
Evangeline yawned, turning to her side on the mat she lay on. She reached out for Lord Lancelot only to touch the cold floor. She opened one eye, and peeked, she was alone. Opening both eyes, she sat up quickly. Was she dreaming?. She questioned herself. That was impossible, she thought to herself. She could feel the soreness between her legs from the night of passion she shared with the Duke. It had been real.

Getting off the mat and stretching a little, she walked depressingly slow out of the room and got ready for work. She did not care that she was late. She felt used and foolish for giving herself so willingly to the very man who had hurt her and abused her. He must think her a light skirt for begging for his attention the way she did the night before.

After getting ready for work, as she left the house, she noticed a few men coming towards the house she had just exited from. They were carrying tools and along with other equipment. Two of them she recognised immediately as Lord Lancelot's guards. She held her breath as they approached her, with one of them taking the lead.

"Good day Miss". The man who had taken the lead greeted her with a slight bow, once he was in front of her.

"Go- good day". She stammered. "What is your reason for being here?".

"The Duke asked me to supervise the workers while they fix the house". He wiggled his large nose while he spoke.

"Fix the house?". Evangeline was taken aback by this.

"Yes. His grace ordered it". The other guard clicked his tongue.

"I did not know about any of this. I...".

"Do not fret miss". The first guard cut her off. "Everything will be done well". He assured her.

Evangeline could not hold back her shock. Lord Lancelot had sent his men to fix up her home but he had told her nothing about it. Was this to surprise her?. Is that why he left without saying good bye?. She thought deeply and this brought a smile to her face.

"Okay. You may go ahead. I have to leave for work". She informed him.

"Very well miss". He nodded and gestured for the workers to move towards the house.

With that Evangeline hurried on her way to the Presley manor.


"You silly girl!. Why are you late?. Tis past my breakfast time and you are now arriving!". Mrs Presley seethed when she saw Evangeline enter the house.

"Forgive me Mrs Presley. I had to resolve some issues at home". She lied.

"Oh hush it. Go, go now to my daughter's chamber and help her pick out a gown. We are having dinner at the Castor estate tonight". She bellowed at her.

"Yes Mrs Presley". Evangeline answered duly and hurried towards Miss Selby's chamber.

She paused once she was in front of the young mistress' door, contemplating whether to let the lady see her. The miss had asked that she be relived of this job and she was only given this job with the condition that she stay out of the miss' sight. But something else bothered her. The thought of Miss Selby having dinner at the duke's house with her family made her jealous. She wonder if the Duke had agreed to Wed Miss Selby.

She gasped, remembering the conversation she overheard Mr Presley and his son having the other day. How could she have forgotten to tell the Duke?!. She would make sure to tell him tonight even if it might going to the estate to speak with him. With the little courage she had, Evangeline knocked on the door of Miss Selby's chamber and took in a deep breath.


"Come in". Miss Selby called out exasperated.

Evangeline pushed the door open and entered. "Miss?". She looked around the room and cringed, seeing how disorganized it was. Gowns lay on the floor, on the bed, and even on the trunks. Miss Selby sat on a chair in front of her dresser huffing angrily.

'You!". She hissed once she saw Evangeline through the mirror she was looking in, and turned. "What are you doing here?. I thought papa sent you away!".

"Yes, he did, I....".

"What do you want?. I have no money for you!". Miss Selby cut Evangeline off rudely.

"No, no. None of that". Evangeline frowned. "Your mother asked me to help you select a gown for tonight's dinner". She faked a smile.

"I already selected a gown!". She growled, standing to her feet and picking up a sea blue gown. "This. This is what I want to wear but it is ripped at the waist". Miss Selby complained.

"Oh". Evangeline gasped when Miss Selby flung the gown at her. She caught it and began to examine the dress. "I can fix it". She stated firmly.

Miss Selby's face lit up with a smile. "Really?. Okay hurry now". She snapped her fingers at Evangeline, rudely.

"Yes Miss Selby". Turning, Evangeline made her way towards the door.

