《The reject of silver falls (COMPLETED)》chapter twenty



"Whoa whoa," I said, shoving him away from me. Hurt flashed through his eyes but was immediately replaced with anger.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I growled. The three of them exchanged looks before he one that woke me up stepped forward.

"I'm Chase," he said, holding out his hand.

"I'm so confused right now, I swear he just said welcome home," I said, glaring at klaus. The last man who's name I didn't know looked down and then looked at Chase.

Chase sighed and looked away before he looked at me.

"Why do you think Royals are a myth?" He asked.

When I didn't answer, Chase went on anyway.

"We....had a set back years ago. Our great great grandfather lost his son in a war," Chase said.

"War? What war?" I asked.

"The war against vampires. He was ripped to shreds, his wife too. The only thing missing was the baby. Cut straight out of her womb," klaus said. I felt my throat constrict. Poor woman.

"When the alpha king passed, his bloodline ended with him. His title was given to the Queen Luna's son. Richard. Richard was a brutal ruler. When he died, everyone was thrilled. Until his son took over, and anyone expressing how happy they were, was killed on sight.

It was horrible...truly horrible. Until about sixty years ago, when they came across our fathers scent. He was out hunting for food for us, when they attacked him. The guards beat him up pretty good and after they got him down, they came after us. Mom was panicked. She didn't know what to do. She told us to run and she ran the other way.

We were just babies, we didn't get far before they caught us and brought us back to the caslte. Mom was pregnant when she ran. We didn't know if she was dead or not, but we never saw her again. Dad was beaten day and night until the alpha king died, then dad was given the title.


The old alpha king's son was placed in lock up and has been there ever since," Chase said.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

"When dad took the title, he had the witches place a spell over the caslte. Only the Royals could find the castle. Anyone who was not a guard, or a part of the staff would not be able to find the castle, nor see it. They would only be led in a continuous circle," Chase said.


"That is why we are a myth. Dad created the council, and then we went off the grid. Never to be seen again. When we do go out, we are careful not to be seen and if we are, we kill anyone who sees our birthmark," Chase said.

"Birthmark?" I asked.

Klaus pulled up his shirt to reveal a small crown like tattoo on the lower part of his stomach. There were three golden scars ripped across it. Almost like another wolf took its claws and scratched over it.

"It's the royal birthmark. Weird I know, but the first werewolf cut it into his skin himself. The witches took over from there," Chase said.

"What does this have to do with me?" I asked.

"Your my daughter," a voice said from behind me.


I stared at the calm rushing water and sighed. Where the hell could she be? I can't believe I got myself into this mess.

I should be at home, talking to Evangeline. She was probably lonely. All Astion did was leave her at home by herself why he was out running about. She already told me they weren't true mates, so technically I wasn't banging his mate. He hadn't claimed her and she wasn't Luna. She was plain old Evangeline.


I sniffed the air but I couldn't find her scent through the water. It was obvious she came this way though. My eyes searched the shadows, tryin to find something but I didn't see anything. How could she just disappear like that?


I turned to see the most beautiful man standing there. He looked no older than twenty-five, and the only thing that looked old were his eyes.

"I'm sorry but nope. That's impossible," I said, taking a step back. I bumped into Chase and jumped.

"No it's not," the man said.

"My father died!" I growled.

"That wasn't your father. That was a man that your mother found to pass the days away. You're my daughter," the man said.

"That's not possible because that would mean I've over fifty something years old and I know for a fact that I'm only 19," I said.

The man reached in the bag that was on his back and pulled out a small frame. He looked at it for a moment before he handed it to me.

I looked at the picture in my hands and I felt my stomach drop. There was no way.

It was my mom, standing beside this man. She was holding a hand over her stomach but the other was in a little boys hair. Two other boys stood beside the man, their faces identical to his.

"How...?" I asked quietly. My mother had been only with my father. She said they were high school sweethearts. She said that I had been born out of love. I remembered those words.

"What about my brother?" I asked.

The man's eyes darkened.

"Her son. Her's and only her's...I love your mother. She thought I was dead and I don't blame her for moving on....I would have wanted her to," the man said, his eyes softening.

"This isn't possible. I can't be fifty something years old, I'm only nineteen," I said.

The man shook his head and stepped a bit closer.

"You are a royal. Royals...we age differently than everyone else. When we are one years old, we are actually three. For every one year, we age three. So you are nineteen, but in reality, you are fifty-seven years of age," the man said.

My eyes widened.

I didn't want to believe him, but I could see the resemblance. I had always wondered why my dads eyes were brown and my mom's eyes were brown but mine were silver and sorta gray...There was really no denying the fact that I had to be related to him in some way.

There was no way that I could be his daughter...maybe his grand daughter at the least.

"You must be really confused," I heard Chase say behind me. That's when it hit me.

"I don't have the birthmark," I said.


Chase at the top. I'm not all too sure about if I'm sticking with Lucas til as Chase but...I might. Depends. Tell me what you think...

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