
It has been a month since the encounter at the Presley manor. Lord Lancelot had insisted that Evangeline move in with him at the estate. She had agreed without any hesitation, moving from her home to live with him as his mistress even though she did not like the idea of being labeled as his mistress.

Now, he lay on his bed, in his chamber, watching her sleep peacefully. She was soo beautiful he did not want to blink. The past one month she had spent with him had been a wonderful bliss. He was more relaxed now and she made him happy even with the things that would normally irritate him. He was however still worried about the issue with the council members even though he was yet to be summoned. Today, he had made up his mind that he would find a solution to his problem without waiting to be summoned.

Yes, he loved the control and power he had over the people of Castor but he loved Evangeline more and he was determined to marry her. He wanted to make her his forever for as long as he lived. He desired to make her his wife but he knew it would be impossible to do that if he was still the Duke of Castor that is why he has made up his mind to renounce his title as Duke of Castor, but first, he needed to speak with Franklin; his son.

Getting out of bed, he made his way out of his bedchamber, careful not to wake Evangeline and towards the bathchamber to take his bath. When he returned, Evangeline was out of bed, she was standing by the window, wearing one of his shirts. Lancelot sneaked up behind her, careful not to frighten her as he snaked his arms around her waist and placed a kiss at her cheek.

"Good morning my love". He greeted, turning her to face him.

"Good morning". She smiled at him.

"Did you sleep well?". Lancelot inquired.

"Yes". Evangeline answered, placing her head on his chest.

"Good". He caressed her hair for a while before moving her to help her settle on the bed. He then left her side to get dressed.

"I have to travel to Milford today". He informed Evangeline.

"Milford? Is everything alright with your son and his wife?. Has she put to bed already? ". Evangeline was genuinely worried.

"Franklin is fine and so is his wife. She is yet to put go bed. Must be anytime soon this week". He told her. "Tis I who needs to speak with him. Tis a matter of grave importance".

"May I know why?".

"There is no need to worry Evangeline. I just need to speak with my son. I shall be back in two days". He assured her.

"That is fine. Shall I help you pack?". She offered, getting off the bed.

"No". He moved towards her. "The servants can take care of that. You can help me with this". He rubbed his erection against her.

Evangeline chuckled stepping away from him. "I am utterly sore from last night". She frowned.

"What am I to do with this then?". Lancelot pouted, looking down at his erected cock.

"Perhaps you should take another bath". She giggled.

"Perhaps one of the servants can help me then". He teased, trying to make her jealous. Evangeline furrowed her brows at him, causing him to laugh. "You are the prettiest when you are jealous". He taunted, wrapping his arms around her and holding her there.

"I shall miss you greatly when you are gone". She confessed.


"I will return soon. I promise. I am doing all this for your sake, for our happiness".


"Milady shall I make you some tea?". Tatiana, one of the servants inquired when she entered the bedchamber Evangeline was in.

It had only been a day since the master left for Milford and Evangeline had fallen ill right after that. She had gone to bed that day with a severe headache and woke up vomiting and having a fainting spells. Tatiana had offered to call the physician but Evangeline had dismissed it as fatigue.

"Tatiana how many times have I told you not to address me in that manner?". Evangeline complained in a weak tone.

"Forgive me milady but the Duke-".

"The Duke is not here. Please call me Evangeline". She insisted.

"Yes Miss Evangeline". Tatiana nodded.

"Evangeline". She pressed, trying to seat up in bed.

"Evangeline". Tatiana repeated with a warm smile. Even though Evangeline was now the lady of the house, she did not treat her with content. Instead, she was still as humble as she was before.

"Good. I would like some tea. Please bring it to the drawing room".

"Evangeline, I think tis best if you remain in bed. You are unwell. I shall bring the tea to you here, please". Tatiana adviced.

"Fine". Evangeline groaned, not liking that she had to remain in bed.

