《Fate》Sixteen: Trouble in Paradise
"Now I'm at the turn up, lookin' lonely
Then they wonder why I'm quiet at them house parties
'Cause everybody see me
Roll some blunts and hit her once and now she need me
Her nigga wanna be me (yeah)
But they don't know I'm fightin' demons" I sing the words to as I nod my head. One hand on the wheel and the other rubbing Milani's thigh.
As I look over to my right, I smile when I see Milani staring at me as if she's in a trance. Her eyes low from the third blunt we're smoking.
"What you looking at, Lani?"
"Nothing. I was just enjoying your voice. You actually sound good."
"Preciate it. I used to sing in the choir when I was younger. My mama can sing too so I guess I got it from her." I say, opening up a little.
"Speaking of your mama, have y'all talked since that night at Tony's?" She asks, rubbing the top of my hand. Mhm, her ass feeling me.
Frowning, I clear my throat before speaking. "Nah, I'll talk to her when I'm ready and Ian ready yet. Ian tryna keep disrespecting her so ima keep my distance till I cool off."
"That's understandable. So where exactly are we going? We've been in the car for almost an hour.
"I'm bout to pick up a pack. I been stopped selling when I opened up my businesses, but I got a lot of old connects that only deal with me so I pick up the pack for some niggas I know and let them sell it. They just give me a cut." I tell her, nodding my head to the song.
"Okay, cool. I don't mean to be all up in your business, but you come all this way just to pick up some weed?"
"Nah, when I have to pick up weed, the drive is closer. This pack I'm picking up is what we'll use in our plan to get rid of Tony, Jarell, and Holloway. We need some hard drugs to make this shit work remember? and we need a lot of it. Plus, the shit you and Chanel gone need will be in this pack too."
Milani nods her head and passes the blunt back to me then reaches her hand over and rubs my thigh, making me excited. I keep my eyes on the road as she pulls my now hard dick out of my pants and boxers. Her warm, soft hand wraps around my shaft and she makes circular motions around it.
"It's so damn big." She says lowly, inching down towards it, but I stop her.
"I know you owe me some head and I damn sho' want it, but not right now. You'll have all night to do it tomorrow after we leave yo mama's barbecue. I might give you a lil some in return." I say as I put my dick back into my pants and boxers. "After yo test results. Better hope Tony didn't give you crabs or sum shit." I laugh.
Milani's face distorts into a frown as she playfully slaps the back of my head. "That's not funny, Dallas."
"Oh, so we using real names now, Milani?" I smile as I park then put on a pair of rubber gloves.
"I guess we are. Why you got them gloves on?"
"No fingerprints. Can't get caught up. I'll be back. Lock the doors."
Lani nods her head and locks the doors when I exit the car. Walking up to Rosco, I shake my head when he gives me a look about the gloves. "Don't ask. Just give me my shit."
"I gotcha, bruh. How you been? The legal life treating you right out there?" He asks, giving me all the shit I need in a plastic bag as I give him money for his services.
"Yeah, nigga. It's been good. Look, keep yo mouth shut about this shit we doing right now. I called yo ass on a burner phone to set up this meeting for a reason. If anybody finds out about this shit, that's yo motherfucking head, nigga."
"Drummer, you know I'd never speak a word about none of the shit we do. You did so much for me and my moms and I'll never repay you. I'll die behind protecting our business." He says to me, pounding his fist on his chest. I know he means it because I kept him and his mama from getting evicted multiple times. He been doing whatever I say since then.
"Bet. I'll get up with you another time. I gotta head out. My lady in the car."
"Aite. No disrespect, but she look bad as fuck."
"Preciate it. She is." I tell him as I motion for Milani to pop the trunk then put the bag onto the long sheet of tissue paper that's used to fill gift bags, incase something spills. Paper is easy to get rid, meaning no evidence.
Once I'm back in the car, I crank up and start driving the long road back to my crib; playing soft songs that give me a good vibe.
"Milani, so what's our story about how we met?" I ask as I turn the radio down a bit.
"I really don't feel like coming up with lies tonight, but since we have to, we'll say that we met through Chanel because you're cool with Jarell. We started hanging out and eventually you asked me to be your girlfriend over a candlelit steak dinner. Can you remember all that?"
"Yeah, I got it. Anything else I should know about your family other than the shit with your sister?"
"My mama's name is Melinda. My dad left my mama to be with a man because he's bisexual. My grandma's name is Clarece. Her and my mama pretend to be boujie, but deep down, they're ghetto as hell when they need to be. Our family used to be close until I stopped coming around. My ex, Tariq, will most likely be there pretending like everything is okay. Honestly, I think he still wants me because he makes passes at me when my sister and other family aren't around." She says nonchalantly.
"Aite, I'll go over all that in my head. I got a good memory though so I'll be good. You can quiz me tomorrow on the way there... you want me to beat Tariq's ass?"
