
"Find her!". The duke of Castor roared. "There is no way a mere lass can slip out of this estate unnoticed!. Find her now!!". He seethed.

He had just risen from his restless slumber to was himself before getting ready for his bath when Sir Philip came running to him with information that Evangeline had escaped. According to Sir Philip, he had caught Evangeline trying to escape so he confronted her. He claimed the lass offered him 'sex' in exchange for his silence and for him to allow her leave the estate but being as 'loyal' as he was, he refused and tried to alert the guards. Unfortunately for him, Evangeline hit him with a stick and knocked him unconscious.

Lancelot found the story hard to believe but he did not press on futher. His main purpose was to find Evangeline. He would be damn if he let her escape him just as Ingrid had done. Evangeline was his, whether she liked it it not. HIS.


No one was willing to give her shelter or food. No one dared to help her dress her wounded arm. They feared their fate, should the duke find out they had aided her. Evangeline was worn out and famished after having walked for hours with no food or water. Her throat was dry and she felt she would faint any moment. No one in the town wanted to help her so she made her way towards the outskirts of the town, on the other end of the bother.

Vast fields stretched for miles unending and not a single hut or house was in sight. Tired, she settled on the grass near by to catch her breath. The sun seemed to simmer above the ground indicating it was mid noon. She had no doubt that the duke's guards were looking all over for her, leaving no stone unturned.

They would execute her if they found her, she thought to herself. She had killed a man. A man who tried to rape her. Even still, she had committed a crime. No one would be willing to hear her story because she was a low born. Sighing, Evangeline shut her eyes and let fatigue drag her to slumber.


The sound of horses coming towards her made Evangeline jerk up. She stood to her feet quickly, moving hastily to hid behind the thick bushes in order not to be seen. She shut her eyes, praying dearly to her god that she would not be found. The breath in her lungs seized as the horses drew nearer. She opened one eye to peek at the approaching horses. She was curious to see if they were guards from the duke's estate.

Thankfully, it was a carriage. Evangeline noticed the items the carriage had and realized these people were traders. She quickly got out of her hiding spot and waved her hands to stop the carriage.

"Stop please!. I need your help. Stop please!". She screamed, bringing the carriage to a stop a few feet away from her.

She run up to them panting heavily. There were three women and one man. They looked at her with a worried expression.

"Have you lost your way miss?. You are far from the town". One of the woman said.

"Yes. No. I mean....". Evangeline stuttered. "Eerrrmmmm... I need a ride".

"Where are you headed?. We are going to Milford to deliver goods at the earls manor". The other woman added.

"Milford. That is the next town?". Evangeline thought for a while.


"Yes. That is my destination". She lied. "Take me with you please". She begged.

"Very well then miss. Hop on". The man smiled toothily at her.

Letting out her breath, Evangeline quickly got on the carriage and thanked her stars for a safe exist out of Castor. She did not know what awaited her in Milford but she certainly hoped it would be better than Castor.


"We did not not find her your grace". One guard announced to lord Lancelot as the duke paced his chamber. He had sent eight guards out to find Evangeline but they all came back empty. Now, two of the guards along with Philip stood in his chamber with their heads bowed.


"What do you mean?!. She is on foot!. How can you not find her!". He bawled.

"Some traders saw her come by the market asking for help but no one offered. She even knocked on doors but they feared your wrath so they turned her away. Some of them saw her heading towards the borders to Milford, we checked but found nothing". Sir Philip informed her, a slight breath if relief leaving his lips that Evangeline could not be found. Should the duke find her, the truth would come to light and he could not risk that. He prayed she would never be found and even if she returned, he would find a way to silence her quickly.

"Your grace, could it be that one of the traders had helped her?". One guard spoke.

Lancelot was seething. He had his fingers clenched in a fist as he gritted his teeth.

"Your grace, shall I send men to Milford?". Philip inquired.

"No. I do not wish that the earl finds out about this". Lancelot hissed.

"Why your grace?. He might be of help". Philip insisted. He wanted to go there himself and find Evangeline first.

"Knowing my nephew, help will be the last thing he would offer me after what I did to his father". Lancelot huffed.

"What do we now your grace?". Philip tried to hide his frustrations.

"Stop asking me stupid questions!. Get out, get out you twat!. Get out!". He screamed.

The guards rushed out of the room. Just as Philip was about to leave, Lancelot grabbed his arm in a vice grip.

"Did you touch her?!". He glared at Philip.

"Yo-ur gra-ce?". He stuttered, his breath hitched in his throat.

"Answer me!". He bellowed.

"No..no. your grace. Never. I...". He forced his gaze away from the duke.

"Shut up. Get lost!".

Lancelot paced his chamber. He was angry and depressed all together. He thought hard, trying to find a solution to this. He could not possibly loose Evangeline. He was beginning to love her. He froze. The thought startling him. Lancelot had never loved or liked a woman as he did his late wife. She was his world and he would kill for her. Unfortunately fate did not let her live long .

He growled, a feeling of powerlessness coming over him. He felt as though a part of him had been ripped out. Every breath he took was painful. He had made a mistake!. He should not have made Evangeline a servant. He was the duke of Castor. He could have easily made her his mistress, automatically raising her rank. Instead, he had let his ego and lust for power take over and he had listened to Philp. Now he might have lost Evangeline for good.

If she went in the way of Milford, he could possibly seek help from his nephew in finding her but he had ruined that relationship when he had the boy's father killed and his body dumped at their door step. The man, granted, was a fraud and had tried to dupe him but he was his wife's elder brother. Now, he thought the situation could have been handled a lot better than that.

He thought of going to Milford but he knew his nephew would not welcome him and should his cousin come to know of his involvement with Evangeline, he was sure the earl will ensure he never got Evangeline back.

Sighing, he slumped on to his bed and buried his head in his hands.

"Evangeline". He sobbed. "Grace". He said his late wife's maiden name as hot tears fell from his eyes.

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