Once Tatiana left, Evangeline forced herself to sit up in bed. She worried about what might have caused her to fall ill. She feared the worst!. Perhaps she was with child. She did not even remember the last time she had seen her period. With everything that had been happening to her, she had forgotten. Tears rolled down her eyes. She could stomach being the duke's mistress but she did not wish to bare a child out of wedlock.

She doubted if the Duke would even accept this child. She feared he might ask her to terminate it. She cried even more. She felt depressed. She missed Lancelot so much yet she dreaded his return. She wondered how she would break the news to him. She wished she was mistaken about the pregnancy.

Once Tatiana brought her tea, they both began to make small talk and Evangeline told her of her predicament.

"Mistress, perhaps I should send for the physician. Tis best you know the truth now. That way, you can make your decision before the Duke arrives tomorrow. It will also help to reduce the anxiety you feel". Tatiana suggested.

"Yes, I suppose so. Send for him. Hurry".

"That is good milady - Evangeline. I shall send for him now ".


Edwin had heard that the Duke had travelled to Milford and he took the opportunity to go to the Castor Estate in order to speak to Evangeline. For a month now, he and his father, and a few other council members have been trying to get the duke's title revoked but they had no concrete evidence against him, seeing that he had not made a move to wed the lass. They had been waiting impatiently for the Duke to make a wrong move so that they could use it as evidence against him during the council meeting but the man was smart. He made no move.

Therefore, the Duke's sudden trip to Milford had them all on edge. They feared that the Duke was seeking help from the earl of Milford. They also suspected that the Duke was planing on renouncing his title as duke. If this was so, it would be impossible for his family to get the title. They needed the Duke to wed his sister so that upon his death, he, Edwin, could become the Duke of Castor.


His plan was to speak to Evangeline, with what he had on her, he was certain she would agree to his proposal. There was no way she could refuse him he was certain of that. He knew where her brother Boris and Lady Ingrid were hiding in London. He was going to use that as leverage against her to get her to leave Castor for good!.

He came to a halt when he saw one of the servants hurrying into the estate with the town's physician. Careful not to be seen, he followed after them into the house.

Evangeline had no idea she was being watched as the physician examined her. Tatiana stood by her bedside, holding her hand reassuringly.

Edwin watched as Evangeline was examined and his interest pecked as to what was wrong with her. He hoped she had a terminal illness. The universe would have done him a favor by killing her for them.

"Miss Evangeline". The physician coughed. "Congratulations. You are with child. You are three weeks gone. I shall write down a few vitamins for you go take and also some healthy foods to eat".

Evangeline shut her eyes and took in deep breaths. Her worst fears had come true. Edwin gritted his teeth in anger. With Evangeline being pregnant with the duke's child, all their plans would go to waste even if his sister married the Duke!.

"This is great news milady". Tatiana beamed, helping the physician pack his belongings.

"See him off Tatiana". Evangeline told the servant girl not at all looking happy.

"Yes milady". Tatiana nodded, helping Evangeline get back to bed before pulling the covers over her body, leaving it at her neck. Then she took the note the physician handed to her and escorted him out.

Evangeline suddenly felt exhausted from everything. She lay on the bed and and wiped the tears that fell from her eyes. She only wished she had not taken seed. She feared what the Duke might do to her. With that thought, she drifted off to sleep.

Edwin entered the room quietly, upon hearing her snore softly. Nearing her bed, he picked up a pillow and placed it over the sleeping lass' head. He could not let her live to bare the Duke an heir. Evangeline began struggling, kicking her feet and hands but the force Edwin was using was too much for her. Slowly she felt herself drift into nothingness.


Lancelot had planned to return to Castor tomorrow but he was missing Evangeline and he was also eager to give her the good news. He had gone to Milford to speak with his son and Franklin had agreed to allow his father and Evangeline move to Milford. Lancelot had asked for a piece of land to build on but Franklin had offered him one of his already built estates. Now all he had to do was call for a council meeting in Castor and give up his title as duke. Then he would move to Milford with Evangeline and wed her there.

Upon reaching the house, he sensed there was something wrong. He felt great discomfort in the pit of his stomach. Hurrying up the stairs, he met one of the servant girls and the town's physician hurrying down the stairs.

