
Evangeline was feeding her mother some soup, trying her best not to show her tears as she did. She hoped and prayed her brother and Lady Ingrid were safe. It saddened her that she might never set eyes on him again. If the duke does not kill her, their mother's illness will definitely not allow her to leave anyway.

Pushing another spoonful of soup in her mother's mouth, she was startled when someone came barging into the room.

"Evangeline!". The woman cried out. "They took him and our children!. They took them!".

It took Evangeline a while to understand what her aunt was crying out about. She stood, leading her aunt out of her mother's chamber and shutting the door securely behind her. Evangeline then went into the kitchen and placed the bowl of soup down before paying attention to her aunt.

"Who took him?. I do not understand". She told her.

"The Duke's guards. They they came to the house last night and broke everything. They even beat him up badly then they took him and our children away!. Please you have to do something!. My poor children. Please". She began to wail, placing her hands on her head.

Evangeline was shivering with fear. What was she supposed to do?. She could not go to the Duke's estate and claim her uncle and his children!. The beast of a man will most probably have her locked up in his dungeons. This is all her brother's fault!. Oh how stupid and foolish young love is.

"Evangeline?!". Her aunt prompted her. "You have to get my family back please!".

"Aunt, I....... I".

"This is your doing!. You condoned your brother's frolicking with the young miss, now my husband and children must pay the price!". She began to wail again as if mourning them.

"Aunt-". Evangeline reached out to her.

"No!. This is not fair. He is going to kill them. My children, my husband". Her eyes held a certain kind of fear and sadness which caused Evangeline to whimper mentally.

Evangeline felt devastated. She did not know what to do. She had never met the Duke but she dreaded the mere thought of him.

"I shall go there myself and demand for my husband and children". Her aunt said, straighten herself and wiping her tears.

"Aunt you can not, he will kill you!".

"And if I don't go, he will kill them too. I would rather I die than live without them".

"No aunt". Evangeline stopped her. "Uncle George would never forgive me if-".

"Then do something please!". She cut her off with an bellowed scream.

"Fine". She let out her breath shakily. "I shall go to the Castor Estate and speak to the Duke. I am certain we can come to an understanding. Hopefully. She added more to herself.

"Thank you. Thank you". Her aunt took her hand in hers and squeezed it, her eyes suddenly filled with hope.

"Please take care of mother. I shall return soon". Evangeline told her aunt even though she knew she might die.

It was only this morning that rumours of Ingrid's mother's death had spread. The Duke had beaten her until she was bloody and unconscious. The town physician had tried his best to save her but he could not. She died shortly after. Evangeline shivered. If he could beat his brother's wife in this manner, what would he not do to her?.


Evangeline clutched her hand and shakily exhaled as she made her way out of the house on foot, towards the Duke of Castor's Estate. The thought of dying or never seeing her mother and brother again scared her. She deliberately walked slowly, as if to prolong her life. When she finally reached the estate, she peered around her surroundings. Large trees laid out thick for a stretch on her left while a vast field of crops was to her right while the grand mansion sat majestically in the middle. She felt her insides curl and her heart race widely at the sight of the intimidating building but there was no going back. She had promised her aunt she would do everything in her power to return her husband and Evangeline was not one to break a promise.


The sight of her dear uncle being whipped, had Evangeline throwing herself between him and the whip. If Lord Lancelot had not been quick to spot her, the whip would have come down on her delicate flesh, hard and strong. Instead, it was his hand that was at the recieving end, grabbing hold of the end of the whip as it came down on the lass.

Warm blood spilled from his palm, causing him to hiss at the pain he felt and curse colourfully. The guard who was dishing out the punishment to George gasped, colour draining from his face as he realised what had happened. Everything happened too quickly that, he had not seen Evangeline cover her uncle's body with hers or the Duke grabbing hold of the whip to save her. He quickly dropped the whip, backing away.

"Damn wench!. Are you trying to peal your skin off?". Lancelot grunted, his eyes held a curiosity as to who this girl was.

Evangeline, with her back turned to him cried out. "I will not let you whip my uncle like this. Please. He is innocent. This is unfair!". Her body shook with her tears.

"Child, you should not have come here. Please leave from here. You should not have come here". Her uncle scolded weakly.

"No uncle. How can I leave you to suffer this fate when none of this is your fault". She cried.

Lifting herself, she wept when she saw the torn bleeding flesh of his back. His blood had stained her dress but she did not care. George turned to look at Evangeline, his eyes held unshed tears.

"I should have insisted you left with your brother. If anything should happen to you, your mother would never forgive". He began to sob.

"Do not speak such words uncle". Evangeline wiped his tear stained face with her palm.

"Enough!". Lancelot hissed. The little reunion vexed him.

His deep commanding voice made the hairs on the back of Evangeline's neck stand. She looked at her uncle and a look of worry flashed in his eyes. She stood, turning to face the Duke for the first time. She whimpered.

