《Wolf》Chapter 4- Reaper


"Alright boys this new club that's rolling into town I want them dealt with how do we do that?" Jackson our club president looked around the table we were in church a place in the clubhouse where women were off limits club business only. We held our votes here and came up with our game plans for enemy clubs "well why don't we send them a message? They busted some windows in our warehouse yeah fair enough but they're pushing drugs on our turf and that shit doesn't fly with me" I growled thumping the table "a message like what?" Whippet piped up.

Everyone looked around for a minute before Bolts cleared his throat "well we could find out where they're cooking the drugs and blow it to hell that should send a clear enough message no drugs on our turf" a few murmurs of approval flowed around the room "alright that settles it we find out where those damn sons of hell are cooking their shit and we blow it to hell prospect I want you on the hunt you find out what you can and get back to me clear?" A scrawny looking kid nodded excitedly "yes boss I'll get right on that"

"Hacker I want you and Juice checking all the cameras and satellites we need to find out where the hell these guys are storing this crap and get rid of it" the two boys nodded pulling out their laptops.

My dad cleared his throat at the end of the table "if I may interrupt for a second Jackson my daughter Kassi wants to throw her birthday party here this weekend and I want to make it clear to all you boys my daughter is off limits you touch her you die" he warned pointing a finger at the younger boys when they glanced around Bolts and I tightened our fists glaring at them "agreed" I growled Bolts nodded in approval.

"Alright alright put the muscles away boys. Kassi is a member of this family Mark consider it done. Boys you know the rules anything happens to her it's a bullet between your eyes understood?" Jasckon looked around the table the boys nodded their approvals and promises. "She's also bringing a friend so that goes for her too apparently its her first time in an MC bar so let's not scare the young lady away eh?" Dad grinned.

Bolts sat upright rubbing his hands together "alright! Fresh meat!" Few boys murmered happily "alright alright are we all agreed here? Kassi's party on Saturday boys on your best behaviour and in the mean time we find out about those bastard sons" Jackson looked around the room before banging the gavel to signal the end of the meeting.

All the boys wandered out to the bar some grabbed club whores and wandered off to their rooms. I headed towards the garage to work on my bike "so hey what do you think this friend of Kassi's is like eh?" Bolts looked eager I scoffed at him "you know if you sleep with one more friend of our sisters she'll cut off your balls right?" He glared at me throwing on his overalls before working on a car "you know Reaper it wouldn't kill you to get laid once in a while ever since you went celibate you've been a bigger dick than normal" he spat at me.


I rolled my eyes at him "fuck off Bolts you don't know shit"

"Oh I dont? Alright then when was the last time you stuck your dick in a pussy man? Plenty of club whores inside gagging for a bit of your dick and you just push them away. Are you gay or somethin man? Do you need me to find you a closet so you can come out of it?" He roared at me I picked up a wrench and threw it at him he dodged it just in time "what the fuck man? That was not fucking cool! Look if you cant handle the truth why dont you just walk away instead if throwing shit?" I lunged at him my fist meeting his jaw knocking him to the ground.

Climbing on him I pinned him down punching him some more he held up his hands blocking his face before landing one on my jaw I felt hands around my arms and I was tugged off of him "what the hell is going on here?" Jackson roared dad was holding Bolts back while Stone a big as motherfucker was holding me back "nothing" I grumbled wiggling loose out of Stone's grasp fixing my jacket I walked back over to my bike picking up the wrench I'd thrown a few minutes before.

"Look I get you two are brothers and siblings fight but we dont fight each other in this club we're family here alright? So whatever beef is between you two drop it now! Got it?" Jackson boomed I just shrugged my shoulders "fine" Bolts mumbled fixing his cut stalking out to his bike.

"Everything alright son?" Dad asked before I could answer Hacker wandered in "Reaper? Mind if i talk to you a minute?" I nodded and followed him into his office closing the door behind me "what's up?" He sat at his desk and opened a file "I did that background check on that girl you asked for?" He had my attention I sat on the couch "and?" He rustled through the papers "well her name is Ellie Isabella Hale she works as an assistant to an Art Executive in a small store on 10th street no criminal record seems pretty clean keeps herself out of trouble has a nice apartment in a quiet neighbour pretty rich so she must be making a ton of money or come from a rich family" he handed me the file and I flicked through it.

