《Wolf》Chapter 5- Wolf


"Who the hell does that asshole think he is?" I flopped onto the couch in my living room flicking on my laptop pulling out the file I was given earlier I decided to check out my mark.

Ethan DeMarco President of Sons of Hell MC

Hmm seems like these biker boys are haunting me wherever I go, I hacked into the satellites and searched for their clubhouse I was going to have to start surveillance pretty soon if I wanted to get a clear shot at him. Once I'd found the clubhouse I came up with a plan on how to get close to him. Hacking into the street cameras nearby I recognized a prospect from the club Kassi is from he served me beers. "What are you guys up to?" I mumbled to myself digging further into the background of Lord's of Mayhem and Sons of Hell.

Looks like these Sons are moving in on the Lord's turf "hmmm bet you guys wouldn't like that" I mumbled continuing my search now investigating both clubs "Let's see what I'm dealing with here and who's the bigger threat to me" I stuck my pen in my mouth while i scrolled through the internet searching police records and hacking into classified information... all without leaving a trace of course.

After taking down some notes noting the pattern of their movements I shut down my laptop and sprawled out on the couch looking up at the ceiling thinking about Reapers words "I don't belong there? What an asshole" I scoffed to myself my mind wandered back to the feel of his touch his quick reflexes when I went to punch him how strong his chest felt under his shirt how perfectly I fit into his arms. "Stop it Izzy" I shook my head getting up crossing the living room there was a soft knock on the door. I froze glancing at the clock it's gone 2am who the hell is that?

I reached into the back of the couch grabbing the glock I had hidden for easy access I stalked over to the door chancing a glance through the peep hole "son of a bitch" I muttered opening the door "what do you want?" I barked Reaper just stood there smirking at me "just checking you got home ok, what's with the gun?" He pointed to the glock in my hand I put the safety back on and tucked it into the back of my belt grumbling "I live alone can never be too careful in case some biker decides to show up at my door you know?" I waved my hand toward him he chuckled softly rubbing his hand in his hair absentmindedly "well when Kassi sobered up a bit she freaked that you had left so I promised her I would check on you"


I crossed my arms "how did you find out where I live?" He looked at me his eyes sparkling with amusement "the club has two hackers Hacker and Juice it's pretty easy to get information on someone" he leaned against the door frame and winked at me I shuffled uncomfortably "yeah well you can tell Kassi I'm fine I'll see her in the diner on Monday for my lunch break. Good night Reaper" I went to close the door he stopped it with his hand standing up straight leaning in close I held my breath trying to ignore his strong scent of cologne and mint "listen ah about what I said earlier"

I smirked at him "let me guess you still mean it and I should stay away for my own safety?" I cocked my head at him he smiled softly "so you are a clever girl then" he leaned in closer our noses touching "Good night Ellie" he whispered before walking down the hall I let my breath out with a loud sigh closing the door behind me.


"Ellie! I'm so sorry I got so wasted! Are you ok?" Kassi clutched my hands over the counter "it's fine Kass don't worry about it! Your brother explained it all when he stopped by my house for you" she stared at me blankly "what are you talking about?"

"Reaper came to my house at like 2am? He said you asked him to check on me?" She poured me some coffee "Ellie I passed out pretty soon after you left I didn't see Reaper until the next morning he never mentioned it just said you went home around 1" she looked at me smiling "did something happen I need to know about?" I shook my head drinking my coffee "no just came to see I got home ok then left" I looked up at the clock "oh shit I gotta get back to work Kass I'll see you later?"

She waved "yeah I'll be a the clubhouse to see dad" her blue eyes sparkled "maybe you should come with me?" She winked I scowled at her "I'll think about it" I stuck my tongue out at her walking out. Time to see what these Sons of Hell are about.


I decided a car was less obvious so I rented a Jeep to make myself blend in, I was planning on using my bike as a getaway from the hit so cant have the club seeing it beforehand. Their clubhouse was a 30 minute drive away they also had a garage seems like all bikers are good with their hands. I found myself wondering what Reaper could do with his hands I wiggled in my seat clenching my thighs "stop it Izzy" I shook my head, I pulled in a few miles down the road and took the blade hidden on my thigh under my dress slicing into my tyre "that should be flat by the time I get there" I muttered to myself hoping back in.

I pulled into the garage that had about 20 guys sitting outside on benches and their bikes they looked up when I drove in "Ok Izzy you can do this" I swallowed hoping out of the jeep walking up to a middle aged guy with grey hair and sunglasses "can I help you ma'am?" He smiled at me I put on my sweetest innocent girl smile "ah yeah I got a flat I was hoping you could fix it? I got about a 45 minute drive home" I flashed my biggest smile at him "sure thing sweetheart" I shivered at his gaze pretending it was from the breeze "TONY GOT A FLAT OVER HERE!" he boomed a young guy in a prospect vest came over to look at the jeep.

The guy wrapped his arm around my shoulder lifting his sunglasses "why don't you head on into the waiting room and we'll call you when it's done sweetheart" his gaze dropped down to the neckline of my dress getting a full view of my generous cleavage before snapping back up to meet my eyes "of course Mr?" I smiled sweetly "DeMarco, Ethan DeMarco sweetie" I snuggled further under his arm "pleasure to meet you Ethan" I purred into his ear before walking off to the waiting room giving him a full view of my ass.

After a 10 minute wait the prospect handed me my keys I headed to the office to pay my bill coming face to face with his wife who had hired me the other day she smiled at me sweetly I handed her the money and wished her a good day. I'd just gotten to the jeep when Ethan came up behind me "how about I take you out to dinner?" I smirked to myself before turning around "aren't you married?" I wondered curiously knowing the answer already but pointing to his wedding ring he chuckled glancing over his shoulder "we have an understanding besides a pretty lady like yourself? Well I'd like to take you to dinner"

I smiled at him opening my door "ok great meet me at Riffs tomorrow night? Around 8? I'll meet you there and maybe we can skip dessert?" I purred out the window he tapped the door "well that is a date little lady" he winked I smiled and pulled away.

Piece of goddamn cake. Almost too easy but I'll set up not too far away before hand to get a clear shot he's not suspecting a hit from a woman just thinks he's gonna get laid I drive by blow his head off and it's done.

After this I am done with bikers they're nothing but a headache.

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