《Wolf》Chapter 12- Reaper


"Brrooooo you wont BELIEVE what Wolf did earlier!" Whippet flew across the room at me sending some stools flying Bolts hot on his tail I looked down at her raising my eyebrow she just shrugged on her jacket and picked up her helmet smiling before she walked out I turned back to the boys "so? What did she do?"

"She KO'd Kandy! Man it was fucking insane!" Whippet laughed "Kassi filled me in one why after Wolf left the kitchen apparently Kandy started talking shit about being your old lady" I rolled my eyes at Bolts "I know I know but listen! So Kass tried to tell her to take a hike but Wolf told Kassi to shush and this is when we walked in she said something about being in your bed all night and missing the so called sex between you and Kandy and then man she picked up her chair and smashed it off of Kandy's face!" Whippet was rolling on the floor laughing Bolts wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I waved my hand "and? Then what?" Whippet caught his breath and wiped away the tears "then Kandy said she'd regret that so Wolf got in her face and said next time she wouldn't stop at just breaking her nose"

"So bro? What exactly happened with you and Wolf last night?" Bolts crossed his arms smiling at me, I scowled at him "nothing we watched a movie she fell asleep on the bed I slept on the couch" he punched me on the arm "ow what the fuck?" I barked at him "you got a fine ass woman like that in your bed and you sleep on the couch? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" he roared some of the other guys wandered into the bar curiously.

I held up my hands in mock defeat and walked out Jackson was hugging Isabella at her bike "hey you ready?" I looked between them both "is everything ok?" Jackson nodded told us about the party later then walked off she straddled her bike kinda wish she had straddled me instead I shook my head "so where are we off too?"


"You'll see if you can keep up" I joked with her she pulled a face before pulling her helmet on and followed me out of the lot.

We sped through the town towards my cabin by the lookout I was nervous as hell when we pulled up she looked around her eyes wide taking it all in "wow Reaper it's so beautiful up here" I cleared my throat standing beside her "Kallen"

"What?" She looked up at me "my name its Kallen" she bit her lip and nodded looking out at the valley again. I went into the cabin and grabbed a blanket putting it on the ground for us to sit on "this is your place?"

"Yeah I come up here sometimes to clear my head I've uh I've never brought anyone up here before"

She shifted closer to me on the blanket lying down "that one looks like a tree" I lay beside her watching the clouds "Oh yeah? Well that one looks kinda like a cat" I pointed up she squinted "no it doesn't!" I rolled onto my side facing her after a couple of seconds she did the same "so a little birdy tells me you KO'd one of the girls this morning" I poked her she giggled blushing slightly "yeah well she deserved it she got in my face I didnt appreciate it so I hit her with a chair" she mumbled biting her lip I reached out to stroke it "you're gonna have to stop that or I'll fuck you right here" I warned her "okay" she breathed leaning in.

We met in the middle our lips molding to each others I licked hers asking to open up and let me in she did, I rolled her onto her back nestling myself between her thighs she wrapped her legs around my waist her hands on my shirt pulling me closer. I ran my hands up her sides and she shivered moaning into my mouth she slipped a hand under my shirt rolling it up, I cupped a breast and squeezed gently kissing down her neck along her collarbone before we could do anything my phone rang. I sat up pulling it out of my pocket "WHAT?" I roared, Bolts coughed "ah sorry to interrupt bro but you need to get back to the clubhouse pronto its Kassi shes in trouble"


Before I even opened my mouth Isabella was on her bike she tapped her ear and stuffed on her helmet. Together we tore down the lane way through the town towards the club house thank God she's a skilled rider because I think I broke every speed limit on my way there when we got back to the house she ran straight to my room I ran into the chapel where church had already begun "what do we know?" I slammed the door and took my seat Juice was on his laptop "well she was taken from the diner one of the guys she works with called me as soon as she was taken he said she put up a good fight before one of them knocked her out with his gun and threw her in a black SUV"

"Why'd he call you? Why didnt he call me or Reaper we're her brothers" Bolts barked Juice shifted in his seat "aaahh"

"That shit doesn't matter Juice is tracking the van on the traffic cameras and I'm pulling up aerial images of their clubhouse and any known businesses connected to them to see if theres anywhere they can take her" Hacker spat "ok good! They dont know that we know she's been taken yet that still gives us the element of surprise boys I want you to gear up we're gonna blow these bastards to shit-"

"Where is she?"

Isabella's voice cut through Jackson's speech everyone turned to looked at her my eyes nearly came out of my head she wore a black one piece spandex suit that clung to every goddam curve over it she had her leather jacket on her thighs she had two glocks and a few blades strapped along with a couple of other smaller blades tucked into holdings on the chest of her suit. "Where is she?" She asked again stepping into the room Hacker and Juice glanced at me "what are you looking at him for? I'm the one that's talking to you WHERE IS SHE?" she grabbed Juice by the throat dragging him across the table up to her face.

"We ah we haven't narrowed down where she is yet we were just tracking the van on the traffic cams" Hacker glanced between both laptops Isabella pulled out a blade holding it to Juice's throat "then find her fast or the next breath he takes will be his last" she warns I sat back in my chair "you're not going" she ignored me "Isabella? I said you're not going" I got a glare that time ok good she heard me.

"They've just pulled into a warehouse down by the docks" Hacker announced she dropped Juice and bolted out the door I jumped up after her Jackson grabbed my arm "easy son have you a bullet proof vest on?" I shook my head "then you gear up and we follow her properly prepared she heals fast you dont let her go son she knows what she's doing"

I clenched my jaw but followed her out to her bike "Isabella?" She looked over her shoulder not making eye contact with me "just wait until we get there before you go in ok? I'm gonna be right behind you promise me?" She nodded her head and took off. I sighed and ran back inside to gear up.

I knew it. That woman will be the death of me

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