《Wolf》Chapter 22- Reaper


I stared after her walking towards the table her ass swaying in that fitted jumpsuit that I almost had off, her strong back on display she wasn't wearing a goddam bra "sorry man I didn't know she was in there with you" his voice snapped me out of my daze grabbing fist fulls of his shirt I slammed him into the wall "how do you expect me to get my dick wet when you keep fucking interrupting?!" I snapped at him he wiggled in my grip I dropped him pinching my nose to calm my temper "Bolts I love you man you're my brother but I swear to fuck you interrupt one more fucking time and I will feed you your dick you understand? My balls hurt man!"

Not waiting for him to reply I stormed back to the table Bear looked frustrated and Beast looked uncomfortable "so I have something I need to run by you guys" Isabella mumbled looking through her purse, the waitress who showed us to our table brought over food I didnt remember ordering "I ordered for everyone" Bolts waved his hand across the table I glared at him still pissed that I have blue balls for yet another day he shrunk into his seat.

"What do you need to tell us?" Bear tucked into his beef stew "why does that girl keep staring at me" Beast mumbled playing with his fork glancing at the Auburn haired waitress "probably because she wants to fuck you" Bolts winked at him "you plan on interrupting him too?" I grumbled stabbing my steak Beast looked confused "you mean sex?" He choked out, Isabella started stroking my shoulder working up my neck into my hair and I couldn't concentrate she makes me hard just being in the same room as me her touch is enough to make me explode "we need to kill Uncle" she stated the whole table froze and looked at her "and how exactly do you plan on doing that? If he's made us basically borderline invincible what the fuck do you think he's done to himself" Bear gaped at her.


She shrugged her shoulders still stroking my neck "we call in the club for back up. If we over power him I'm sure Beast can finish him off freeing us all in the process"

"Ah I hate to be the party pooper again" Bolts started "but how exactly do you plan on calling in the club? Your mad man Uncle and psycho boy over here took our phones" he jabbed his thumb toward Beast who was looking more murderous with every passing minute without saying anything she poked her finger in my ear "what the fuck?" I snapped at her

"Reaper! Man am I glad to know you're still alive!"

"How the fuck? Hacker? Explain" I stared at her she tapped her nose smiling crookedly drinking her water Bolts sat upright in his chair eyeing me intently.

"Well in a nutshell you've got yourself one hell of a woman there Reaper she knew you would be stupid enough to follow her wherever she may go if she decided to leave so she asked to take one of the coms and here we are"

I smiled to myself, yeah she's one hell of a woman alright "ok so say we call in backup from the bikers 1. I'm sorry boys you guys are human and breakable 2. Uncle is a mad man and 3. Well he's not gonna go down easy" Bear sat back in his chair rubbing his hair Beast shuffled "she's still looking at me. Can we leave? I dont like this world I want to go back to the compound. I dont like outside. Compound good. Compound safe."

"No Beast you need to do this. We were prototypes. Uncle has created things far worse than us and once he has completed all of his tests he will exterminate us. You both know it so dont even try to deny it if we are to get out and survive then we take him down. We can use Beast and Reapers fight as a distraction. Mattie I know this is hard for you I do believe me I freaked out when I first left the compound but it does get better and the Lords of Mayhem will help. Wont you?" She glared at me and Bolts I mumbled my agreements focusing on my suddenly interesting steak dinner.


"Yeah man! It'll be fun! All the pussy you could need back at the clubhouse" Bolts exclaimed pointing his fork at them they just exchanged glances before looking uncomfortable "what? Are you gay or something? Cause that's cool" I mumbled "well ah I've only slept with uhm one girl" Bear whispered shifting in his seat "I ah haven't. At all. With anyone" Beast muttered clutching his fork uncomfortably, Bolts looked like he was gonna have a heart attack "MY GOD! Ok that's it. Reaper call back up now these boys need out and they need out fast"

We talked quietly coming up with a plan on how to kill their Uncle "everything going ok over here? Can I get you anything?" Auburn waitress flushed red Isabella kicked Beast under the table nodding her head towards the girl "uhm am some water thank you?" He whispered she turned a deeper shade of red before she hurried off to get water.

"Shit shit Uncle is coming over shush" Bear flapped his hands over the table "well how is everyone?" He smiled eerily I wrapped my arm around Isabella pulling her closer to me she rested her hand on my thigh stroking it gently with her thumb I pecked her forehead gently "everything is good Uncle I think Beast is enjoying himself"

"Here's your water" we all smiled at the waitress until she left.

"Yes well it's time to go. Up now" he snapped his fingers they jumped to their feet heading for the door. I looked at Bolts threw down some cash for the bill and left "man that was fucking weird what the hell?" Bolts whispered following them out we climbed into the car and headed back towards the compound. Bear and Bolts chatted mindlessly about bikes, Beast looked out the window. Isabella sat close to me my arm wrapped around her, her hand stroking my chest through my shirt I rested my head on hers.

"Wonderful we are here! Did everyone have a good night?" Thea looked around at us, we all grumbled our yes's climbing out of the car. Once inside Bolts and I headed to our quarters God I hate this place we flopped on our beds when there was a knock on the door "excuse me Reaper?" Thea popped her head in "yes?" I sat up looking at her Bolts watched her from his bed.

"I've known those 3 since they were small children in a way they are my children I care about them very much" Bolts sat up "Isabella was always a fiery girl even before the serum injections. She was 4 when she came here she doesnt trust people easily, I like how she is with you she seems happy. I will help anyway I can to get you out of here but I ask that you take my other 2 children with you they are misunderstood but they deserve happiness too" she clutched her hands together in front of her.

"We will help them for you" I assured her she smiled her thank you heading for the door "but what about you?" Bolts asked she turned back to face him her happy features now sad

"I cant leave. He would never allow it. Dont tell the others but I must die with him"

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