《Wolf》Chapter 6- Reaper


I just had to check on her I couldn't have just left her alone I got her address out of the file Hacker gave me I had to see she was ok something about her innocence brings out something in me shit I cant describe it, I heard a car pull up and walked outside of the garage to see Kassi get out still in her uniform she must've came straight here after work "hey big bro thanks for checking on Ellie the other night" she winked at me I felt my cheeks redden shit she told her "ah yeah no problem I knew you'd be worried about her so I checked to see she was ok" I shrugged my shoulders fisting the grease rag in my hands.

She laughed crossing her arms "uh huh sure thanks bro really appreciate it" she walked towards the clubhouse "Is dad around?"

"Yeah he's in the office with Jackson" I followed her we both stopped when a jeep drove into the lot "who the hell is that?" I barked she shrugged her shoulders "no idea"

My stomach turned when the door opened "oooh look at that its Ellie" Kassi smirked at me "hey guys!" Ellie skipped up to us my eyes taking in all of her curves, her hourglass figure will be the death of me if I dont get to run my hands over that small waist that big ass those boobs I shuffled on my feet stuffing my hands in my pockets to hide my hard on. Jesus christ that woman will kill me. I muttered my hello and stalked off to the clubhouse.

"What's got you wound up tighter than a Jack in a box?" Juice muttered over his laptop "fuck off Juice" I snapped pouring a glass of whiskey Whippet and Bolts walked in followed by Dad "what's up with you?" Dad barked at me "nothing ok? Fucking drop it" I barked shuffling in my seat pouring another whiskey Bolts looked out the window and scoffed "doesn't happen to have anything to do with the friend of our littlest sister who happens to be a babe does it?" I tightened my grip on my glass clenching my jaw "stop talking shit Bolts she's just a friend of Kassi's you know that"


"yeah suuure" Bolts muttered pouring his own glass.

Whippet glanced out the window "man I wouldn't mind fucking her on the back of my bike" I dove across the bar pounding into Whippet breaking his nose with one satisfying punch Bolts pulled me off of him "what the hell is going on here?" Kassi screeched behind me I fixed my cut wiping my face "nothing" I grunted walking out not looking at Ellie who stood behind Kassi with a shocked look on her face.

Girl like her is way too quiet for a guy like me, I got my road name for a reason I kill people I'm dangerous that's what I do. I need to stay away from her swinging my leg over my bike I kick it into life "you should wear a helmet you know" I stiffened at her voice glancing over my shoulder I felt the breath knocked out of me fuck she's so fucking hot standing there under the sun her hair blowing in the breeze across her face "I'll be fine" I barked at her she cocked her head to the side looking at me intently.

"What?" I snapped at her "Kassi didnt ask you to come to my apartment did she?" She stepped closer to my bike and I hitched my breath catching her vanilla and strawberry smell in the summer breeze "your point?" I snapped again lighting up a cigarette cutting off my bike, she stepped closer again "thank you" she mumbled I stared at her blankly "what for?" My voice came out as a croak I cleared my throat shuffling on my bike she gazed behind her at Kassi talking to dad and Bolts.

"For checking up on me and you know reminding me I dont belong here" she shrugged smiling at me before looking down "yet you're still here" I took a drag of my cigarette "well Kassi invited me and she's my only friend so plus you know I don't like being told what to do" she flicked her hair over her shoulder looking down at her hands. I gazed at her taking her in her strapless summer dress fitted around her chest perfectly showing off her generous cleavage the waist was tucked in showing how small it was before flowing over her hips and ass coming down to her knees she was wearing biker boots again fuck I wouldn't mind fucking her while she wore those boots.


I looked back up to see her watching me smiling I cleared my throat again "so uh how did you sleep the other night?" I mumbled cursing myself of all things I could've asked to make small talk jesus christ, she laughed softly the sound making me harder than I already was I shuffled on my bike again she placed her hand on my arm and I glanced at her swallowing thickly "would've slept better if I had some company" she purred in my ear my mouth fell open cigarette falling to the ground, she giggled flicking her hair and walked away towards Kassi.

I watched her walk away checking out her ass how her hips sway with each step she took. Shaking my head I kicked my bike back to life and took off. I need a ride to clear my head before this woman makes me do something stupid.

I rode up to my favourite look out place I go to clear my head when everything becomes too much gives me a perfect view of the valley and is secluded so no one interrupts me. She could never accept the MC life and yet she fits in around the club so easily she evens rides a goddam bike I scoffed lighting up another cigarette and taking a long drag. I dunno if it's her innocence or what but something has me hooked on that girl a part of me wants to stay away and another part of me wants to fuck her in front of the whole club so they know she's mine.. wait? What?

I shook my head again clearing it of all the thoughts of what I want to do to her. Kassi's party has passed it's time to focus on cleaning up this mess with the Sons of Hell and get that shit sorted. Hopping back on my bike I ride back to the clubhouse my heart sinks when I notice that her car is gone along with Kassi's I pull out my phone and check for messages from my sister. Nothing. Maybe I'll call her later, parking my bike I head inside to the bar ordering the prospect to get me a whiskey Cherry one of the club whores wraps her hands around my arm "hey baby you look kinda down want me to cheer you up?" She whispers in my ear I just shudder and push her off "fuck off Cherry find someone else to play with"

She clutched my arm again "come on Reaper you know you want too" I grabbed her arm and forced it off of me "let's get one thing straight Cherry if I wanted to fuck my brothers seconds I would have but I haven't have I? So why don't you go suck my brothers dick or something hmm?" I snarled at her pushing her away before taking a bottle of whiskey from behind the bar and sulking off to my room.

I flopped on my bed taking a swig from the bottle my dick getting hard again thinking about Ellie. The way her eyes change when she looks at me, the way her hair blew in the breeze the way her ass swayed when she walked away from me "fuuuuuck!" I ran my hands over my face and sat up on the bed I got a hard on bad for this girl and I don't even know her. I'm beyond fucked.

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