《The reject of silver falls (COMPLETED)》chapter eighteen



I groaned, raising my head a bit.

I bit back a scream that started to bubble out of me when I felt pain slice through me. I took in the room I was in and then the stack of clothes that was next to the bed. Bless maddy's heart.

I sat up, ignoring the ache in my side as I placed my feet on the floor. I stood and the bones in my leg seemed to crumple. I grabbed the dresser next to the bed and held on with both hands, biting down hard on my lip to avoid from screaming. I wouldn't want to scare the life out of Jake.

Then it all came flying back like a boomerang. The rogue, the clearing. The fight. My eyes took in the room with a new light, noticing the differences between the pack house rooms and this one. The major difference....this one was white. How had I not realized that?

OMG I'm in heaven. If my leg wasn't hurting, I would start dancing right now.

"Sorry but you're not in heaven," a voice said. I turned to see a man standing there, his green eyes roaming over every inch of me. Pervert, I thought.

I looked down and felt my cheeks grow hot. Oh my god I was basically naked!

The man averted his eyes, a smile finding its way to his lips.

"I'm sorry your Maj- I'm sorry. I should not have been looking," he said, but I could tell he still was looking. Weirdo.

"Where am I?" I asked, my eyes roaming over him. The man sighed and glanced at his watch.

"Get dressed, I'm downstairs," the man said as he turned and walked out of the room. My wolf growled at the disrespect but I brushed it off and grabbed the clothes on the dresser.

I tossed them onto the bed and picked up a pair of blue jeans and a white tank top. I slid on the jeans and shrugged the shirt over my head as I left the room, making my way done the hallway. Everything was so huge and....so white. What was it an obsession or something?

I was starting to think that this really was heaven.

After a while of searching, I finally found the stairwell that led downstairs. Sighing in relief, I walked down the stairs, glaring at the white carpet that covered them. White, this and white that. Jeez.


I paused at the bottom of the stairs, debating searching every room until I found the man.

"That won't be necessary," the man said. I jumped and turned to see the man leaning against the wall a few feet away.

"Are you going to tell me where I am?" I growled.

The man opened his mouth but shut it as his eyes drifted past me.

I felt my wolf go quiet as the words finally reached me.

"Youre in the royal family home," a deep voice said.

{Unknown POV}

I sighed as I sat up, running a hand through my hair. Another uneventful day. Yay me. I was just about to stand when I saw a shadow pass by my room. My wolf growled and I tensed, waiting to see it again but I didn't. I slipped on my pants and left my room, stepping out just in time to see the interuder disappear down the stairs. Very well. They wouldn't get far.

I turned and started after them, making sure my feet rolled across the floor. I stopped at the top of the stairs when I saw that the intruder was a girl. She was pretty too.

I moved down the stairs, careful to avoid all the places that would creak. Just as I was about to reach her I saw my brother leaning against the wall.

"Are you going to tell me where I am?" The girl asked.

So...she was not an intruder? Who was she?

I stepped into view and my brother's eyes went to me. The girls body tensed and I mentally cursed myself.

"You are in the royal family home," I said. My wolf tried to find hers but nothing. Who was she?

She turned to face me, her eyes full of curiosity, which quickly was switched to boredom.

"Sorry to disappoint you but the royals are just a myth," she said, her muscles tense and ready for battle.

"No they're not," I said.

"Who are you?" She asked, her eyes narrowing. She was in my home, invading my privacy and she wanted to know who I was? Where was this girl's logic.

"I think the real question here is who are you?" I growled.


"What is all of this about?" I asked for the hundredth time.


Bane growled at me, but again did not answer. Ever since the lead councilman's visit, four days ago, things have just been getting more and more out of hand. Bane cancelled training, told alpha falls to have everyone stay inside. The worst of it was he wouldn't Ben send a search party out for Angelina.

"Bane," I growled.

He glared daggers at me, but I didn't back down. After a moment of this, he sighed and sat down across from me. Just as he was about to open his mouth, in walked Jake and the beta of the other pack, it was like they thought nothing important was happening in here.

"Father, can we please-"

"No," bane said and then to my annoyance, he stood and started pacing again. I glared daggers at Jake.


"Please she could be hurt," Jake interrupted. I put my face in my Palm and sighed.

Bane shook his head.

"It's too dangerous," bane whispered as he paced. I raised my eyes to look at him.

"What do you mean?" Jake asked before I could even get the words out.

"The royals are out there," bane said quietly and he stopped pacing.

Before anyone could say anything he pointed to the door.

"Shut it," he said as he sat back down across from me.

Jake shut the door and moved to sit down at the table, the beta following. Bane sighed and out his face in his hands.

"Bane?" I asked.

"Royals....you guys know about them right?" Bane asked.

I nodded. The Royals were a piece of work. They wanted to remain a myth, so only the top two ranks of each pack, and the council, knew about them. To everyone else, they were just a myth.

They were mentioned in stories, like the ones we were mentioned in. Anyone who knew us, knew the stories about us thought the stories were not real, so they assumed the stories of the Royals was also not true.

"Hundreds of years ago, my great great grand father was alpha of the black rain pack. A pack known for its...reputation. They ran with the Royals. They fought together in the war between the vampires and werewolves.

Back then, the Royals were at the top.The Royals were stronger. They carried the blood of the original werewolf the lycan. My great great grandfather's pack was the only pack ever able to compare to the strength of the Royals, so they stuck together.

Then came he vampires. It began with a man who pissed of a witch. The woman cursed the man to eternal darkness. To a life of death. This led to vamperism. The man attacked a man in the middle of the night and created the second vampire. Soon the vampire species was growling and the alpha king caught wind of it. Wanting to keep the supernatural species under wraps, he visited the first vampire himself and they struck a deal. If the alpha king convinced the witch to lift the dark curse, then they would keep the secret under wraps and stop attacking humans.

The witch lifted the curse of the dark, but the vamperism did ndot go away. The witch lifting the darkness made things worse because now they could come out in the day, and not knowing this, the alpha king was unprepared.

He didn't catch wind of it until a guard informed him several packs had been knocked down and forced to submit to the vampires. Women, children. Beaten, raped, bitten and drained.

It angered the alpha king and he sent his men to deal with it. Three days later, his best man's head came back to him. He quickly discovered the bite of a vampire was poisonous to werewolves. This only angered him more.

He went to visit his witch friend, and he discovered a plan that would help save the werewolf race and end the vampires for good, but Queen Luna discovered the same thing and said no. Deciding to love his wife more, he agreed with her and they left.

They were met with heartbreaking news when they returned," bane said. I stared, waiting for him to finish.

"What?" The beta asked finally.

Bane looked at the beta before he sighed.

"Their son was torn to shreds in his bed and beside him, was his wife's body. Her baby had been torn from her stomach and taken"


It took me a while but I finally decided who should be Jake. Nick Robinson. Pictures at the top

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