《Last Chance✔ (Completed)》Chapter Twelve


Elena's POV

My mind is clouded and I literally feel sick. What just happened in there? He and Rachel are not mated.

When Peyton ran in and he grabbed her in his arms all I could think about was how that could've been our daughter. I felt the same hurt that I felt all those years ago.

Then Jake came in and Peyton called him daddy. My first reaction was that Rachel had cheated with Pierson's friend. To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

Jake and Pierson had been best friends since they were born.

Then Jake went over and kissed Rachel and Pierson had no reaction. I knew then that they never mated.

I remember when Jake and his family had to move away for a few years to take care of some things in another country. He wasn't around when he or Rachel turned eighteen so that explains why they didn't find each other sooner. When exactly did they find each other I have no idea.

I go into my room and into the bathroom to splash some water onto my face.

I really need to stop freaking out about this information. I don't care if they're not mated. Pierson still made his choice long ago. He still picked Rachel over me.

Rachel probably left him for Jake and now he's probably thinking we have a chance. Well we don't. I'm not going to be anybody's second choice.

When I exit the bathroom I can hear footsteps coming towards my door. I can smell who it is even before they get here. I know that scent from anywhere.

I don't want to talk to him right now. I just want to clear my head. I decide to shift into my wolf and jump out my window to go for a run.


The next morning I head to the office and see Noah next to my office door waiting for me.

"Hey. I just wanted to check up on you and see if you were alright. You ran out of the dinner pretty fast last night," he says worryingly.

"I know. I just got the worst headache and I started to feel nauseous. I went to my room and took some medicine and went right to sleep. I woke up feeling much better though," I tell him. I hate lying to him, but I can't tell him why I really ran out of there. Nobody seems to know about Pierson and I, except Em, and I would very much like to keep it that way.


"That's good. Maybe it was something in the air because not even five minutes after you left Pierson said he wasn't feeling well either and headed out," he says looking curious.

I know he was trying to come talk to me.

"So I know you didn't get to eat dinner last night. And I was wondering if I could take you out for dinner tonight? I mean I know it wasn't my fault you did get sick, but I felt bad you didn't eat. Don't get me wrong that's no the only reason I want to take you out. I like you, but if you don't like me we could go as friends and..." I put my finger over his mouth to shush him. He's rambling again.

"I would love to go to dinner with you tonight," I tell him trying hard not to smile at his babbling. And honestly I would like to go with him. I'm listening to Em and saying yes. I haven't been on a date since my junior year in college and Noah's a really nice guy. It wouldn't hurt to go out with him.

He smiles at me. His eyes shining. "Ok that's great. I know this great restaurant not too far from here."

"That's sounds good," I reply.

"Ok then. It's a date," he says before walking off and getting to work.

It's a date I smile to myself.


Pierson's POV

I'm on my way to the medical wing to visit my dad, but that's not the only reason. I'm hoping to run into a fiesty brown haired girl.

And just my luck I see her writing on a clipboard outside a patient's room.

"Hey Elena," I call from across the room walking towards her.

When she sees me she immediately looks to her right and then left. Looking for a way to escape?

"Hi Pierson," she says her voice clipped.

When I reach her I stand as close as I can get to her, but she immediately steps back putting as much space as she can between us. I can't help but smile.

"I went looking for you after dinner last night, but you weren't in your room."


"Yeah I wasn't feeling too well and thought a nice run would help me."

I know she was trying to avoid me.

"I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight. I need to explain some things to you."

"I have plans," she says. Oh?

"What kind of plans?" Wrong thing to say. She's going to yell at me again.

"Sorry that's none of my business. I'm asking because I don't think you're telling me the truth. I really believe you just don't want to talk to me," I try to correct myself.

Was that stupid to say too? Judging by her deadly facial expression it was.

She rolls her eyes.

"If you must know I have a date with Noah tonight. So if you'll excuse me I need to get back to work so I can finish up and get ready," she says calmly trying to move around me.

What? She has a date with Noah! I feel the anger building up inside me. I knew it. I knew he was after my mate.

I take a step to the side blocking her way. When she looks at me I take another step towards her and she steps back once again. I do it again until she backs up into the wall and take that as a chance to step even closer to her, allowing her no way out. She gasps. I put my hand next to her head on the wall and lean down. We're so close we can feel each other's breath. I can hear her heartbeat pounding.

"I thought you two were just friends," I say huskly. She visibly shudders and I give her my signature smirk.

She doesn't say anything. Little miss doctor is speechless. That's a first.

"You can go on your little date tonight, but I know I'm the only one who can make you feel like this." I run my finger along her cheek, down her neck, and down her shoulder to her arm. My finger leaving a trail of electricity. She closes her eyes and whimpers.

I lean in closer our lips almost touching. The air is silent and the only sound that can be heard is our breathing.

We're so close.

My eyes roam her face. God, she's breathtaking. Her eyes. Those same blue eyes that once looked at me with so much want and hope all those years ago. They look like that now, but it only lasts a second before they go void. They change so quick that it makes me wonder if I was just imagining the emotion in them.

Something in her suddenly snaps and the next thing I know I'm being pushed hard against my chest and stumbling backwards.

I look up to see Elena's flushed face and her blazing eyes shooting daggers into me.

She walks towards me and jabs her finger into my chest with each word she says. "Don't," jab, "touch," jab, "me," jab, "ever," jab, "again," jab.

I grin at her. "Oh sweetie. I can't make that promise. You're too irrestible."

Her eyes ignite even further.

"Maybe just don't want me to touch you because you still feel something between us and you don't like it," I go on.

"Don't tell me what I feel and don't call me sweetie," she says lowly through gritted teeth.

I know I'm right, but I won't push it anymore. She doesn't know what happened between Rachel and I and she's not giving me the chance to explain it to her.

I don't care. I'm gonna win her over one way or another.


I would like to dedicate this chapter to . Thank you for being with me through this journey all while helping me edit and giving me pointers!

Please vote!

Also, yes Jake was mentioned in Chapter 7 I believe. Some people caught on to Peyton's name other's did not. I tried to sneak it in there.😂

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