《Wolf》Chapter 39- Wolf


I sat outside soaking up the sun, it had taken Luna a couple of days to settle but she seems more sure of herself now than she was when she first got to the clubhouse. They thought I didnt notice but I did, the slight blushes the shy hello's how they sneak into each others room at night I should be pissed at Bolts but he's gentle with her he's patient so I've stayed quiet and pretended I dont know anything just like they want.

"Hey kitten!" Kallen charges across the yard at me "our house will be done in a couple of weeks" I smile up at him "that's great babe" he sits beside me grabbing my hand "what's wrong baby?" I shuffle looking out at the boys and their families in the yard today was the annual summer BBQ every member will be there including wives and kids

"I want a baby" I blurted out "oookay we can work on that if you really want kitten?" I looked over at Kallen who's eyeing me intently "really?" I bit my lip he nods clutching my chin in his hand "what's brought this on kitten?" I shuffle again "it's just things are finally quiet now and I'm just scared if we wait much longer it'll always be something" he nodded looking out at the families "ok well we can talk to Thea see if we can get you off birth control" I jumped up grabbing his hand "ok let's go"

"What? Now?"

"Yes Kallen please" I clutch my hands in mock prayer like Kassi does when she wants something he rolled his eyes "alright alright lets go"

I squealed jumping into his arms he laughed carrying me down to Thea in the infirmary "hey can I come off birth control?" She looked up from her paperwork "baby making?" We both nod she reaches behind her for gloves "up on the bed" I wiggle off my pants she shooes Kallen out behind the curtain "oh come on! I've already seen every inch of it. It's beautiful kitten" I giggled at Thea "not happening Reaper wait outside please. Now Wolf take a deep breath and relax yourself for me please" I wince only slightly as she removes the coil from me, she has a quick check to make sure everything is ok down there "everything looks good darling" she removes her gloves opening the curtain once I have my pants on.


"So when can we start?" I sit onto Kallen's lap "well you can start basically straight away but its best to track your cycle see what days you're most fertile etc" I nod along Kallen looks lost "so to sum it up. I just have sex with you basically all the time?" He looks up at me hopeful I peck his lips "yep and lots of it" his face breaks into a boyish grin "sweet I'm not complaining let's go" he flings me onto his shoulder stalking towards the stairs

"bye Thea thanks!" I call giggling as Kallen slaps my ass.

"Seriously? You two are like goddam teenagers" Bolts groans slamming his head on the bar "shut up I'm making you an Uncle" Kallen snaps "well if you want Bolts we can just have sex right here" I giggle at him he waves his hand "no go away" Kassi is clapping in the corner "oh a baby! Go go go I want to be an Aunty! Joshua you shut the fuck up!"


"DEVIL'S RIDERS" Jackson's roar snaps us all to attention we had been having a pleasant time outside enjoying everyone's company "shit there's kids here!" Stone roars, Kassi and Adalynn start leading everyone to the bunker beneath the clubhouse where the women and children go the be safe whenever there's trouble

"Luna!" Bolts sprints right to me dodging a line of bullets on the way "Wolf I cant find Luna she went inside five minutes ago" I sprint towards the clubhouse ignoring Kallen's calls behind me everyone else is arming up frantically I run to the front of the house where Luna cowers against the wall twenty Devil's Riders aiming their guns at her I hear the safety click off and dive covering her body with my own.


My scream rings across the lot bullets shatter the skin on my back ripping apart my clothes I clutch Luna tighter to me making sure all of her body is covered with my own "Bolts made me carry a gun but I dont know how to use it properly" she whimpered I pulled the gun out of the back of her jeans the boys had stormed round the front of the clubhouse Kallen laid eyes on me "Izzy! You ok?" He called "yeah I'm fine" I gritted through my teeth shooting bullets every direction I can the movement ripping my skin open I wince and snap around to cover Luna again.

Once the fire had died down what's left of the Riders had sped off leaving their wounded and dead behind "what the fuck was that about?" Kallen snapped at Jackson "I've no idea! Trafficking maybe?" I stand up shakily Kallen's hands wrap around me instantly Luna aims straight for Bolts who scoops her up she clings to him like a koala "the fuck?" Kallen grunts out I shake my head "you ok kitten?" He peaks under what's left of my shirt "yeah there's a bullet lodged its slowing down the healing"

"SOMEONE GET DOC OR THEA" Kallen roars I slap his arm "dont be dramatic I'm fine I just need the bullet taken out anyone can do that"

"This is all my fault" Luna cries onto Bolts shoulder Jackson sighs "let me guess we have to wipe out another club?" He stares at me and I shrug "I belong to the president of the Riders he bought me months ago but I was on loan as a good will gesture to the Satans Sons I guess they came to collect" Luna's voice is barely a whisper.

Doc and Thea usher us all inside I rip off what's left of my shirt sitting forward so Thea can slice me open and remove the bullet "there's more than one here! You young lady are very lucky to have a sister with capabilities like this you should be dead" Thea gives Luna a stern look pulling a bullet out I wince and then breathe a sigh of relief feeling the tears in my skin close back up "holy shit that is phenomenal" Doc mutters I take the top Thea had handed me putting it on "in answer to your question Dad. Yes we are going to have to wipe out another club. Family is family right?"

He rolls his eyes "right family is family"

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