《Wolf》Chapter 9- Wolf


I sat into the only empty chair in the room all eyes on me, the entire club was sitting in this small room waiting for me to speak I couldn't look at Reaper he didnt even flinch when he saw me in the Art shop covered in blood but will he still think the same after I tell them what I am? That I'm nothing but a monster? I stared straight ahead at the club president Jackson "so you have something to tell us?" He pressed me I lifted my chin staring at him harder "yes I do" I answered keeping my voice calm.

He motioned for me to continue I took a deep breath and nodded to Hacker to open his laptop "my name is not Ellie Hale" few mouths fell open "my real name is Isabella Hudson my mother was Emilia Alvarez I dont know who my father is" I shrugged listening to Hacker type on his keypad "when I was 4 my mother sold me to a scientist for drug money" few of the older members flinched at that part "Dr Otis Maximof was overall a nice man he didnt abuse us or mistreat us. He just experimented on us. We were created to be the ultimate killers the perfect assassins"

"We?" I nodded "there were four of us the real Ellie didnt survive the first round of experiments she died pretty soon after the first injection of serum. I dont know what he injected into us or what he did but he made us faster, stronger and overall just better than your average human. We heal a little faster than normal so a wound that would take someone weeks to heal would only take us a couple of days and a wound that would take a couple of days only takes an hour or so" I pointed to the bullet wound in my shoulder.


A few of the boys shifted nervously in their seats Jackson cleared his throat "so where is this doctor now?" I looked down at my hands "he's probably still at the compound two years ago I asked him to let me out into the world I wanted to be a normal girl he eventually agreed but he only gave me 6 months. Obviously I didnt go back, I couldn't face going back there after getting the small taste of freedom that I got so I went on the run I tried going straight and working an ordinary job but killing is in my blood it's what I was created to do I needed to spill blood so by day I'm an assistant but at night I'm a hired gun" I shrugged again.

"So the hit on the Sons of Hell's President the other night?" Hacker looked up from his laptop I nodded "yeah that was me, his wife hired me to do it. 50k a kill I dont ask questions no one sees my face no one hears my voice they hand me a folder I check out my mark and I make the kill. I dont care who you are or what you've done if someone wants you dead I make sure you end up dead" I looked ahead blankly.

"What do you call yourself?" My stomach flipped when I heard his voice my gaze flicked over to Reapers expecting to see hatred and disgust but instead I saw pride and understanding "Wolf" I mumbled "my name is Wolf"

"No fucking way!" A prospect exclaimed we all stared at him he didnt even bat an eyelid "THE WOLF? I thought you were just a whisper?" I blinked at him "you've heard of me?" He nodded excitedly "yeah! There's whispers of this bad ass assassin in chats on the dark web obviously everyone thinks you're a guy" I rolled my eyes "but shit some if the stories I've heard you're ruthless! Never leave survivors I heard some cops even went into early retirement after cleaning up some of your kills. You're a savage! I've seen some of the crime scene photos that shit would give you nightmares"


I shuffled in my chair smirking "Isabella?" I looked up at Jackson he looked pale "do you know what hospital you were born in?" I cocked my head at him, Hacker typed on his keypad furiously "she was born here boss in St. Anne's" he closed his eyes pinching his nose "why does that matter?" I gazed at him his eyes met mine I inhaled sharply when I noticed we had the same eyes "because I think I'm your father" he whispered, a low whistle rang out through the room.

I stared at him "well congratulations your daughter is a monster. There are two others like me Ben and Matt they didnt get to leave the compound like I did"

"Why not?" The prospect leaned closer "well Uncle didnt trust them very much. I always had more control over my emotions and my senses" I shuffled in my seat "until recently" I mumbled scowling when I caught Reapers smirk, clearing my throat I continued "when we were 10 Uncle took us for our usual target practice but instead of targets like before we had our first hits. We were told to kill these people no questions asked a bullet straight between the eyes"

Everyone was listening intently now "the boys they hesitated they listened to the mens pleas for their life their empty promises Uncle wasn't happy"

"And you?"

"I shot before mine had a chance to open his mouth. Straight between the eyes no questions asked. After that day I was Uncle's favourite even more than I was before the boys they always resented me for it. So I learned to work alone I trained alone I went on missions alone. Almost died a couple of times but Uncles wife Thea stitched me back up until I got back on my feet"

"And Uncle is?"

"Dr Maximoff"

"Of course! Well thank you Isabella for being honest with us we understand that it took a lot for you to reveal your identity to a room full of strangers"

I nodded at Jackson "Reaper and Kassi have requested that you stay here at the clubhouse but as you will hopefully understand I will need to take this to a vote could you wait outside for a moment please?" I nodded standing up walking towards the door "don't worry I'll be out of your hair. I've survived this long I can survive again" I mumbled Reaper punched the table "hell no! She stays! Prez?!"

I shook my head and walked out, I walked past Kassi not hearing what she said to me I found my keys on the counter and headed out to my car that the prospect had parked up outside the garage.

I drove away towards my home ready to pack my bags and leave I've caused enough trouble here I need to get away before anyone else gets hurt.

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