"Wait!. Where are you off to?!. Miss Selby demanded.

"I am going to fix the gown miss". Evangeline replied.

"No. Do it here. That dress is very expensive. I can not afford to let it out of my sight. What if you steal it?!. She snapped rudely.

"I am not a thief miss!". Evangeline gritted through her teeth.

"I have heard a lot about you. I am not willing to take the risk". Miss Selby stated nonchalantly.


"Oh hush it and get to work. You can sit on the floor. I have a sewing kit in my drawer". She pointed out.

Feeling insulted without the power to defend herself, Evangeline got the sewing kit from the draw and settled on the floor to begin to work on the gown.


Lancelot watched as his new foreman went about his work. He was pleased. It had only been two days but the lad was well organized and did his work effectively. That was why when Mr Presley had called upon him to have dinner at his estate in order to discuss some important issues, he did not object. He however wondered what the old man wanted to discuss with him. Mr Presley was one of the most influential men in Castor and he had always been one of the Duke's most trusted supporters in every way.

Turning, Lord Lancelot made his way towards the stables to get his horse. He needed to check on the work he had instructed his men to do at Evangeline's house. He hoped that Evangeline will be very pleased with him. Mounting his horse, he kicked the black stallion gently at its sides causing it to rush in the direction it was given.

Edwin watched with keen interest as the Duke left the estate. He wondered where the man was headed to. Tonight, he and his family were having dinner in the duke's house, under the pretence of discussing something very important.

Well, getting his young sister wed to the Duke was important and he hoped that the man would not reject the offer. How could he?. Selby was the perfect definition of beauty. She had beautiful long golden locks and a creamy yet delicate skin without blemish. She carried herself like a lady and was more than inclined when it came to the art of seduction of men. He had no doubt his sister could convince the Duke to wed her in a week!. Soon, his family would become the most powerful family in Castor.


Oh what he would give to see the face of the women who had rejected him. Now that he is to become the brother in law of the Duke; and soon to be duke of Castor, he would teach them and their families a lesson or two.

Edwin grinned evilly. Finally he would have his revenge.


Evangeline could not believe her eyes when she returned home that day. At first she thought she had stepped into the wrong house. This morning, when she left, there were no chairs in the living room. The curtains were the same old and tarted ones which had been used for years and some of the items in the house were missing.

Now, she had a beautiful living room setting. Posh leather sofas and a beautiful wooden center table. She rushed towards her mother's room where the door had been broken. It had now been replaced. Pushing it open, she gasped. There in her mother's room was a bed stand and a mattress. The curtains on the window were new and the floor was carpeted. She hurried out to the kitchen and tears began to well up in her eyes. She could not believe what she was seeing. Turning, she was surprised to see the Duke standing there, smiling at her.

"Why?". Was the only word she could manage as she forced back tears.

"Why?". Lancelot frowned. "Why what?".

"All this. Why are you doing all this for me?".

"Because you deserve it. And I do not wish that my woman should live in a state which is unfavorable".

"Did you do it because of what people might say?".

"No. I did it because even though last night was the best night of my life, I would rather I take you on a bed than a worn out mat". He chuckled moving closer to her.

"Thank you". Evangeline embraced him.

Lancelot wrapped his arms around her, relishing in her warmth and her scent. He hardened instantly. Moving so that he could look upon her face, he kissed her lips, tasting her salty tears as he did. Evangeline kissed him back, pressing herself harder against him

"I missed you". He confessed.

Evangeline pulled away from him. "You left without saying your goodbyes".

"Forgive me. You were asleep and I did not wish to wake you".

Evangeline nodded in understanding. "Come, please sit. I shall make you some tea".

"No". Lancelot stopped her. "There is no need. Some other time. Right now it's you I want". He coed, pulling her into his arms again.

Evangeline giggled like a little girl, letting him kiss her and touch her as he took her on the posh leather sofa.


"Your grace, as I was saying". Mr Presley promoted seeing that Lancelot was not paying attention to him.

