Wolf Chapter 40


It's not easy being what we are, everyone is standing around pointing guns at each other no one daring to move. Satans Sons on one side, Lords of Mayhem on the other and then there's us in the middle. These bikers can say that they're killers that they torture people to get answers that they do what they have to do but they will never be us. We dont have nightmares about our kills because we can turn it off like flipping a switch Beast is shuffling beside me he's ancy he's fidgety he needs this like we all do I glance over at Bear his expression cold his body poised and ready.

I can smell their fear, the way they stand ready for what they think will happen they think their guns will save them but in truth they will only slow us down a fraction. This is what Uncle created us for, massacres, total wipeout, this is why we were forced into trainings together to rely on each others strengths this is why he wasnt happy when I then requested to train alone but in truth Bear and Beast have been there for me of late when I needed them. Family is family.

I take a step towards one of the men he's eyeing me intently a slight sneer on his face I can sense Reaper and the others tense up behind me ready and waiting, I calmly come to a stop in front of the man he opens his mouth to speak but before he has a chance I slice his throat open he crashes to the floor clutching his neck trying to stop the blood flow.

This is the beginning of it the Sons start shooting the Lord's duck for cover returning the fire, I look over at my brothers Bear and Beast they stand in the middle awaiting their orders "kill them all" my voice is so cold I barely recognise it instantly they snap into action as do I. I clasp a gun belonging to a Son throwing my fist into his face I daze him before swinging my elbow to his temple crushing it he lands on the floor with a thud I shoot him once between the eyes to be sure.


Bullets fly everywhere but I dont feel them hit me, the women have run for cover I dont know where and right now I don't care either. Beast is fighting two men, they have yet to land a punch while one fights him the other shoots him this angers Beast they've pissed him off he snaps and pulls the gun away from the man shooting him repeatedly in the face until there is nothing left but mush he spins on the other guy who has turned a ghostly white he stalks over to him his hunting blade in his hand he stabs the man in the stomach slicing up to his throat Beast rips him wide open the mans scream rings out through the bar.

Reaper and his crew have ducked behind the bar for cover but we are not done, Bear is snapping spines making the men go limp I shoot them all because we dont leave survivors. The men are starting to panic now I can smell it and my rage dances because of it my eyes are glowing their golden yellow my body is alive with electricity, a Son lunges at me I duck low to avoid him stabbing his stomach with my blade I fling him over my head cutting him open on the way he lands on the other side of the bar breaking a table with his dead weight.

There is blood everywhere on the tables and walls pooling on the floor, another lunges at me this time I am slightly distracted Bolts has been shot and I can't see Reaper, the guy lands a punch he is a monster of a man his punch dazed me only momentarily but it was enough to land another I crash onto a table nearby crushing it to the floor.


Bear drops the man he was holding and Beast stalks over towards us "no he is mine" I growl at them they stop, watching me intently I come to a stand this man smirks at me thinking he will win because he punched me twice. I shoot his kneecaps he falls to the floor, standing over him I force him upright slicing across his mouth with my blade "you should never hit a woman" I snarl at him he looks at me wide eyed while I back away "I havent done this trick since I was a kid think I can still do it?" I laugh to Bear and Beast they smirk "pretty sure you can Wolf"

The man's eyes widen I turn my back to him calming my breathing, heightening my senses I take my stance spinning on my foot I snap around flinging my blade it lands right between the man's eyes and he thumps to the floor. I can hear Bolts shouting at someone behind the bar Beast rips a man open who had lunged at me his scream rings out across the bar "reckon we'll just leave them too it" Jackson is behind the bar, Bear snaps a man's spine he falls limps "holy shit they're savages" someone whispers before throwing up

Rico is shaking in the middle of the room I pace around him, pulling my blade out of the dead man's head I stalk closer to Rico, this son of a bitch made an animal out of my sister treated her like she was nothing but two sets of lips like she was a toy to be passed around by the most vile of creatures. He is pale and ghostly white but that does nothing to soothe my burning rage "string him up" Bear wraps chains around Rico's hands throwing them over a beam he pulls until Rico is dangling above the ground.

I will kill this man but not until I get what I came here for first.

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