"Why are you here?. What is wrong with my wife?!". He demanded.

"Tis nothing serious your grace. Perhaps you should let the lady tell you". The physician smiled broadly.

Pushing past them, he hurried towards his bedchamber.

Edwin knew the lass had only lost consciousness, just a little more and her heart would stop for good!. Then he would wait till night fall to dump her body over the cliff.

The sound of manly footsteps had him easing off the pressure he was applying on the pillow. Evangeline's near stopping heart began to beat again but she was unconscious.

"Evangeline?!". The familiar voice of the Duke sounded nearby, causing Edwin to panic.

Edwin froze. He was dead for certain. The Duke was not supposed to return today and he was not supposed to be here. He was trapped and had no way out. Quickly, he hid behind the curtains, praying that he would not be seen.

Lancelot stumbled backwards when he entered the room and saw the pillow pressed over the head of the woman he loved. He rushed over to her side, picking it off her head and throwing it across the room. It landed at Edwin's feet. He cringed.

"Evangeline!". He shook her. She had grown so pale he did not doubt that someone was trying to suffocate her.

"Your grace!". Tatiana came rushing into the bedchamber.

"What is the meaning of this?!". Lord Lancelot demanded, his eyes growing dark with anger that Tatiana had to cower away from him like a frightened child.

"Meaning of what your grace?". Tatiana was close to easing on herself.

"Who did this?!. Who put the pillow over her head. Who tried to kill her?!". Lancelot furrowed his brows as he looked from the obviously frightened Tatiana to a pale looking Evangeline.

"Evangeline!". He shook her again. Fear gripping him as he checked her pulse. It was very faint. "Call for the physician to return now. Hurry!". He commanded.

"Yes your grace". Tatiana rushed out of there to do as she had been told.

"Blasted!". He cursed, pacing around the room. Who could have done this?!. He would find out, and when he does, he would not spare the person!.

As he placed the room, he noticed the sihoullet of a man behind one of the curtains. Quickly he made his way towards it and grabbed it by the neck through the curtains.

Edwin gasped for air, struggling to breath as the Duke tightened his grip around his neck. Lancelot then yanked him forward. He growled when he saw it was Edwin. He shoved him towards the window but was careful not to let him fall. Not yet.

"What are you doing here?!". He demanded from Edwin.

"Forgive me please". He said through coughs.

"You tried to kill her?!".

"It was the only way. She is pregnant with your child. She is just a low born, this is not right".

"She is pregnant?". At this revelation, the duke's countenance changed. He looked more deadly than ever and Edwin whimpered. "You tried to kill the woman I love while she is carrying my unborn child?!"

"Forgive me your grace, please". Edwin begged.

"You tried to sell her off to the Baron and duke. I forgave you. This I can not forgive!". He pushed him lower, almost out of the window.

"Wait. Wait!". Edwin screamed. "I know where you can find your niece and that lad. I know you still love her. Spare my life and I shall tell you". He bargained.

Lancelot lifted him back up. "Tell me".

"They are in London. At the outskirts. On a ranch belonging to the king".

Lancelot nodded. "Guards!". He called out.

Just then, Tatiana returned with the physicisn who quickly went to attend to Evangeline. The guards followed right behind them.

"Put him in the dungeon then assemble all the workers and guards to the fields. You shall all be punished for this!". The Duke bellowed.

"Your grace, you promised to spare my life!". Edwin screamed as he was dragged away.

"Yes I did. But I did not promise to let you go. Take him away!".

Edwin continued to scream as he was being dragged out, begging and pleading to be spared but the Duke ignored him. Rather, he turned his attention towards Evangeline and the physician.

"How is she?". He queried.

"She will be fine. Her breathing is back to normal. It is good you got here when you did". He tsked and shook his head.

"So she is indeed pregnant?". Lancelot could not hide his joy.

"Yes. Three weeks gone. She will need a lot of rest. This stage is very delicate". The physician advised.

"Yes. I shall make sure she lacks in nothing". Lord Lancelot assured him.