They had just finished dinner and were now in the drawing room having a cup of tea. Lord Lancelot glanced once at the man before he was lost in thought again. He relished in the moments he had shared with Evangeline earlier on and he wanted more. He would not have left her side if it had not been for this dinner. Oh how beautiful her moans sounded in his ear. He wished he could hear her moan all night, screaming his name as he made her his over and over again but something she had said to him unnerved him. First he did not like the idea of her working as a servant in the Presley manor. He told her to quit and he hoped she would adhere to him. Secondly, she had told him of Mr Presley and Edwin's plans to get him wed to Selby. He had to assure her that he could never wed Selby. Now sitting here, he was convinced he would not want to wed a woman such as Selby. All she did was flirt with him and this irritated him.

"Lord Lancelot". Selby purred, touching his lap daringly in the presence of her parents. This seemed to snap Lancelot out of his reverie.

"Forgive me". He jerked his leg away from her. "Mr Presley you were saying?". He wiggled his nose.

"About my daughter Selby. I think a union between the two of you is-".

"A union?. Marriage?". The Duke laughed, cutting Mr Presley off his statement.

"Yes". Mr Presley answered nervously, unsure of why the Duke was laughing.

"Is your daughter not a little too young for me?". He raised a brow at Mr Presley.

"Lancelot". Mr Presley cleared his throat.

"Lord Lancelot". The Duke corrected.

"Forgive me your grace but I never saw you as one to care for age. The younger the better". He smirked.

Lancelot grinned. "I agree but I already have someone I wish to wed". He announced.

Mr Presley frowned. "Who?". He asked, even though he already knew the answer.


"The low born?, our servant girl?". Mrs Presley who had remained silent all this well spat with venom.

"She shant be after I wed her". Lord Lancelot told her.

"Do you know the gravity of your decision?. Do you know what will happen if yoy change the balance of things in this town?. She is a low born!. The only status that can be given to her is a mistress!. Perhaps in the future, her offspring can be wed to a titled man but-".

"Enough". Lord Lancelot cut Mr Presley off. "I think you have over stayed your welcome". He stood abruptly.

"Your grace. I wish you would take the time to get to know my lovely sister. She is-".

"There is no doubt that your sister is beautiful and can turn heads but I have also heard of her dealings in London. Did she not leave to find a match?. Which is more scandalous?. The maiden whose nakedness has been seen by the titled men of London or a caste low born?". Lord Lancelot hissed at Edwin.

Selby gasped at the insult.

"I beg your pardon!. Do not insult my daughter in that manner!". Mrs Presley hissed.

"I only speak the truth". Lord Lancelot stated nonchalantly.

"I have supported your dealings all these years and my vote has sustained you and caused others to follow you". Mr Presley reminded Lord Lancelot.

"What is the point you are trying to make?! ". He hissed at the Oldman.

"If you refuse to wed my daughter, you will have my support no longer and I shall ensure that your title is taken from you if you dare to wed that wretched low born".

"Is that a threat?". He glared, causing Mr Presley to shiver. "The title of duke has been in my family for generations. No one shall take it from me. Threaten me again Presley, and I shall bury you under!".

Gasps erupted in the room.

"Your grace". Selby faked tears in order to save the situation. "Please forgive my father. He is just desperate to get me wed. Perhaps this should be discussed another time".

"There will be no further discussions. You may leave once you are done with your tea. I shall not give my consent to wed the likes of you!". He said and walked out.


Evangeline was in high spirits when she arrived at work he next day. Even though Lancelot had told her to quit, she still felt the need to work and make her own money. She did not wish to be fully dependent on a man she was not married to. She skipped her say to the kitchen to greet the chef.

"You look merry". The chef commented when he saw Evangeline beaming with smiles.

"I had a good night sleep". She blushed.

"Ha. That is good because you will need it. It seems the owners of this household are in a terrible mood today". The chef whispered to her.

"I do not understand". Evangeline shook her head.

