them.

With all the evidence stacked against me, not a single soul was against Alpha Astion ending my life right here and now. Some people even asked if they could do it themselves.

My eyes scanned the crowd and found my family. They only looked away in shame. He had everyone against me. I didn't stand a chance.

Alpha Astion turned to face me and smiled.

"You should have kept to yourself," he whispered before he swung, slicing my face with his claws.

I stumbled backwards, right into Alpha Bane's claws. My wolf and I both roared in anger and sorrow as I felt his claws cut straight through me. I was done for.

He yanked his claws out and I stumbled forward, falling to my knees. I coughed up blood, my eyes landing on my family. They were walking away.

I tried to call out to them, but only blow poured out. It just kept coming. Blood and more blood.

The shadows started creeping in and little by little everything started to disappear. I was dying.

I could hear Astion speaking, but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

"My child," a voice said, as the darkness started to shift into a bright light.

I looked at the world I had grown up in one last time, before it all faded away.


The person at the top is Seth. Seth is Another alpha but he doesn't pop up for a few more chapters.

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