《Wolf》Chapter 15- Wolf


Hot. Boiling hot. I swallowed thickly opening my eyes feeling a dead weight across my chest I looked over and saw Kallen passed out on his side beside me his mouth partially open snoring softly he looked so peaceful sleeping his normally moody face relaxed so I could see all of his handsomeness his thick brown hair falling onto his face his long dark lashes resting on his cheeks his thick brows half raised his arm draped across me I tried wriggling out from underneath it but he just pulled me closer snorting slightly before swallowing then going back to snoring.

Yeah I've had sex I'm not a virgin by any means but I've never shared a bed with a man I'd have sex and then I'd leave it was perfect scratch the itch and get the hell out of there. Easy peasy. Lying here next to Kallen I felt almost happy and content like I wouldn't mind waking up next to him everyday.

Man they are NOT normal! Whippet is still throwing up at the side of the road!

Bolts' words echoed through my mind and I knew he would tell Kallen what exactly happened after he left with Kassi, the others and I well we do kill quick but sometimes just sometimes we take our time which is what Bear and I did last night it was slow and torturous and bloody gruesome, I dont think Bolts and Whippet expected it. I see how Kallen looks at me how he stuffs his hands in his pockets to rearrange his pants even in my daze last night I noticed how he looked at me before leading me to the shower but I cant stay Bolts is right I'm not normal I need to go back to the compound with Bear, that is if he's still here. Maybe he's left already.

Wiggling closer into Kallen's arms I placed a gentle kiss on his lips so as not to wake him he stirred only slightly I rolled him onto his back gently his arm leaving me and flopping across his torso his other arm splayed out flat underneath my neck I gently kissed down his chest down his abs before coming to the top of his sweats I peaked up at him from under the covers tucking my fingers into the waistband of his sweats and boxers pulling them down gently inhaling sharply when I saw his dick "fuck" I whispered stroking it gently.


He stirred slightly and it sprung to life becoming hard almost instantly peaking up at him again I wrapped my lips around his cock sucking slightly his hands snapped to my head his eyes meeting mine I smiled and swallowed him all the way to the hilt the head hitting the back of my throat thank God I dont have a gag reflex otherwise he wouldn't all fit his grip tightened on my hair and he hissed "fuck Isabella" his head falling back onto the pillow keeping him in my mouth I bobbed my head swirling my tongue around his length he clenched his jaw his fingers gripping my hair with a loud pop I slipped him out of my mouth pausing slightly before swallowing him whole again sucking harder "shit" his hips bucked up.

Using my hand with my mouth I tugged and sucked his low groans floating down to my ears I swirled my tongue around the tip licking up the pre cum before nipping him with my teeth gently he hissed again "jesus christ" I followed this rhythmically until he finished his cum pulsing down my throat I swallowed all of it licking my lips when I sat back up he tugged me close for a kiss "morning" he grunted smiling "morning" I whispered kissing him deeply "that's a hell of a way to wake a guy up" he stroked my cheek with his knuckles "I could get used to it" he winked I blushed slightly "oh yeah?" He rolled me onto my back "oh yeah! Now it's my turn"

A loud bang sounded on the door "bro! Kassi's awake!" Bolts shouted Kallen sighed "yeah ok" I smiled up at him stroking his face gently he pecked my lips before throwing on a t shirt "you coming down?" I nodded "yeah I'll be down in a few I'm just gonna get dressed" I lied he smiled and pecked my lips gently again but it wasn't enough I grabbed his face and pulled him close kissing him deep and passionately before letting him go. He just smiled and walked out the door, I found some paper and scribbled him a note before grabbing my bag and sneaking out.


I snuck out the back so no one would see me Bear was waiting by my bike leaning against his own muttering a silent thank you that he had actually stayed I walked up to him "Bear you were right I need to go back to the compound" I mumbled strapping my bag onto the back of my bike he nodded and climbed onto his "you ok?" I just nodded grimly wiping the tears from my cheeks "Isabella?" I looked up at Mark, Kallen's dad his eyes wandered from my bike to Bear and back to me "what's going on?" His face stern "I need to go Mark it's not safe to be here I'm putting everyone in danger" he extended his hand to stop me I stepped away "please dont this is hard enough. I dont want to go but I have too can you please tell Jackson and Kassi I'm sorry" I swung my leg over my bike "and my son? What do you suggest I tell him when he goes looking for you?"

Wiping the tears away again I put my helmet on "I left him a note please dont let him follow me. He's safer away from me" I closed the visor on my helmet and kick started my bike Mark said nothing just backed up out of our way I followed Bear out of the lot and onto the highway. Words could never express the hurt I felt that day deep in my heart, I had never allowed someone to get that close to me Kallen made me feel things I had never felt before. He made me feel like a normal woman like I was wanted and beautiful.


We rode for hours before we made it back to the compound my body seized up from being in the one position for so long before I even had my helmet off Uncle burst into the garage "my darling Isabella! My beautiful Wolf! Welcome home my angel" he clutched me into a tight embrace "it's good to be home Uncle. I'm sorry it took so long" I mumbled to him climbing off of my bike "hush now Wolf it's alright my dear I'm just happy you're ok" I winced at his words but smiled following Uncle and Bear inside. Beast and Thea were waiting just inside the door "darling! Welcome home my goodness you look so beautiful!" Thea held her arms out for me I hugged her gently glancing at Beast nervously "Wolf" he barked holding his hand out I shook it looking down at the ground.

"Who's ready for dinner? I have meatloaf in the oven, Isabella darling?" Thea smiled at me "I'm not hungry if its alright with you Uncle I'd like to go to my room I'm tired" he nodded at me rubbing my shoulder "of course Wolf we will see you in the morning I will need to run some tests" nodding silently I made my way up to my old bedroom my bag in my hand I threw it on my bed taking out one of Reapers shirts holding it to my nose I breathed in his scent, falling onto my old bed I clutched his shirt close to me letting the tears that had been threatening to fall all day escape their prison releasing the aching pain in my chest I lay there silently and cried until sleep had found me.

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