Standing before her was a herculean of a male. His midnight black hair was slicked back with a few strands falling in front of his forehead. He stood proud and tall, his chiseled jaw clamped shut. She could feel his green eyes staring into her soul as he glared her. Gripping the hem of her dress, she stepped backwards, frightful of the god- like man which stood before her, without breaking eye contact with him. His cold green eyes roamed over her body, studying her. The more he looked at her, the difficult it became for her to breath. It was as if her heart was going into overdrive, like she would have a heart attack. His giant frame loomed over hers, his steel like body standing rigid and aggressive while he stared her down.


The Duke's eyes reluctantly swept over Evangeline's body. It was as if he could not control them as he took in her every feature and appearance. She was rather beautiful, he noted in surprise, her green eyes set in a delicate oval face with fill supple lips. He felt a stirring in his groin as he continued looking at her and frowned. Lusting after her was unfavorable if he was going to kill her anyway.

"How dare you show up on my property without being summoned?!". He leered. His anger secretly directed to himself for lusting after her.

"Your grace, please. Spare my uncle and his children. They are innocent". Evangeline fell to her knees, her eyes still holding his gaze.

Lancelot groaned and looked away. It took all his strength to not step forward and scoop her from the ground and into his arms. Blasted. He cursed mentally. What was wrong with him?!.

"Identify yourself". He commanded.

"My name is Evangeline". She sobbed, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. Boris is my young brother".

"I see". Lancelot nodded. "You are very brave to have stepped on my property, knowing fully well that I wish to have your entire family killed and left to for in the market place".

"Please your grace". She bowed her head. "Do as you wish to me but please release my uncle and his children. They are innocent. Mercy your grace".

The simple, innocent statement, had Lancelot's imagination running wild. He thought of the things he could do to her slender yet curvy body, the thought of having her on her knees like this whiles she sucked on his cock appealed to him. He groaned. Damn wench. The stirring in his groin increased.

"Your uncle dared to lie to me, I do not take kindly to such". He voice came out husky much to his displeasure.

"Please. He is innocent. Whatever he did, he did for his family. Please. I am to blame for my brother and Ingrid's betrayal. I...".

"Shut up!".

Evangeline yelped when he stepped closer to her and grabbed a fist full of her hair, pulling her head back so he could look at her. Pain blazed her scalp but she did not fight to be let loose, instead, she stayed still, calm. This calmness in her startled Lancelot, coupled with the fact that he was near to her now. He could smell her scent and he liked it, finding himself inhale. He wanted to have a feel of her lips, to taste them, to feel what she tasted like.

Damn. He cursed, seeing how his mind drifted wildly again. Out of anger he slapped her, causing her to fall on her side. He stood straight and turned to Philip who had been standing by with a few other guards, watching the scene unfold.

"Tie her up. Forty strokes". Lancelot bawled out, holding his breath as if hoping that, whipping her would lessen the desire he suddenly felt for her.

"No please!. Kill me instead my lord. Please!". George pleaded as Evangeline was dragged to a near by tree and tied to it, her face facing it.

Philip proceeded to rip her dress from behind, exposing her delicate skin. He run light fingers over her bare skin and leaned closer to her ear.

"I told you you shall regret rejecting my offer". His hands hands went low, lower than the rip in the dress hand gone as he cupped her small round behind in his hand.

Evangeline began to cry as it was impossible for her to escape his touch. Hot tears streamed down her face as he continued to fondle her behind, grunting lowly as he did. Lancelot noticed this, his eyes darkening as a wave of jealousy and possessiveness run through him but he stopped himself before he could rip Philip's arm for touching her. He did not understand why he had thought such a thing. She was a low born, any high born such as Philip or male of noble birth could do as he pleased with her, unless the lass was owned.

The thought of owning Evangeline appealed to him. He could take his revenge on her for what her brother did. Even so, he could taste those beautiful lips of hers he so desired. His subconscious added. Quickly snapping his fingers, he had Philip backing away from her.

"Release her!". He commanded, pressing his other hand to his bleeding palm.

"Your grace?". Philip looked disappointed.

"Are you deaf?!. Release them both!".

Evangeline's eyes widened in surprise much to Philip displeasure. She shut her eyes, saying a prayer if thanks to her god but she could not help but feel there was more to this.

"Release the children too. And let them go". Lancelot commanded, trying his best to stop the bleed. "You, don't just stand there get me water to wash the blood off, and a clean dry cloth". He barked at a servant.

"Yes your grace". The girl quickly run to do his bidding.

Both Evangeline and her uncle began to thank him but he raised a hand to stop them. "You and your children can leave George. Leave my property and leave my town. You have until sunset tomorrow". He said.

"And-and my ni-ece?". George already feared what was to come.

Lancelot grinned wickedly. I own her now.

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