Milani laughs and smiles at my dumb joke, but little does she know, I'm serious as hell.
"Nah, I don't want you doing all that. Trust me, it'll be enough drama going on tomorrow." She says as she gets comfortable. "Can you rub my head? It helps me sleep and I'm really tired."
"Girl, I don't wanna feel yo tracks."
"Nigga, fuck you. This is my hair! You must thought black girls couldn't grow long hair? See, just like a typical block headed ass nigga." She laughs, showing me her lace. "Hell, it is mine though! I paid for it."
"Well if you put it that way then hell yeah, it's yours. I wanna see yo natural hair one day though. I bet it's beautiful just like you."
Milani blushes from my words as tries to turn away so I won't see her. Reaching over, I rub my fingers across her head and feel her braids underneath her wig. I want to make a joke about it, but I decide to leave her alone so she can get her rest. Within moments, she's fallen asleep. As I glance over to her, I realize how damn good she looks while she's asleep. I can't wait to make her mine one day.
The ride back to my crib is filled with her light snores and the sounds of the soft music until her phone starts ringing.
"Lani, wake up. Your phone is ringing." I say as I softly shake her.
"Mhm. I'm tired. Just answer it." She groans back.
Shrugging my shoulders, I grab her phone out of her jacket pocket and put it up to my ear, frowning when I hear Chanel screaming and crying.
"Chanel, calm down. Calm down! I can't understand you. Tell me again, what's going on?" I say, getting an uneasy feeling in my stomach.
"SHIT! I'm on the way. I'll be there in bout 5 minutes."
Hanging up the phone, I wake Milani up and tell her what happened. She can tell by the look on my face that I'm worried so she rubs my arm and it calms me down.
"Drummer, I'm sure he'll be okay. Don't worry." She tells me.
"I hope so. I can't lose my brother, man. That nigga been my homie since diaper days..literally."
Once we make it to the hospital and go inside, Milani immediately gets Chanel to stop crying then sits her down so that she can explain the story to her while I pay off the nurse to tell me about Brandon's progress .
"What did they say!?" Chanel asks as soon as I sit down.
"They said he's going to be okay. The bullets only grazed him but there are a few fragments stuck in his skin so once they get those out and patch him up, we can take him home." I tell her. "So what happened?"
"Please don't get mad when she tells you. We don't need anymore craziness today. Promise me that you'll act rationally?" Milani says, looking into my eyes.
I just nod my head and brace myself for the story, my hands sweaty and shaky. I'm already pissed before Chanel even starts talking.
"Well Brandon and I were on our way to the gas station because I wanted some snacks. As soon as we walked out, bullets started flying and Brandon covered me with his body so that I wouldn't get hit. While he was covering me, I was still able to peep under his arm and saw Jarell shooting at us saying, "yeah, y'all thought I didn't know huh? The streets talk." After that, Brandon's blood was all over me, as you can see and I helped him into the car then came here. Before we left, the store owner called the police and since Jarell working with Holloway, you already know ain't shit gone happen. Holloway gone make up sum story about not being able to find out who did it, just to keep Jarell outta trouble. See, this shit gone fuck the plan all the way up."
"Ima kill that nigga!! Ain't no way he getting bold
enough to fuck with one of my niggas." I yell, making people stare.
Getting up from her chair, Milani grabs my arm and whispers in my ear, "you really need to calm down before they call the police. You wanna step outside for a minute?"
"Yeah." I say as she starts to follow me. "Alone."
"Drummer, you're not thinking straight. You don't need to be alone... Chanel, I'll be right back. Come get us if they say anything about Brandon.
Milani follows me outside and I try to get into the driver's seat of my car, but she drags me out and tells me to get into the backseat. Not paying it any mind, I get inside and she climbs in on top of me; straddling me and looking into my eyes.
"Listen, I know you're pissed and you wanna get back at Jarell, but shooting him will only land you in jail. You know Holloway has been looking for a way to lock you up, so think about what you're doing." She says before kissing my lips then my neck.
Her lips calm me down more as I try to think about what she's saying because I know it's the truth. Kissing her back, I thank her before leading her out of the car. As bad as I wanna stay in here with her, I know I need to be inside when Brandon comes back.
My eyes almost tear up when I see Chanel and Brandon hugging each other, his right arm in a cast and his leg bandaged up. I can also see the thick bandages on his back poking out from his shirt.
"Damn, bruh you good?" I ask, hugging him until he winces. "Shit, my bad. Where you get hit at?"
"I'm straight, bro. I got hit in my wrist, twice in the back, and my leg. Like I said before, Jarell dumb ass ain't no real shooter. He would've had better aim if he was. All the bullets grazed me." He says, wrapping his left arm around Chanel as she walks him to the desk to sign his discharge papers.
