《Wolf》Chapter 8- Reaper


"Reaper! Reaper!" Kassi burst into the clubhouse breathing heavily clutching her side "what's got you out of breath?" Bolts mumbled at her looking her up and down "Sons- Sons came by the diner- Prez dead blame you- tried to take- Ellie smashed coffee came to tell you" she gasped out between breaths everyone in the bar tensed "PREZ!" I roared before grabbing Kassi and shaking her "Breathe Kassi and start again!"

She took a couple of calming breaths "this had better be good Reaper I was in the middle of something" Jackson mumbled coming out of his office buckling up his pants "the Sons came into the diner they're blaming you guys for the hit on their President a couple of nights ago they tried to take me but Ellie smashed a coffee pot off of one of their heads she didnt even flinch when she had a gun held to her head" I gripped her arms tight "where is Ellie?"

"She went back to work she said she'd be ok I came straight here to tell you guys!"

I clicked my fingers "Hacker find me everything you can on the hit on their president Juice pull up traffic and security camera feeds on where Ellie works boys load up shit just got personal" I barked before stalking off to my room. They threatened to take my sister those assholes will pay for that I stripped off my shirt and pulled on my bulletproof vest I doubt they'll take Ellie attacking them lightly they will retaliate she shouldn't have to face that alone.

Once I was dressed I wandered back out "find anything Hacker?" He looked up from his laptop "oh there was a hit alright man but I cant see where the shot came from who ever did it is a pro stayed in the shadows most likely a long range shot with a rifle and a scope definitely a paid hit" I nodded "Juice? You got feed on her place?"


"Yeah man nothing happening from what I can see- shit!" He jumped up "Sons just pulled up! Six of them!"

I ran from the bar jumping on my bike, Bolts Stone and Whippet hot behind me we kicked our bikes into life and rode off. When we pulled up outside the building the windows were shot out I raced through the door and saw her standing in the middle of the room gun in her right hand some kind of blade in her left "holy shit! Did she do this?" Bolts muttered beside me I shook my head "I dont know ELLIE! ELLIE?! Are you ok?" I cupped her face in my hands rubbing the blood off of her cheeks with my thumbs she looked up at me blankly.

The cops showed up behind us "how did I know you damn Lords would have something to do with this shootout?" One of them muttered I glared at him over my shoulder, Ellie clutched my wrists tightly my attention went back to her "you ok baby?" She nodded still looking at me blankly "I've- I've never killed like this before" she whispered tears glistening in her golden eyes without thinking I scooped her up to me letting out a sigh when she wrapped herself around me putting her face in my neck "my boss is locked in her office she came out midway through the shootout I screamed for her to lock herself in" she mumbled I stroked her back shushing her walking towards the door "her boss is in her office probably terrified. Get her a doctor and make this shit go away with those assholes" I barked at the boys walking out still carrying her.

I sat her on the back of my bike strapping my helmet onto her I noticed threw bullet hole in her shoulder "my car" she whispered "I'll get a prospect to bring it to the clubhouse" I stroked her face climbing on in front of her her arms wrapped around my torso tightly. I sped back to the clubhouse "PROSPECT GET ME DOC" I roared lifting her off of the bike "Reaper I'm fine" she whispered "you've been shot Ellie you need to be stitched up" I grunted carrying her inside "honestly Reaper I'm fine it'll be gone in an hour" she mumbled I carried her into the back room "ELLIE OH MY GOD ARE YOU OK?" Kassi screamed seeing her covered in blood "she'll be fine Kass she just needs to see the doc"


"Alright what do we have here?" Doc wandered in he's an old army vet who doesn't ask questions when he stitches us back together so we keep him on speed dial "I'll be fine the bullet went straight through it's almost gone" Ellie tugged at my sleeve "she got shot in the shoulder Doc" I ignored her pleas Doc just smiled at her "alright then let me see" he shrugged the strap off of her shoulder and my eyes went wide "Reaper this wound is at least a few days old why am I only seeing it now? It doesn't even have stitches" Doc looked at me shocked I cleared my throat "I saw the wound only 20 minutes ago Doc it was bleeding and fresh"

Ellie wiggled on the table "I told you" she mumbled "it'll be gone completely in an hour" she mumbled again playing with her hands in her lap "doc can you gimme a minute with her?" He nodded leaving the room I sat into a chair pulling her into my lap stroking her hair "Ellie talk to me kitten what's going on?" She stiffened in my lap sitting up straighter "my names not Ellie this is all my fault" she whispered " what do you mean?" I stared at her she closed her eyes inhaling deeply "you need to call a meeting or whatever you call it with the club. There's something you guys need to know about me" she stood up looking down on me playing with her hands.

"Ok I'll go talk to Jackson and call church you wait here kitten ok?" I stroked her arms she just nodded biting her bottom lip making me go hard instantly, God that woman will be the death of me. I walked out into the bar "Jackson you need to call church Ellie says she has something to tell us" I muttered to him he nodded "CHURCH BOYS LETS GO THE GIRL HAS SOME INFO" he roared walking into the chapel the boys followed behind.

Ellie looked cold as ice standing right where I left here her face expressionless. Once everyone had sat in their seats she sat down in the vacant chair at the end of the table looking straight at Jackson. "So you have something to tell us?" He pressed her to talk she lifted her chin and gazed at him firmly.

"Yes I do" she said calmly.

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