《Wolf》Chapter 7- Wolf


The night has arrived I parked in the bushes across the street from Riffs dumb bastard sat facing the window with two of his boys sitting outside on their bikes for protection I scoffed looking at him through the scope on my rifle "like two scrawny kids are gonna protect you from me DeMarco" I muttered into the darkness.

I watched the waitress bring him a glass of wine, red, seemed fitting I looked through the scope again and set up the shot once I was satisfied it was between the eyes I took it watching his head flop back I smirked when I heard the screams, I slung the rifle across my back and put my helmet back on waited for the two boys to run inside then tore out of my hiding spot weaving between traffic trying to swallow the uneasy feeling building in my stomach. That was too easy even for me.

Once I was a couple of blocks away I dialled the number of his wife on my burner phone "I take it it's done then?" Her timid voice came over the phone I pressed a button on the keypad she let out a loud sigh "thank you I'll wire your money" I hung up and smashed the phone before dumping it and riding home.

Peeling the suit off of myself I ran a bath while tucking my suit away, I had just slipped into the warmth when there was a bang on my door "motherfucker" I muttered climbing out wrapping a towel and a robe around myself grabbing the glock from the couch on the way I peaked out of the peep hole "jesus christ" I muttered opening the door "you know I have a phone Reaper right? You should try calling it'll save you fuel"

He just smirked at me Kassi appeared behind him "Ellie! Thank goodness you're ok?" Her arms wrapped around my neck "uhm I'm fine why?" She looked at me gravely before glancing back at Reaper "there was a shooting a couple of blocks away Kassi tried calling but there was no answer she asked I bring her to you" his eyes glinted at me looking me up and down, I involuntarily clenched my thighs shut suddenly very aware that I was naked under my robe and towel.


I cleared my throat "right well come in I guess and I'll uhm go get dressed" I waved my hand around my apartment Kassi plopped on the couch looking around "nice place you have here Ellie" Reaper just stood inside the door I wandered off to my bedroom throwing on sweats and a t shirt plugging the plug on my now lukewarm bath. "So uhm who was shot?" I sat beside Kassi in the living room Reaper wandered to the window looking out I followed his movement before Kassi snapped my attention back to her "some guy in an enemy club no biggy" she shrugged I nodded biting my lip "right well I'm fine and I've an early day tomorrow so I'm sorry guys but I'll have to cut this short"

I stood up motioning to the door "alright well call me if you need anything or uhm you can call Reaper" her lips pulled into a smile I rolled my eyes and pushed her towards the door "goodnight Kassi" she held her hands up heading over to the door "come by the diner tomorrow?"

"Yes yes I will I'll be there for lunch" she hugged me tight before walking out.

I turned to face Reaper "you can go too" I waved to the door I'll admit a bit rudely he shrugged "call Kassi if you need anything" he looked me up and down again before leaving "goodnight kitten" he smirked "don't call me that" I growled at him closing the door in his face I heard him laugh before walking away. I dragged my feet to my room before flopping onto my bed falling asleep instantly.


A couple of days later I sat in the the diner when some Sons members walked in Kassi glared at them from across the counter I just stared into my mug of coffee keeping my ears open "hey Thompson care to explain how our Prez ended up with a bullet between his eyes a couple of blocks from here?" A bulky guy with face tattoos sneered across the counter at her, I stiffened in my seat chancing a glance at the other two idiots standing behind him easy to tell they were all muscle and no brains.


She slammed the coffee pot on the counter "and why would I know anything about that?" She spat bulky leaned in closer I snaked my hand around the handle of the coffee pot subtly and clenched it "because first we get a visit from your VP who just so happens to be your older brother and his not so clever lap dog warning us to stay away from Lords of Mayhem turf next thing we know our Prez turns up dead when he was supposed to be out getting some tail" he eyed her greedily "maybe we should take you until your brothers get their memory back" he reached across the table grabbing her arm "get your goddam hands off of me you asshole" she smacked his hand but he just tightened his grip.

I lifted the coffee pot and smashed it off of his face, he fell to the floor screaming before I could move I had a gun stuck to the side of my head "not a wise move darlin" muscle 1 snarled muscle 2 helped bulky up off of the floor "you assholes are gonna regret this" I sneered at them they laughed and left "we'll catch you again sweetheart" the gun left my head and they exited the building.

"Holy shit! I gotta get to the clubhouse and warn the guys you coming?" I shook my head at Kassi "no I gotta get back to work! I'll be fine honest!" I hushed her before she could say anything I went out to my car and drove back to my office. I know it's a cover story but I actually did work as an Art Executive assistant it was a quiet job and kept me under the radar. That uneasy feeling was back again "hey Ellie dear did you have a nice lunch?" I smiled at my boss a small elderly lady with a soft spot for bright colours and strange patterns "I did Susan thank you"

A couple of hours passed by without any dramas it was almost closing time when the bell above the door jingled I looked up from my desk and froze Bulky from the diner was back and this time he brought extra backup half his face covered in cream for the burn "didnt appreciate you throwing hot coffee at me darlin" he snarled stalking towards me I unhooked the revolver I carry in my purse and took off the safety reaching under the hem of my dress I unsheathed my blade "well maybe you shouldn't harass innocent girls in their place of work" I spat back his back up stepped forward cornering me behind the table.

I smirked "anyone ever tell you what happens when you corner a wild Wolf?" their faces went blank for a second that's all I needed I leapt up from my chair flicking my wrist landing my blade into Bulky's temple he dropped like a sack hitting the ground with a thud I lunged across the room shooting my revolver over my shoulder I managed to clip one guy on the arm and the other on the leg I landed into a tuck and roll before coming to a stand and taking aim I had 3 guys standing in front of me and 3 on the floor 1 dead and 2 injured.

One guy shot at me bullet flying through my shoulder I grimaced in pain before shooting after the first shot my bosses door opened "Ellie? Is everything alright?"

"STAY IN YOUR GODDAM OFFICE SUSAN!!" I shouted taking out the other two guys she screamed and slammed her office door. I pulled my knife out of bulky's head and looked around ignoring the other two groaning on the floor I walked over after a couple of minutes and shot them both dead blood splattering onto my dress and face.

"ELLIE! ELLIE?! are you ok?" Reaper charged into the shop grabbing me into his arms, he cupped my face in his hand his thumbs stroking my cheeks his eyes looking into mine. I heard his voice but couldn't hear what he was saying I felt my mouth move but didnt hear my words. He scooped me up into his arms his hands on the underside of my thighs almost like a reflex I wrapped myself around him burying my face in his neck.

I've never killed like that before.

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