"Thank y'all for coming. Since there's no way I'm going back home for Jarell to beat the shit outta me, Ima get Brandon home and take care of him." Chanel smiles. "Guess I'll just have to be his live in nurse."
"If you wanna be my girl, just say that." Brandon laughs slowly as we all help him to his car.
"Don't worry, B. I'm gone have Lani get started on her part of the plan ASAP then it's your turn, Chanel. We gone get all them niggas."
"Bet that up, my nigga." Brandon tells me.
Chanel drives off with Brandon laid down on his stomach in the backseat while me and Milani get into my car.
"You sum else. You know that?" I ask her with a smile.
"Nigga, what you talking about?"
"Ion know, Lani. You just different forreal. I like the vibes you be putting out."
"Ew, are you starting to like me, Drummer?" She asks, pretending to be disgusted, but I know she putting on a show.
"Hell naw!" I tell her as I mush her face, earning a slap in the back of the head.
When we make it back to my house, I grab Milani's bag out of the car and walk her inside then upstairs to the bedroom.
"Oouuu your house is so nice and clean. I didn't expect this from you. You're living in a mansion."
"Preciate it. It's just a lil sum'n sum'n... wait right here for a minute."
As soon as I walk into the room to clean up a lil bit, I almost shit myself because Ariyah's crazy ass is laying in the bed naked and if Lani see this shit, she gone spazz.
"Girl, what the fuck you doing?" I whisper-yell; looking over my shoulder to make sure Milani isn't behind me.
"I was waiting on you. I'm ready to suck that dick up and get this lil pussy pounded."
"You wasn't saying all that shit when we was together so put yo clothes on and go sleep in the guest bedroom like you been doing! You know you not sleeping in here with me. You better go to Holloway's house."
"Whyyy nottttt? I wanna sleep in here." She drags out as the door swings open. "Dallas, you got this bitch inside my house? Are you fucking kidding me?"
Ariyah stands up and puts her robe on as I hold Milani back, gripping her tightly so she doesn't escape.
"You can let me go. I'm not gone swing on her because I'm about to call an Uber and leave. I don't have time for this shit tonight." Milani says as she tries to pull away from me.
"Nah Lani, the only person leaving is her. I don't know why she was in here because since we've been broken up, she's been sleeping in the guest room."
"I'm not going anywhere. This is my fucking house and I'll be damned if I get put out of this room. Either we all gone sleep in here together or Ima burn this bitch down." Ariyah says as she gets into my face, but Milani pushes her backwards; making her fall onto the bed.
"Man, fuck bruh! I tried to be nice to yo ass, but you're just making it harder. I know I gave you two weeks to leave, but I'm tired of this shit. Put your clothes on, I'll help you grab all the shit you packed and I want you outta here tonight. Before you start bitching, either let me help you or call yo lil boyfriend. Him and his boys ain't stopping no crime so I know they can help you move boxes."
I grab Milani's hand and lead her back downstairs and into the kitchen, picking her up and putting her on the counter then getting in between her legs. Her arms are folded across her chest so I unfold them and wrap them around my waist.
"Milani, I swear, I didn't know that girl would be up there like that. We haven't been fucking or nothing since I broke shit off. I don't know what's her problem. Ian mean to disrespect you like that."
"You ain't gotta explain shit to me, you're single and so am I." She says as she hops down and goes to sit on the couch while I help Ariyah load boxes into her car.
"You're making a mistake, Dallas!! Choosing her over me will be your downfall!" Ariyah yells in my face.
"Stop with the theatrics. Give me my damn house key, take this money, and use it for whatever else you need."
After handing Ariyah a stack of rubber-banded money, I take my key then go into the house and find Milani in the bedroom; taking the sheets, pillow cases, and comforter off the bed.
"I hope you have extras because I'm not sleeping on that shit and I understand she's hurt, but if she keeps on acting like that; either Ima have to beat the shit outta her again or Ima stop fucking with you." Lani says with her arms over her chest, her lips poking out.
Walking into my closet, I throw everything into the laundry basket and grab clean sheets, pillow cases, and a spare comforter then come back and make the bed. I also notice that she's already changed into her sleeping clothes.
"You don't gotta fight for a spot in my life. I don't want Ariyah anymore. I want you, so don't worry about her crazy ass and you ain't going nowhere so get that shit outta yo fat ass head."
Milani ignores me and gets into the bed, turning her back towards me so I pull her close and start kissing on her neck. She shivers as my cold lips touch her skin and I smirk next to her neck. I start smacking her ass as I grab her hair and rub my dick on her ass.
"Stop Dallas. I'm really not in the mood. You and your bitch have pissed me off for the night. Let me calm down." She sighs loudly and pushes me off her.
"Fuck you too then." I say as I turn over and go to sleep.
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