《Wolf》Chapter 35- Wolf


We pulled up across the street from the Satans Sons clubhouse "I know this is gonna stir up a shit Storm but I reckon Kallen and I go in there first. Sense the air get a feel for what we're up against" my eyes scan the building Bear opens his mouth to protest but Jackson hushes him with a hand "I agree Reaper you take that cut off you go in as civilians looking for your lost sister. The boys will keep their ears open if it all goes to shit we'll storm the place" I park up my bike pulling my helmet off Kallen parks beside me handing his cut to Jackson clasping my hand he leads me towards the clubhouse "There's a bar here we can start there" I point to a far door and we head towards it.

Walking into the bar it goes quiet instantly all eyes on us "can I help you?" A guy behind the bar barks at us Reaper pulls me close to him "looking for the guy in charge have some questions" he mutters "PREZ! what you want?" The guy stares back at us again before Reaper can answer I silence him with a squeeze of his hand hearing footsteps coming down the hall a monster of a man enters the room and my breath hitches in my throat he eyes me greedily "she yours?" He nods towards me "she's my wife if that's what you mean" Reaper barks back the man eyes me again "dunno how you think straight when she's wearing shit like that" he points to my suit "I'm a man not an animal I have self control" Reaper growls "names Rico what the fuck do you want?" He sits down at a table I step out from behind Reaper holding up a photo "have you seen this girl? She's my sister and I'm trying to find her"


I catch his hand as it hurtled towards my face slamming it down to the table with my free hand I slam his face onto the table dazing him in seconds everyone has their guns drawn on us Rico spits blood at me "women dont speak in my prescence bitch they just suck dick and open their legs" I go to lunge at him but Reaper pulls me back "not now Wolf" he mutters in my ear spinning me around so my back is to them I hide my face in his chest "control your woman asshole" Rico spits again "sorry she's got a temper guess I dont beat her hard enough" Reapers voice is cold my blood is boiling laughter rings out around the room "my boys will happily sort her out for you" Rico sneers and I struggle in Reapers arms his hand covers my eyes his grip deathly tight on me "have you seen the fucking girl or not" he snaps.

"You alright Wolf?" Bears voice rings in my ears I struggle in Reapers arms again looking up at him my eyes are glowing and he's struggling to contain me "yeah I've seen her" I freeze "yeah I'm fine wait for my order" I whisper into Reapers chest "ok let us know if it goes to shit. Heard Reaper call you Wolf"

"Well? Where is she?" Reapers voice snaps my attention back "well let's see its midday so I guess she's in Enzo's bed until about 1 and then she belongs to Loco until about 3" I turn around slowly facing Rico "she's a clubwhore?" My heart is hopeful the guys in our club are pretty respectful to the girls they dont abuse or mistreat them Rico sneers at me "shes whatever the fuck we tell her to be"


"Right now she's probably a spit roast" one of the other boys laughs out I look at Reaper wide eyed his expression is cold.

"Well we want her so why dont you go get her for us?" He snaps his fists clenching everyone laughs Rico shakes his head "nah she's fine where she is" I roll my eyes losing my patience "listen asshole you're gonna hand my sister over to me our the next breath you take will be your last" everyone howls in laughter hands slamming down on tables "oh boy you're gonna regret that" Reaper sings out sinking into a chair he puts his feet up on a table crossing them "oh yeah? Whys that?" A nerdy guy with glasses pipes up from the back I smirk at him "well you ever hear the name Wolf floating around the dark web?" A few faces visibly pale I hear the door swing open behind me "oh hey boys! Party is just beginning take a seat cause these assholes just pissed my wife off" Reaper sings out behind me amusement clear in his voice Bear and Beast stand on either side of me.

I take a step closer to Rico "here's how this is gonna go, you hand me over my sister we will leave quietly no harm no foul. You dont give me what I want then my friends and I will take great satisfaction in slaughtering you all. Here's the kicker though you're gonna love this one you ready?" My eyes glow golden yellow and Rico takes a step away as I stalk closer to him his eyes wide "the guys in the back? The bikers? They kill and torture in the normal ways you know a bullet here and missing finger there. My brothers and I" my face is inches from Rico's "we will skin you all alive slowly until you beg us for death, see him?" I point to Beast who smiles manically "he'll rip you apart piece by piece before he rips you open with his bare hands just for fun" I shrug then point to Bear "see him? He'll crush your body into teeny tiny pieces until your just mush and me?" I tilt my head "well I take my time with my kills I'll make you beg for your life, I'll make you beg for mercy but I will show you none the more you beg to slower I'll kill you. You think you're the only sick son of a bitch in this world? We were made into monsters shoot all the bullets you want you cant kill us"

The men are pale and sweating "so you gonna give us the girl or do you wanna take your chances with the psychos?" Bolts sneers at the group Rico pulls out his gun and shots me straight in the chest the bullet bounces off of my suit clinking to the floor I smirk at him "so be it" his boys stand to attention while everyone behind me draw their weapons I pull out my blades stepping back slightly I eye up the room.

This is going to end in a bloodbath with only one MC left standing.

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