Before the chef could speak, Edwin came storming into the kitchen, his eyes dark with fury. "Come with me!". He commanded, dragging Evangeline out of the kitchen and into his father's office.

Two men dressed in expensive attire sat in the office along with Mr Presley. Evangeline recognized one of the men as the Duke of New Bridge. She had met him during the ball in Milford. She took a step back out of fright when Edwin closed the door to the office.

"Evangeline". The Duke of New Bridge smirked evilly as he turned to face her. "Tis nice to make your acquaintance once again".

Evangeline gulped. Fear gripping her. "Yo-ur gra-ce". She stammered.

"So this is the lass". The other man in the room turned to observe Evangeline, lustfully.

"Yes. And something needs to be done quickly". Mr Presley promted.

"I agree. We can not afford to let our plans foil". Edwin added.

"Can she not be auctioned off?". The Duke of New Bridge asked.

Mr Presley laughed. "This might not be Milford where everyone is respected but it is also not New Bridge. Low borns are different from slaves and no, she can not be auctioned off. I would have bought her for myself".

"What do you suggest we do then?. We need to be careful in our dealings. Lancelot is still the Duke of Castor and any wrong move might put you and your family in danger". The other man in the room said.

"Well, killing her is not an option but I can make her disappear". The Duke of New Bridge informed them.

Evangeline shivered where she stood as the men debated on how to get rid of her like she was not in the room. In this moment, she regretted no heeding to Lancelot's advice to quit this job.

"How?". Edwin asked.

"I shall take her with me to New Bridge but I must insist on your silence. No one out of this room must come to know of this. That way, the Duke would think she run away".

"Ah yes. A very good idea". Mr Presley laughed.

"Do you know how long I have waited to touch her delicate skin?". The Duke of New Bridge stood, making his way towards Evangeline. He reached out to caress her cheeks but she stepped away from him. The Duke laughed and the other men joined in.

"I would like to participate in this delicacy". The other man winked suggestively. Perhaps you have a spare room where I can enjoy her before the Duke finally takes her way?". He licked his lower lip.

The men laughed again.

"Yes. Edwin take Lord Martin to the guest room. Go with Evangeline and make sure he is not disturbed". Mr Presley instructed his son.

"Please sir, what is going on?. Please wait!". She screamed as Edwin began to dragging her out of the office.

"Silence you low life!. Silence else I shall have your tongue!". Edwin seethed.


Lord Lancelot, the Duke of Castor remained seated in his carriage even after it had come to a halt in front of the Presley Mansion. He was not a man to give in easily to threats but for Evangeline's sake, he knew he had to appease Mr Presley. The man could not harm him in anyway but he feared what might happen to Evangeline should Mr Presley send the issue to the council. Evangeline was a low born and any titled man could claim her as his with force and he would not be able to go against it.

He could have solved this problem easily but he knew Evangeline all too well. The lass would bluntly refuse to become his mistress and he did not want to force her in any way.

These past few days have proven to be good for him. Having Evangeline desire him the way he desired her and having her give herself willingly to him was something he did not wish to ruin. He therefore decided to speak to Presley. He would agree to wed Selby but on condition that he would make Evangeline his second wife.

Finally deciding it was time to exit the carriage, he got out and made his way into the Presley manor. He was greeted by a maid who directed him towards the office where she told him Mr Presley was having a meeting.

Lancelot feared he had been right to think that the man would send for some of the council members to be at his side before the council meeting is called. He gritted his teeth in anger. If not for the sake of Evangeline he would have wiped out all the members of the Presley family without a trace. He frowned, wishing he had sent two of his men to keep an eye on Evangeline before coming here. What if his proposal does not go well?.

"Please I do not understand this!. Please wait. Do not do this please sir!".

Lancelot stood still. He must be hallucinating because he could have sworn he heard Evangeline's voice, crying out.

"Your pleading only makes me want you more lass. Who would have thought!". A male voice snickered. "You had rejected me at the ball in Milford. Now you will be come mine!".

"Right after I am done with her". Another male voice added in a snickering tone.

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