It had been three days since the incident with Edwin at the Castor Estate and since then, Lancelot had kept a keen eye on Evangeline. He never let her out of his sight or unguarded. She was now carrying his child and he was determined to do everything in his power to protect them both.

He had called for a council meeting. Today he would announce his decision to resign as duke of castor and move to Milford with Evangeline during the week. He had made a decision to wed her quickly before her belly begins to show. He would ensure that his child is not born out of wedlock.

Evangeline woke up early, had her bath and headed out before Lancelot could wake from his sleep. He had been treating her like an egg which would break any minute. She felt suffocated. As she made her way to the stables to get a horse to go horse back riding, two guards passed in front of her carrying something that looked like a body wrapped in cloth. It smelt like dead rotten flesh. Evangeline felt like vomiting at the smell of the bad odour.

"What is that?". She demanded from them.

"It is Ira milady". One guard answered.

"She died a few days ago". The other guard added.

"Ira?". Evangeline gasped.

"Yes milady". They both answered and continued to walk away.

Evangeline felt sorry for Ira. The girl had never been nice to her but the manner in which she ended up was pathetic. A few days after she had returned to Castor Estate, Tatiana had told her of how the Duke had punished Ira every dawn and she felt pity for the lass but did not dare to speak to the Duke concerning that matter.

Deciding to go to the waterfall on the property instead of horse back riding, Evangeline made her way towards the waterfall on the Castor Estate property.

When the duke woke and did not find Evangeline by his side, he became agitated. He screamed for her, searching for her all over the house until one of the guards told him she had gone to the waterfall.

Lancelot watched her as she bathed naked in the water. He had no idea she was a good swimmer. She dived in and out of the water with ease. She looked like a water nymph, like a goddess and he could not help but admire her. He had not touched her for the past three days and the sight of her nakedness now made his manhood swell.

Now, he was trying his possible best to control his throbbing cock at the moment. All he wanted to do was to sink his erected cock into Evangeline's warm luscious cunt. He was dying to be with her but he worried for her health. He did not want to risk loosing his unborn child but he completely lost control when she stepped out of the water naked, turning her back to him and bending to pick her clothes. He jerked forward, moaning as he did. He then made his way towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Evangeline gasped in shock but relaxed when she smelt his familiar manly scent.

"Your grace, you scared me". She confessed.

"Forgive me. I did not intend. I can not control myself around you my beautiful Evangeline". He whispered in to her ear.

She giggled, turning to him to kiss his lips. "How did you find me here your grace?".

"I screamed down the whole household". He confessed with a smirk. "Do not leave my side in that manner again. I worry for you".

"Forgive me, I just wished to be on my own for a while".

"Do I upset you by trying to keep you safe? ". Lord Lancelot sounded upset.

Not that, it is only that I felt a little suffocated". She confessed.

"You almost died!". He huffed in vexation. "You are carrying my child. Both your safeties are very important to me".

"I understand". She smiled at him.

"I love you Evangeline. And I will not be able to take it if something should happen to you". He kissed her.

Evangeline giggled and kissed him back.

"I have treated you so bad ever since I met you. Can you please forgive me my love. I made a mistake in seeking revenge against you. I am however you came into my life when you did. I love you Evangeline".

"I love you too and love holds no grudges, so I forgive you Lancelot". She told him blushing beautifully.

Lancelot kissed her again, squeezing her behind as he did. He began to caress her body, taking turns to kiss her neck and lips. Evangeline moaned as he began to trail his fingers downwards towards her cunt. She gasped and moaned when he inserted his forefinger into her, pushing it deeper into her tight cunt. Her legs buckled but he held her in place lifting her and pressed her back against a tree and dropped the black pantaloons he was wearing to reveal his already erected cock. Without wasting time, he thrust into her with force causing Evangeline to hiss out in pain, her eyes widening in shock at the pain he caused her. Lancelot moved her away from the tree, placing her on the bare ground and thrust into her again.

"Gently please". She gritted through her teeth as he thrust into her again.

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