《Wolf》Chapter 10- Reaper


Most men would freak hearing a woman they're hot for is a born and bred killer but that just makes me want to fuck her more and keep her as my old lady... what?

"Prez she stays!" I snapped at him few murmurs of agreement around the table "you think she's your daughter Jack?" Dad asked from his seat, Jackson just pinched his nose "I dont know? I mean I knew a woman with her mothers name and it all adds up"

"Well then she stays and we find out more about her. If she is family Jack you cant turn your back on her she's had it rough enough by the sounds of it"

"Alright alright boys lets vote! Those in favour of Isabella staying here at the clubhouse until this drama with the Sons blows over?" Everyones hands rose into the air "that settles it she stays Reaper go get your girl" Jackson smirked at me slamming the gavel, I stood up and left.

"Hey Kass where's Isabella?" Kassi scrunched up her nose "who?" Bolts came up behind me "hey sis I'll fill you in, you seen Ellie?" I scowled at him "oh yeah she drove home about 10 minutes ago" I ran out to my bike and took off. 15 minutes later I'm banging on her door she opens it the same as always with her glock in her hand "what're you doing here?" I snapped bursting in past her "I told you I'm leaving" I grabbed her "you're coming to the clubhouse with me"

She struggled out of my grasp "no Reaper it's not safe for anyone to be around me I need to leave I've already been here too long"

"I'm sorry was that a question? Pack a bag you're coming with me now" I barked at her she stared at me her eyes flashing between their normal golden brown and yellow "you know I could kill you before you've even unhooked your gun" I swear I've never been harder in my life without saying anything I grabbed her face crashing my lips onto hers she resisted for a second before kissing me back.


I did a happy dance in my head she kissed me back!

Her hands fisted my shirt her body molding into mine "ok fine" she mumbled to my lips "I'll grab a bag" I smirked still kissing her "ok good" we broke the kiss I stroked my knuckles across her cheek "your eyes" I whispered "wolf eyes" she whispered back looking away blinking I grabbed her chin turning her back to look at me "they're beautiful" I kissed her again. She wandered off to pack her bag coming out a couple of minutes later "follow me on your bike?" I nodded following her out the door.

We pulled into the lot I didnt even wait for her to get off of her bike before running and grabbing her "where will I sleep?" She froze mid way through the lot before I could answer Kassi burst out the door "Isabella? Why didnt you tell me? I thought we were best friends?" She slapped her hands onto her hips Isabella just shrugged "it was safer you didnt know I'm sorry Kass I hated lying to you" Kassi just pulled her into a hug before dragging her into the clubhouse I carried her bag following behind them in.

"Welcome to the family Wolf!" Bolts cheered when we walked through the door I noticed a blush creep up her cheeks and pecked one gently wrapping my arm around her waist "come on we can put your stuff in Reapers room" Kassi winked at me dragging her away I headed to the bar getting a beer "just our sisters friend eh? I give you 5 minutes in the same bed as her before you're dipping your dick in her pussy" Bolts slapped me on the shoulder "unless you want me to rearrange your face again brother I suggest you shut the fuck up" I clinked my bottle off of his "besides she's sleeping in the bed I'll sleep on the couch"


Bolts choked on his beer "Reaper if you're not gonna sleep with her I'll take her! She's even hotter now I know what she's capable off" he winked at me I glared at him "you sort that shit out today?"

"Yeah her boss was terrified but we calmed her down"


"Paid off"


"Returned to the Sons with a polite warning"

I smiled and slapped the bar "well I'm off to sleep night Bolts" he smirked "yeah sure sleep" I flipped him the finger walking to my room I stopped by the kitchen first to make us some food figured she'd be hungry.

Kassi met me in the hall "she's just had a shower night big bro" she winked I rolled my eyes damn siblings are insufferable I knocked gently before entering and froze in the doorway before slamming the door shut behind me "sorry I just had a shower and realised I forgot pajamas Kassi said you wouldn't mind?" She mumbled while I tried to control my breathing "yeah yeah it's fine no problem" I choked out looking at her in my Lords of Mayhem t shirt which was too big on her but she had tied it around her small waist so it hugged her nicely and my boxer shorts she had rolled the band up a couple of times so they were like shorts on her showing off her toned tanned legs. Hard. So fucking hard.

I set the food on the table and grabbed a pair of sweats heading to the bathroom to change trying to think of anything other than the image of her on my bed. Nope. Still fucking hard. "I ah made you some food I figured you'd be hungry"

"Oh great thanks" she grabbed a fork tucking into the pasta moaning slightly I clenched my eyes shut "brothers bare ass brothers bare ass" I rumbled "ah Reaper are you ok?" I coughed "ah yeah I'm fine hey you wanna watch a movie or something?"

She nodded hopping up onto the bed on all fours her ass sticking up in the air. Jesus christ this woman will kill me she flopped down patting the space beside her "you coming?" I winced at her choice of words and climbed on beside her trying to keep my distance so I wouldn't piss off my dick anymore than I already had she picked out some horror movie and snuggled in under my arm draping an arm across my chest. I felt my dick twitch there goes my plans anyways.

"Hey can I ask you something?"

"Sure" she looked up at me "you said you'd never killed like that before what did you mean?" Her fingers traced the tattoos on my chest "I've always been in control of my kills I find my mark I learn their habits I plan how they die to the last detail but today I had to kill to survive I've never done that before" I hugged her closer nodding my head slightly.

We watched the movie in silence for a bit before I noticed she had fallen asleep I gently unnestled her from me tucking her under the covers grabbing a blanket and a pillow I settled onto the couch "haven't had sex in months I should get a medal for this" I muttered to myself punching the pillow to flatten it down. I sprawled out listening to her soft breathing this was gonna be a long few days.

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