《The reject of silver falls (COMPLETED)》chapter seven


"I dont think this looks right," I said as I looked at myself in the mirror.

Eli's mate, sandra, looked up from the book she was reading And smiled.

"You look breath taking. Jake will like it," she said.

"I hope so...wait a minute. Jake has nothing to do with this," I said defensively.

"Mhmm. We all see how he looks at you," she said.

"He does not...how does he look at me?" I asked, twirling a piece of my hair around my finger.

Sandra laughed as she sat her book down.

"Like he's the wolf and you're the prey. Don't think you guys have anyone fooled," she said.

I sighed.

I hadn't seen or heard from Jake since earlier. Eli said he was out on patrol, but I knew he was hiding from me. He had no reason to be hiding, it was just a kiss.

If he wanted to act like it never happened, I could do that. See, gone from my mind.

"You ready?" Sandra asked, glancing at her watch.

I nodded and let her lead me out of her room and down the steps. I followed her through the kitchen and out into the back yard.

The whole pack was there, their eyes on me as I came out of the house.

My white dress fluttered around my feet, showing off a hint of my white steel high heels.

Some of the pack members nodded at me, others glared but didn't dare disrespect their alpha who was standing just up front.

My eyes wondered and unwillingly landed on Jake.

He was standing beside his brother and sister, both of whom I had already met.

Alex was only a year old than me and she was the bom . She loved the same music as me and get this. She loved the same food. Like jeez, can life get any better.


Justin was just like Jake in so many ways. Except for looks. He had dark brown hair but his eyes weren't light like Jake's. They are dark and muddy. Nearly matching the color of his hair.

His skin was a dark tan color, as though he was basking in the sun all day long. You wouldn't be able to tell they were brothers if it wasn't for their jaw lines and noses. Even then you couldn't really tell.

One thing for sure, they both looked somewhat like their father.

Alpha bane.

He wasn't as bad as the stories said and honestly...I like him.

Ever since I agreed to join his pack, he's been treating me like a daughter. Like his daughter. Which made me feel weird because I had kissed Jake.

He didn't know that yet and hopefully he never knew.

I stopped when I was in front of the alpha and Sandra parted from me, going to find her seat.

I looked at him and he smiled.

Alpha bane pulled a knife from his pocket as he looked me in the eyes.

"Angelina sky falls, omega of the silver falls pack. Do you wish to be a member of this pack?" He asked, loud enough so everyone could hear.

I nodded.

"Repeat after me.

I Angelina sky falls, promise to protect, build and die alongside the people within this pack," he said.

"I Angelina sky falls promise to protect, build and die alongside the people within this pack," I repeated.

Alpha bane went on to talk about past glories and past mistakes. He talked about the stories I had heard and then about stuff no one had ever known.

When he finished he asked,

"Do you still wish to join this pack?"

I nodded.

He sighed with relief and he slid the knife along the Palm of his hand.


Without hesitation, he placed it over a bowl full of red liquid.

He handed the knife to me with his free hand.

I repeated what he had done, and winced when I let the blood drop into the bowl.

He held out his wounded hand and I placed mine in his, feeling his warmth seep into me.

His eyes flashed red and I assumed mine did too before he released my hand.

"Welcome home," he said.

I smiled and nodded.


"Wakie wakie," maddison cooed as she yanked the covers back. Her eyes widened when she saw I wasn't there. It had been a week since the cerimony and I had been welcomed like a family member.

Maddison and Carson being the first among them to step forward and say hi.

Maddison latched on the instant I spoke to her and we were inseparable.

"Hiding from me I see," she laughed as she peeked around the room.

I held a hand over my mouth as I watched her from my hiding spot. Waiting to jump out and scare her.

She turned towards where I was suddenly and I froze.

"I wonder where angie is," she said, pursing her lips.

I sprang out, knocking her over. She caught herself before any damage could be done but by the time she was up, I was out.

She chased me through the house, knocking things over.

Carson chuckled when he saw us, but he didn't interfere.

I raced down the hall, bursting into alpha banes office and running behind him, quickly ducking under his desk.

Maddison ran in and instantly ran out when she didn't see me.

"Close one," I laughed as I climbed out, nearly bumping my head.

He laughed and shook his head.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"No. nothing that is of any concern right now," he said as his fingers flew over the keyboard. He had been a little tight since the cerimony and I feared that if he didn't get out soon, he was going to be eaten alive by stress and worry.

I pursed my lips.

what could I possibly do to get him out of his office?

I tapped my chin while I thought.

He looked up when he noticed I was still there.

"Need something?" He asked, when he noticed I hadn't left.

I stared at him for a second before I nodded slowly.

"What can I do for you?" He asked.

I leaned forward, placing my hands flat on his desk.

"Teach me how to fight," I said with a smile.


Eli at the top.

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