《Wolf》Chapter 36- Reaper


I'm crouching behind the bar with Bolts reloading my gun "hey! Remember when she walked into the bar that night and we thought she was just an art assistant? Yeah can we go back to that please? Cause I'm filling up with bullet holes here" he screamed at me I roll my eyes at him standing up I shoot down three guys before ducking back down quickly Bolts reloads his gun before doing the same "SHIT!" He lands on the floor beside me panting blood staining his shirt at his shoulder "I love her man like family I really do but she is fucking killing me" he grumbles applying pressure to the wound "come on Bolts have some fun. Target practice like we were kids remember?" I smack his shoulder and he curses at me.

A shrill scream rings out and we both peak over the bar the rest of our boys appear behind the bar with us "reckon we'll just leave them too it" Jackson mutters clutching his leg, Bear has a guy in a vice grip a loud crack and he falls limp before Bear drops him to the ground bodies litter the floor blood splattered on the walls and every surface pooling on the floor Beast claws at a mans chest before ripping him open "holy shit they're savages" Gunnar whispered before throwing up Isabella paces around Rico "string him up" she orders Bear wraps a chain around Ricos hands throwing the other end around a beam he pulls the chain until Ricos feet are dangling just above the ground she runs her blade across his chest cutting him open he cries out but says nothing "you gonna give me my sister now?" She runs her blade along his chest again leaving another cut parallel to the first one Rico nods frantically "yes yes just take her dumb whore isn't worth this you freaks slaughtered my club"


Isabella smirks "where is she?" Rico is panting struggling to stay conscious "when we're under attack the women head to the basement until its safe try there" Isabella nods to Beast he heads for the stairs Rico looks up "you not gonna go yourself?" She shrugs "see he goes to make sure it's not a trap if it's not you get to live if it is you die slowly"


Isabella smiles "well would you look at that? Big bad biker was actually telling the truth" she placed her blade against his throat he thrashed frantically "wait wait you said I could live if I told you the truth" she leaned in close to him "I lied" she sliced her blade across his throat slitting it open Bear released the chain letting Rico fall to the floor. Beast leads the girls upstairs they look around the room scared "Hacker find keys to the SUVs we might need them" Jackson drags himself to a stand "you got it boss" Hacker darts off towards the offices I walk up to Isabella pulling her in for a hug "you ok kitten?" She nods "looking for a Luna Alvarez she here?" Jackson leans against the bar the girls part to show a small black haired girl standing at the back her clothes are baggy and tattered on her tiny frame she looks similar to Isabella but only if you squint it's easy to tell they have different fathers Isabella has Jackson's eyes but dark hair like Luna.

"I'm Luna. Are you here to buy me?" Her voice is nothing but a whimper "No" Isabella walks over to her "we're here to take you home. I'm your half sister Isabella" Luna plays with her hands looking at the floor "ok" she mumbles "anyone else who wants to come with us better decide now otherwise you're free to go have a wonderful life" Jackson limps towards the door Whippet snickers throwing an arm over his shoulder he helps Jackson out the door Isabella takes Luna's hand gently leading her outside.


"I'm a nurse I could stitch a couple of your guys up? Have you far to travel?" One girl whispers to me "it's about a two day journey if you could help that would be great" she blushes nodding slightly she runs off to get a medic kit I wander out the front Isabella is waiting at an SUV for me "what'll we do about our bikes? We only came for Luna not half the damn club" she leans into me I wrap my arms around her "well if they wanna come let them if they wanna stay then fine"

"Little miss pink cheeks can stay behind unless she wants to join the body count" Isabella tilts her head towards the girl who said she was a nurse she's rushing across the yard with a kit "hey so who needs patching up. Oh you've been shot hold on I'll get it" she reaches out her hand but Isabella slaps it away "even think of touching what's mine again and I'll feed you to the sharks understood?" The girl gulps and nods "why dont you head to the boys in the truck first this is just a scratch" I smile at her as she walks away.

"You're sexy when you're jealous kitten" she glares up at me "I am not jealous just letting her know her place" she tilts her chin up I lean down and kiss her "mmhmm so sexy" she giggles pulling me in close "HEY MR I CAN CONTROL MYSELF PULL YOUR DICK IN LETS GO" Bolts shouts across the lot "ok he interrupts again I'll shoot him" she grumbled walking over to Jackson "hey pink cheeks you got a name?" The girl blushed deeper "Hannah"

"Can you stitch on the move?" Hannah nodded "ok good get your ass in the truck. Bear Beast myself and Reaper will ride back two in front two behind make sure we dont get ambushed or anything you boys better load up your bikes into that truck we gotta be on the move as long as possible. So whoever drives now someone rests up to take over when the first person gets tired etc sooner we're miles away from here the better"

Everyone nods and jumps into action the four of us climb on our bikes ready for the signal, once we get it we take off in formation Bear and Beast ride up front Isabella and I ride at the back. Sooner we're back at the clubhouse the better.

Hopefully its smooth riding from here on out, wiping out MC clubs is becoming a habit.

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