《The Lonely King》Chapter Twelve


We were currently driving down to Rome. I mentioned something about loving Italian art, and Nick thought it would be fun to go down to Rome to explore.

I mentioned that my favorite artist is Michelangelo, but I've already seen most of his art in person like my favorite, David, in Florence. I mean look at the amazing detail in the rock. It makes you wonder how Michelangelo was able to create such a realistic sculpture back then.

So Nick asked me what I wanted to see, and I told him the Trevi Fountain. Since we were staying a little below Livorno, Nick said a three hour drive isn't that bad.

The whole drive I've been listening to music and staring out the window or sleeping. So once we finally got there, I was extremely excited to stretch my legs.

Together, we walked around Rome enjoying the beautiful architecture and bits of nature.

"Do you like all the art and buildings?" Nick asked me.

"Yes. It fascinated me that such beautiful creations could have been made back then and still exist today. It's a little saddening that modern art and architecture isn't as beautiful as it once was." I said.

"You don't like modern art and architecture?"

"Not really. Every now and then there is something good, but the really beautiful things were created before the 70s, in my opinion. For movies though, it might be the 2000s since I love Star Wars, Alien, Predator, Rocky, and so on." I explained.

"Interesting. You know I read about that in your journal." He smirked. I slapped his chest.

"I can't believe you read that." I looked away, embarrassed.

He brought my face up to look at him. "As I said before, it's not embarrassing. I truly enjoyed reading it, and agreed with most of the things you wrote in it."

"What didn't you agree with?" I asked, trying to guess in my mind what it was.

"What you wrote about love for starters. I don't believe true love is dead yet. It may seem like it's fading as time keeps moving, but I don't think true love is dead yet." I looked into his eyes to see only the truth. I wrote that with all the cheating and not loyal people in this world, true love died out after the 60s. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm not so sure yet.


"What else?" I asked curiously.

"You also wrote about how it seems there are a few number of good people left in the world. I don't agree with that because I met someone good in an alley in Manhattan— a complete stranger— and she was good to me." I chuckled.

"You mean me, right?"

"Of course." He confirmed.

"Well, my opinion on that has changed. Most people seem bad, but they can be good on the inside." I said.

"You mean me, right?" He teased.

"Of course." I laughed.

"We're here." He said. Huh?

I looked up to see the beautiful Trevi fountain. I stared in awe at the magnificent sight in front of me. The detail on the sculptures and the beauty that shined from the depiction of Oceanus. It can only make you wonder how Nicola Salvi was able to do this.

"Amelia." A voice broke me out of my trance. I looked up toward Nick to see him holding out a coin for me. I smiled as I picked it up. I turned my back to the fountain, and he did the same.

"1...2...3" I counted, and we both threw the euros into the fountain with our right hand over the left shoulder.

"I've always wanted to do that. Thank you." I smiled up at Nick.

"Do you like Italian food?" Nick asked.

"It just so happened to be my favorite." I smirked.

He led us to an Italian restaurant. I wanted to sit by outside by the flowers, so Nick requested a table there.

We ate the most delicious food and wine. I looked up toward the sky to see the orange and pink hues indicating a sunset. I smiled.

"Have you ever seen something so beautiful?" I asked.

"I'm looking at something even more beautiful right now."

I looked over to him to see he was staring right at me. I blushed. "You know, that's a little cliché." I teased.

"Only for you." He chuckled.

We left the restaurant and started to stroll around the city before making our way back to his car. The streets filled with people relaxing, the clear night sky, and the lights from buildings and street lamps reminded me of New York. It was still completely different, but it had the feel that brought me comfort. I could definitely come back here happily.


I sighed in relaxation and leaned my head against Nick's shoulder.

"You tired?" He asked.

"No. Not really. Just enjoying the surroundings." I replied.

"Thanks for coming with me today. I liked having someone with me instead of coming here alone." He suddenly said.

"Thanks for bringing me with you. I can't thank you enough for the amazing time I had today." I told him, looking up to his eyes.

"You're happy?" He asked.

"I'm happy." I told him.

During the ride back, I fell asleep. I tried to stay away, but with the soothing Italian music playing on the radio and the darkness the night provided, I quickly drifted off.

I was woken up by arms making their way underneath me and picking me up. I fluttered my eyes open to see Nick carrying me upstairs.

"I didn't mean to wake you." Nick whispered.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep in the car." I tried to lighten the mood and bring some energy into our conversation.

"Well, you did." He teased.

"Well, you woke me up." I retorted.

We glared at each other for a few seconds before bursting out into laughter. As my laughter died down, I stared up at him in amazement. How could a man make me feel so extraordinary? I feel so happy and complete when I'm with him, and I can't help but wonder how he did it.

"Thank you again for today." I said.

"No need to thank me. Use it as an apology for everything I've done so far." He said.

"But you have nothing to apologize for."

He looked at me confused. "I have a lot to apologize for. I kept you locked up. I made you unhappy. I read" I cut him off.

"And all of that doesn't matter now. I've already forgiven you."

"You really shouldn't." He said.

"But I do." I reiterated.

"Sometimes, I don't understand how a person can be so kind. I mean, what makes you want to help a complete stranger in an alley in the middle of the night?" He asked.

"Because sometimes everyone needs a little help. If I didn't help you, who would? If the roles were reversed, wouldn't you want to help me?" I tried to get him to see my point.

"Honestly, back then I wouldn't have helped you. Knowing you now, I hope I can be that person that helps you." He paused and sighed. "I'm not a good man, Amelia. You may have seen the good side of me, but that side is rarely out. I kill people. I lie, cheat, steal. You shouldn't get mixed up with me."

By now we were in bed. I reached over to his cheek and placed my hand on it to stroke it.

"I know what you are. I've known since the moment I saw you in that chair, but I don't care that you are the mafia king. I've seen the good in you, and I want to keep seeing it." I whispered. He smiled at me.

"We should probably go to bed." He said. It seemed like he didn't want to continue the discussion. I sighed and crawled into the sheets after he pulled me to him.

"Goodnight, Amelia."

"Goodnight, Nick."

I thought back to the conversation and the day. It seemed like he really cares for me as much as I care for him, but I can't tell if he cares about me in a friends type way or more-than-friends type way. I want to be something more with him, but I just don't know if he wants that. I know it will take time for him to feel something for me since he hasn't had any relationships, so I will be patient.

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