
"You will be assigned only to me. Meaning, you shall work for noone else but me. You shall take orders only from me". Lancelot informed Evangeline as he walked in front of her through the vast corridor upstairs, which led to the private chambers.

Evangeline had gasped in awe, her mouth hanging when she first entered the house. She was greeted by a large room with nothing but what looked like beautiful and expensive flower vases with artificial flowers in them. On her left where two large silver moon vases sitting on each side of a small window, over looking towards the stables. On her right where tiny vases lining up the wall which led to two doors. One small door and one large door. Then in front of her, was a black marbled staircase.


Was the simple command Lord Lancelot had given her after he had forced her reluctant uncle out of the estate. Like a sheep being led to the slaughter, Evangeline followed meekly, her mind running wild with reasons why the duke suddenly spared their lives.

Evangeline was snapped back from her wander when she suddenly crushed into a solid figure. She grunted, rubbing her nose while stepping back. She quickly apologized when she realised she had bumped into the the duke.

"I suggest you pay heed to my words for if you make a single mistake, you shall be punished". He fumed as he stood rigid in front of a door.

Evangeline nodded, muttering her apologies again.

"Come. I shall show you to your chamber". He told her as he unlocked the door they had been standing in front of. "This is your chamber".

Evangeline tried her best not to gasp but the room was too posh for a low born such as she, that she could not help but look wide eyed and mouth opened in awe.

Lancelot stepped into the chamber and she followed, her bare feet having a feel of the soft carpet beneath them. She observed the room. A king sized bed sat in the middle with two small tables on each side. Then at the far corner to her right, a medium sized vase with artificial flowers sat near a fireplace. To her left was a window which was half opened, draped with thin rose gold curtains.


"Your grace, I do not understand. Shall I not rest in the servants quarters?". She turned to him, her head bowed as she spoke.

"You are not a servant. You are to become my mistress. Even though I do not have a habit of hosting my mistresses in my home, for you I shall make an exception". He paced the room as he spoke.

"I don't understand". Evangeline shook her head. Clearly she doubted if she was cut to be anything other than his slave. She was a low born.

Lancelot stepped towards her, wiggling his nose at the smell of blood that had stained her dress. The blood of her uncle.

"How old are you?". He inquired.

"Twenty and one, your grace".

Lancelot frowned. She was too old for his liking, even though she was only half his age. The thought of Ingrid flashed his mind. She was young, untouched and ripped for him to pick, yet Evangeline's insipid of a brother had ruined her.

Lancelot turned away from her and walked to the door, before turning back to her. "Take of your clothes, I shall have the servants run you a bath and bring you a new set of clothes. Get clean. I want my women clean for when I bed them". He stated in a serious tone.

Evangeline paled then her face turned red with fury. "How dare you!. Do you take me for a whore?!. I shall do no such thing!". She stomped her foot angrily.

Lancelot laughed as he stepped forward. "I own you. You shall do as I say". He closed the gap between them.

"I will must certain not. I would rather you have me killed than let a brute like you-".

A resounding crack filled the chamber as Lancelot swung and struck Evangeline sharply across the face. Evangeline yelped as she fell to her knees and clutched her welting cheek.

"Yes. On your knees. That is where you belong. You will not speak back at me ever again!. I own you little chit and it is my bidding you will do, else I shall so kindly grant you the death you seek. But it will be the most agonising death".

"I do not care for my life. Anything is better than having to warm the bed of a vile man such as yourself!". She spat at him daringly.


Anger blazed through Lancelot at her words. He kicked her, and she fell on her back on the carpeted floor. Evangeline began to cry out as Lancelot continued to kick her until she was bloody and blue, only stopping when he realised he did not want her dead ...yet.

Bellowing his frustrations, Lancelot stepped out of the chamber and screamed for a servant. Two servants came rushing towards him a minute later.

"Clean her up!". He order them and stepped towards Evangeline.

He glared at her before stopping low and swinging his fist hard, it connected to her jaw. Grabbing hold of her neck and applying pressure on it, he began to choke her. Breath rushed from her lungs as pain dazed her when he began to dig his fingers into her skin. Stars exploded in her head as the world spun. She was faintly aware of what he was saying as he hissed out the words in her face.

"I shan't warn you again". He informed her, before letting go and walking out of the room.

As the door shut and two female servants made their way towards her, Evangeline shut her eyes and her world went black.


Rage flashed in his eyes as he stepped into his office and shut the door. He should have killed her!. The impudence of that chit!. He swore under his breath. Nobody had ever dared to challenge him or speak to him in this manner. Some had tried but they had lost their tongue in the process. The duke was seething. Much because he suddenly felt guilty for what he had done to Evangeline. He did not understand why it bothered him so. Grabbing a brown bottle of liquor, he put it to his lips and gabbled half of its contents. The liquid burned his throat but he did not mind as he took a swing at it again.

He was distraught at the moment as he paced around his office and worn a path on the carpet in the room as he wandered endlessly about his office. He could not stay still, he needed to do something to distract himself from the lass who had aided her brother and his betrothed to elope. He slammed his fist on the desk. The growing pain between his legs irritated him.

Taking another swing at the brown liquor, he decided to go to the brothel to ease his lustful needs.


The orange rays of the sun streamed through the thin rose gold curtains, shinning into the half opened glass windows. Evangeline's face was pressed into the plush pillows with rose flower patterned pillow covers as she squinted at the window in a haze. The cinnamon scented blanket was cuddled to her swollen pink lips as she laid in the soft bed.

She was warm and comfortable but still in pain.

Her eyes threatened to close and return to slumber but the solid figure standing by the door forced her brows to crease and made her sit up. Brown locks of hair fell behind her and over her shoulders while the reminder slightly hid her face from view. She tried to remember where she was by observing her surroundings, the interior of the room far to posh than anything she had seen or been in.

Her gaze fell on the man again. He wore a white shirt underneath a black suit. His dark hair slide back as his green eyes observed her with what she thought was pity. Recognition suddenly bathed her as she suddenly became aware of who he was and where she was. She gasped, jumping back in the bed, her hands fidgeting with the blanket as she pulled it to cover her body like a sheild .

"I see you had a good night rest". Lancelot said to Evangeline as he took steps into the room.

He had been standing by the door for over an hour watching her sleep. It was a beautiful sight and he did not mind at all. Apart from the occasional tossing and turning, she was a sound sleeper and a beautiful one too.

"Yes your grace". She grace she answered.

"Good. I shall have a servant bring your breakfast. Once you are done, present yourself in my chamber". He told her, and walked away, leaving the door ajar.

Evangeline paled, her mind drifting off to what had transpired yesterday after her uncle's release.

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