"There's nothing here passed 2 years ago" I looked up at him shocked he nodded his head "that's the other thing man she didnt exist 2 years ago there's no trace of her anywhere before that" he shrugged his shoulders "I'll keep digging man but maybe she's in witness protection or something" I nodded and saw Kassi outside talking to Juice "keep digging man thanks"

I wandered out "hey Kass! I heard your throwing your party here this weekend?" She nodded at me "yeah I was just telling the guys I'm bringing my friend and she's kinda shy so no funny shit ok Reaper? Be nice to her" I held my hands up in mock surrender "not me you need to be talking to sis its Bolts" she scowled and stormed off. I glared at Juice and went back to working on my bike.



Saturday night came pretty quick we had almost narrowed down where those bastard sons were keeping their stock we agreed we would wait until after Kassi's party before we made a move in case they retaliated while we had a full club some charters of Lords of Mayhem had rode in for Kassi's party so the clubhouse was full to the brim with bikers looking for a good time. I sat at the bar drinking a beer "hey so my friend will be here soon you're gonna be nice right guys?" Kassi warned Bolts sat up straight nodding excitedly I just muttered agreement drinking my beer.

"She's here! Ellie! Hey! Over here!" I choked on my beer and almost broke my neck from looking up so quick holy shit it was the girl from the bar "man it's the chick from the bar a few weeks ago shit she looks hot" Bolts muttered in my ear grabbing my shoulder I just nodded not taking my eyes off of her. Her face lit up into a smile and she walked over her navy dress flowing under her leather jacket coming down to her mid thighs she wore biker boots and had her hair down in flowing waves. Shit I'm hard again. Wiggling in my seat I watched her come closer Kassi pulled her in for a hug "I seriously thought you weren't gonna make it!" She squealed "I promised didnt I?" She smiled at her, Kassi dragged her over to us and I froze staring at those golden brown eyes that had haunted my dreams the last couple of weeks she stared back at me intensely

"This is my brother Joshua" Kassi pointed to Bolts "hey everyone calls me Bolts" he smiled holding out his hand, she shook it firmly "what's your speciality?" His face fell I snorted drinking more of my beer "sorry what?" She cocked her head at him "well this is an MC club right? So what's your speciality?" He smiled at her again "locks my speciality is locks" she nodded her head glancing around "well uh I'm gonna go find the guys" Bolts wandered off glancing over his shoulder at her smiling slightly I clenched my jaw glaring at him until he turned away.

"This is my other brother Ka-Reaper" Kassi stuttered under my glare, she held her hand out to me smiling "Ka-Reaper? What're you an undercover stalker or something?" She giggled at me I stared at her shaking her hand "you can call me Reaper" I muttered to her she just nodded silently Kassi cleared her throat "right well come on Ellie let's get a drink" Kassi dragged her over to the bar yelling to the prospect to bring them over some drinks.

I moved from the bar to a booth in the corner I watched her all night she drank beer but nothing stronger nursing the same bottle for an hour at a time sipping it slowly her eyes glancing around her like she was on edge. Every so often her gaze would meet mine and I would see that flash again like back at the bar a few weeks ago. After a couple of hours she hugged a drunk Kassi goodbye and wandered outside. I got up from my booth and followed her out rearranging my jeans to hide my erection.

"You have a good night?" I mumbled behind her, she froze and then swung I just caught her fist before it hit my face pulling her close she gazed up into my eyes the breeze carried her scent up to me strawberries and vanilla "you shouldn't sneak up on people" she muttered her eyes flashed "what is that? With your eyes? They changed for a second" I stroked her face she just blinked and turned away wiggling from my grasp "um nothing I was just leaving" she muttered

I shuffled on my feet putting my hands in my pockets to fix my jeans "you don't belong here" I muttered to her she turned to stare at me "excuse me?" She spat, I stepped closer to her "this place is dangerous I dont know what Kassi has told you but a quiet girl like you doesn't belong here. I highly doubt you'd hold up under torture" I smirked at her. Her eyes flashed a yellow for a second before going back to her golden brown "you don't know shit about me" she spat "and another thing Kassi was the only reason I came to this this whorehouse" she snarled the last word before putting in her helmet and swinging her leg over her bike. A black Kawasaki Ninja nice taste she glared at me through her helmet before slamming the visor down and taking off.

I snorted and walked back into the bar, something tells me that girl is gonna be a pain in my ass.

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