
Master Franklin sat in the garden watching his wife; Sylvia, play with their son Elijah and his cousin Derick while Derick's mother and father sat across from him chatting and laughing with Franklin's now step mother; Evangeline, who was still full with child.

It had been eight months already since the former duke of Castor retired from his duty as duke and moved to Milford to wed Evangeline, the same week the Earl of Milford's wife had put to bed. The town of Milford was put in a state of joy for the days and months that followed. Master Franklin was proud to have an heir, a son who would carry on his name. He was happy with Sylvia and with the time that passed, he fell madly in love with her.

Sylvia could not believe that a simple mistress, was now the mother of the heir to Milford properties. She had never in her life dreamt this big. Neither had she thought that her husband would come to love and cherish her in this manner. Looking away from Elijah and Derick, she smiled at Franklin who in turn winked at her and blew her a kiss. She giggled, feeling herself blush beautifully.

"Sister, I found this amongst your things when I returned to our house in Castor. It was broken but I had the locksmith fix it". Boris said, while fidgeting through the pockets of his trousers for something.

Evangeline gasped when she saw the gold bracelet her brother pulled out of his back pocket. She remembered she had broken it and planned to fix it but she had completely forgotten about it.

"Oh my goddess, this belongs to Lady Valencia. I had broken it whilst cleaning her room one day and had decided to have the locksmith fix it but with everything that happened that day, I had completely forgotten about it". She confessed.

"Let me see". Franklin suggested.

Standing and moving across the garden, Boris made his way to the Earl and handed the bracelet to him.

He frowned. "I had given this bracelet to Valencia when I was in London. This belonged to my mother. I am glad you broke it and had to keep it all this while. I never forgave myself for giving it to her". He snickered.


Evangeline giggled, ruffling her little brothers hair as he returned to sit next to her and Ingrid.

On the day of her wedding, Lancelot had called her to the drawing room to give her a surprise. She nearly passed out with joy when she saw Boris;her brother, and Lady Ingrid, seated in the drawing room with a baby on Lady Ingrid's lap.

Through out the entire ceremony of her union was Lancelot, Evangeline could not stop the tears from falling from her eyes. She was overjoyed to see her brother and his wife attending her wedding. She could not believe that she was already an aunt. The little baby boy was the exact replica of Boris, with golden locks like lady Ingrid. They had named him Derick.

Now, she was nine months into her pregnancy and she could not wait to put to bed soon. She had hoped the child would be a boy even though Lancelot wanted a female child.

Lancelot smiled when he saw his wife giggling as he made his way towards his family in the garden. He had been summoned to castor ghetto day before by the council members for a meeting and he was just returning.

"Father, you are back". Franklin nodded his head in the direction of the former duke.

Lancelot beamed. The very first time Franklin had called him father, it had brought joy to his heart. Now, they were more than father and son. Their relationship had grown beyond that. Franklin confided in Lancelot for everything and so did Lancelot.

"Yes. I have only just returned and you will not believe the news I have". He said, making his way towards his pregnant wife.

"Did they give you back the title as duke of Castor?". Ingrid asked her uncle as she stood to give him space to sit next to his wife.

"Yes they did but I refused it".

"Why?. I thought you loved being in control". Evangeline teased, causing everyone to laugh.

Lancelot smiled at her, settling next to her, he placed a kiss at her lips then on her belly. Before he spoke again.


"I wish to spend my remaining days here in Milford with my family. I do not wish to be distracted by anything else. That is why I suggested that Boris be elected as the new duke of Castor".

The gasps that left everyone's lips brought a satisfying smile to Lancelot's face.

"My brother?". Evangeline could not believe it.

"Me?!". Boris was even more surprised.

"Yes". Lancelot laughed while nodding his head. "And the vote has already been cast. Soon, a letter will be sent to you, to appear before the council members and you will be given the title as duke of Castor".

"What?. But how is this possible?!". Lady Ingrid asked bewildered.

"My father can be very persuasive". Franklin chuckled knowingly.

A few days ago, Mr Presley had come begging for his son's release. No one apart from Franklin and Lancelot knew Edwin had been held captive in the Milford dungeon. Lancelot had the lad moved to the Milford dungeon before his wedding with the help of Franklin's guards. He knew a day would come when he would need to use the boy as leverage and that day was this.

"This is good news. We should celebrate!". Sylvia suggested.

"Yes. We should!". Ingrid agreed. She was overjoyed. Her husband was going to become a titled man, the Duke of Castor.

The sudden painful cry out of Evangeline brought everyone to halt. Lancelot was on his knees in front of her in an instant.

"What is it?".

"Pain. Baby". Just as she said this, her water broke.

"Send for the physician and the midwife!". Franklin instructed a maid who was nearby.

"Come". Both Lancelot and Boris helped Evangeline to her feet.

"I do not think it is wise to let her walk. The bedchamber-".

Before Sylvia could finish her sentence, Lancelot had lifted Evangeline bridal style in his arms, hurrying towards the house.

It had taken six hours until Evangeline finally put to bed. It was the most excruciating pain she had ever experienced but to her it was worth it when she saw her two beautiful baby girls. Twins. Lancelot was more than over joyed to hold his lovely daughters in his hands. He would ensure no harm came to them or their mother. He swore it to himself.

Two months after Loretta and Liliana were born, Boris was named duke of Castor, and his wife, duchess of Castor. After moving into the Castor estate, Boris had their former house demolished and built into a beautiful mansion. He then began the search for his mother and uncle. It took him two weeks to find them and return them to Castor, handing over the keys of the newly built house to them. A month later, his invalid mother died, and his wife Ingrid took seed soon after, gifting him with another bouncy baby boy.

Boris changed a lot of the rules in Castor. He removed the stigma of low borns in Castor, making everyone equal and free to wed and be with whomever they choose.

In short, he was the best ruler for Castor and the people loved and respected him.

Master Franklin had no more children after Elijah. Neither did the former Duke bare any more children after his twin girls. Lancelot and Evangeline stayed in Milford, in the estate Franklin had given to them until their dying days.

Franklin retired sooner than he had expected due to an unfortunate accident, handing over the title of Earl of Milford, to his sixteen year old son. He however lived happily till his dying days with his wife Sylvia.

Lancelot's revenge had not turned out the way he had planned it, but fate's plan for him was better than he had expected. He was happy and he had a beautiful family who adored and cherished him. He would not have it any other way.






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