《The Lonely King》Chapter Six


I nervously looked over my outfit. I decided to go for casual but dressy, also warm. The city gets pretty cold at night.

I wore a grey v-neck t-shirt, black skinny jeans, black ankle boots, a black leather purse, and a black leather jacket. I curled my long brown hair and put on natural-looking makeup.

I put on my grey knit hat with a brown fur pom pom to keep my head warm.

Okay. I'm ready.

I walked down the stairs to see Nick wearing causal jeans, a navy blue sweater, and a black coat to go over it. He looks so hot. Butterflies erupted in my stomach when he look at me. Why am I feeling this? This isn't good.

He opened the door for me, and I stepped outside of his mansion to see a car parked at the loop.

He opened the door to his sleek black sports car, and I hopped inside. He came in the other side and started the ignition.

"You excited?" He asked.

"To see the city again? I have never been more excited in my life." I smiled.

Through the whole drive, I stared in awe of all the city lights and people, as if I saw them for the first time, but that is how exciting this city is: it always sticks with you, and when you're without it for some time, you'll be begging to come back. It's beautiful.

Nick parked the car in an underground garage. "I hope you don't mind a little walking, since where we're going, there's going to be a lot of traffic."

I chuckled. "Are you serious? I love walking in this city."

He chuckled, and I instantly smiled because I felt a warm, giddy feeling when I made him chuckle. "I guess you do. I should remember from when I first met you— half an hour from work to home. 88th and 1st to 62nd and park, long walk." He exaggerated.


"It's not that bad." I said, brushing off the fact that he knows a little too much about me.

He held out his elbow a little so I could hook my elbow with his. I did so and immediately felt the warmth of his body on my side. He locked his car, and we made our way up to the streets.

As we walked, I felt the calm but full of life aura that Manhattan gave and relished in it. I felt the best I have ever walking down these streets tonight's. Maybe it's because I have been doing this for a while or maybe it's because I have a strong sexy man by my side, I didn't have time to think about this because I was too distracted.

As we walked, I noticed we were getting closer to Madison Square Garden. It's was 6:30 right now, and I knew there was a Rangers game about to start against the Flyers. Is he...

Well, I know he knows I like the Rangers. A few days ago, I was watching a replay of the game against the Devils and was cheering a little too loud. Once the team scored a goal, I got up on the couch and started to jump around cheering. That is until I came face to face with an amused looking Nick. I asked how long he was standing there and he told me about ten minutes. Well, now he definitely knows how much I like the team.

I saw the garden in my vision, and I started to get excited. I shouldn't have high expectations, he could just be going to show me what the outside looks like.

My suspicions were confirmed when we got in line, and he pulled out tickets.

"Are you serious? You're bringing me to a Rangers game?" I excitedly whispered.


"Yeah. I know you like them, so I thought this would be fun. If you want we could do something else." He quickly mumbled out. To the untrained eyes, he would look like his normal confident, powerful self, but I could tell he was nervous.

I unhooked my elbow from his, and his eyes flashed with disappointment, but it's was quickly gone when I gave him a big smile and wrapped my arms around his neck for a hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He chuckled. "I've always wanted to come here, but I didn't have anyone to go with."

Little did I know, at that moment, he was thinking me too.

• • •

Nick's POV

Once we got to our seats, I was getting nervous. What if she doesn't like it? What if she doesn't have fun?

I felt bad for keeping her locked up in my house, so I wanted to take her out. That, however, isn't the real reason. I knew what the reason was deep down inside, but I was too scared to admit it. I don't deserve her. Could I really be that selfish and take her away to be with me?

The lights turning off distracted me. I watched her face as the pregame show started, and I felt a warmth in my chest knowing she looked so happy.

As the game went on, I watched only about half. The other half was watching her. Every time she would yell offside, icing, or a classic "are you blind, ref? That was obviously a high stick!", I smiled. She was so cute and so into the game, I couldn't help but watch.

Once the game finished, she was extremely happy. Luckily, they won, so she wouldn't be sulking on the way home. I stopped by the gift shop and bought her a jersey and game puck. I wanted her to remember this. I know she has a jersey; I saw it when I was moving all her things from her apartment to my house. I just wanted to get her something more than a game puck.

I felt content walking down the streets of Manhattan with her on my arm. Her body giving me warmth on my left side. I felt the need to protect her. If she wasn't on my arm or even just walking next to me, I felt like she was put in danger. Manhattan is not the safest place at night; I should know. I don't even want to think about all those times she walked to and from work alone. I don't want to think about what would have happened if someone else was in the alley way or if Tony decided to kill her before I got the chance to see her. When I saw her in the chair, pain erupted in my chest. I thought I was a monster. If a innocent woman like her, who helped a me— a stranger— on the street, could end up being tortured by my men, I really must be a monster. Just thinking about it made me tighten my grip on her arm.

I looked down at her— her smile still on her face, her eyes full of warmth, her hair gently swaying with her movements and wind. Whatever happens, I have to protect her. I can't let her get mixed up with my world. I just have to bury the feeling I have for her for now, maybe forever.

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