《Kidnapping the Gang Leader》20 - Lets Play a Game


A/N: okay, this was definitely not how I originally planned for this to end. I meant to end the fighting within this chapter, and it kinda got out of hand. Let me know whether you like it or not!


The house looked over me like a bad omen, the grass well overgrown and the paint chipped even worse than before. I huffed a breath out as I walked up the short steps into the porch, my hands gripping the single house key I had in such a tight grip.

I pushed it into the lock and twisted it before pushing open the red door, the house completely dark except for one lone lantern in the kitchen. I walked into the room silently, my eyes darting back and forth. My hand gripped the knife I brought, hidden in my long sleeve sweater I wore.

"There you are, my kitten." I stilled, my stomach rolling deep within my torso.

"Do not call me that." I spun around and saw him sitting at the head of the dining table, the pale glow from the lantern shining off his sweaty skin.

He looked older than the last time I had seen him, with much less hair and a growing pot belly. I could smell him from where I stood at least five feet away, the smell of cigarettes and sweat attacking me as I scrunched my face.

"Why the hell do you care about me?" I grit out, his face curling into a smile that made my heart stop.

"I honest to god don't, but then I saw just how close you were to that little Italian dick. By the way, didn't we say you were going to come alone?" I feign confusion, scrunching up my face while I looked at him.

"I didn't bring anyone here, I came alone." He smirked as the door disconnecting the kitchen from hallway burst open, Jake walking in with a gun pressed to his head by a beefy looking man.

I originally wasn't going to tell anyone for fear of Damien being hurt, I couldn't do that to him. Instead, I left a note where I knew he would see it as I left, and prayed he would get here soon enough. Jake wasn't even going to find out except I had been crying while leaving the note, and he had thought the worst.

He practically flipped and asked why I was leaving Damien, and I broke down and told him I wasn't. I kept begging and begging him not to go to Damien and to just trust me and let me go, but he refused and instead, took my phone from me.

He said that he was checking for any secret boyfriends, all while I was jumping on him, desperately trying to get it back. He made me take him with me for protection, and said he would sneak behind Jason and shoot him in the back of his head.


Obviously, our plan didn't work out so well.

I turned back to Jason with a fake smirk plastered on my face, as he grinned like he knew jus how fake it was. "I thought we were going to come alone Jason." I mimicked him, watching as his eyes lit up in flames.

"Yes, but then I wouldn't be able to watch this." The cock of a gun sounded against my head, the cold tip of the barrel resting against my temple.

I saw his blonde hair out of the corner of my eye, my eyes shutting as my heart squeezed. Of course, so fucking cliche. I opened them again while looking over to a smirking Jake, before rolling them with a cluck of my tongue.

"Let me guess, now you're going to say you're in love with me or you love Jason or some bullshit like that." I rambled on, desperately trying to buy some time.

I could already feel the vibration coming off my phone in my back pocket, undoubtedly Damien trying to call me. I smiled inwardly at my luck seeming to turn around, hopefully this meant Damien found my note as was on his way.

"You're fucking stupid, no. I don't love you and I don't love Jason, he's just my boss." Jake growled to me, whipping the gun around to hit the side of my head.

I stumbled slightly, squeezing my eyes shut as pain blossomed from me. "Don't forget father Jacob."

I chuckled lightly before full out laughing, looking over to the two with my mismatched eye. "Of fucking course! You're both psychopaths, it's runs in the family!"

Jason chuckled as he stood up, his hot breath fanning out against my face. I tried to not gag, squeezing my eyes shut and shying away from his body near me. The sound of metal scraping caused me to open it, watching him slide bullets into the chamber of an older gun.

He sighed as he cocked it, pressing it to my forehead. "I am a psychopath, and it does run in the family. I love my sons, but he's a liability and dead weight."

He moved the gun and shot right in between the eyebrows on Jakes head, my eyes widening as the shot rang out. My ears rung as his eyes watched me wide open, his body crimping onto the ground. I couldn't scream, I couldn't cry, I couldn't do a single thing.

I sucked in a breath as I realized I wasn't breathing, scrambling away from him until I hit the walls surrounding us. Jason sighed as he put away his gun, turning to watch my crazed expression. He walked over to me with heavy steps and crouched low, holding his hand out to me.

"Come, lets meet my other sons." I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head frantically, not really keen on meeting anymore of his spawn. He took a deep breath before pinching the bridge of his nose, straightening up till he stood up fully erect. "If you don't come, you and all of Damien's little gang die. If you come, I'll let you hose whether to die of marry one of my sons."


"What!?" My eyes widened comically as my hands shook, my body pressing even closer to the wall. "What the fuck are you talking about!? I'm not marrying any of your children!"

"Why? You know how gangs work now, and it'd be wonderful to send Damien a wedding invitation." I shook my head, silently sliding the knife out of my sleeve.

"No, fuck no. I'd rather die than marry anyone remotely close to you." He took a deep breath before sighing out of his nose, my thump flipping open my small knife.

"Guess we'll have to do this the hard way." He whipped his gun around and knocked me in my temple right as I stabbed his chest, my body falling as the darkness embedded itself into me.

The last thing I saw before I fell into unconsciousness was blood pooling out of Jason's chest, and his goony frantically trying to stop it.


I woke up to the sound of water dripping from a pipe, my eyes adjusting to the darkness surrounding me. All around me was dark, except for a small light under a door a few feet away from me. I pushed myself off the cold concrete floor, my body swaying as I tried to right myself. A putrid smell attacked my senses, my nose wrinkling as I tried to not breath in the horrible scent.

I finally took a step forward when the sound of rattling chains sounded throughout the room, something cold and tight around my ankle drawing my attention from the door before me. I could make out the faint outline of some form of chains wrapped around my ankle, the bite against my skin causing me to wince and move my ankle around, trying to find a more comfortable position.

"What the fuck..." I rambled off, my eyes looking around me for any signs of life. I silently slid down the wall after five minutes, my heart racing as I tried to not fall apart right then and there.

I sat there for what had to be hours, but I wasn't exactly sure. I couldn't keep track of how long I sat still; I lost count of how many minutes after around forty. I don't know whether or not the darkness began to play tricks on me, but I swore I saw things moving around the room.

The door groaned open as a body stood in the center of the doorway, completely different from Jason's body. The door shut behind the body, my eyes widening as I pushed myself away and into the wall. My hands scraped around the concrete floor for some form of a weapon, desperately trying to keep the rattling of the chains to a minimum.

A small lantern lit up the room, my eyes widening as a chocked sob left my mouth. I had no idea who the man was, and I honestly didn't give a shit, and was instead more focused on what sat far behind him.

Bodies, at least four mangled and rotten bodies sat against the wall no more than twenty feet away from me. Moths and other bugs flew around them, my nose wrinkling as the smell immediately became identified to me. I gasped and cringed away, my eyes widening even more as the mystery man snarled at me.

"Do you like them?" My head snapped from his dark eyes, cold and hateful instead of the warm and inviting Damien's were.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly, not daring to look at him. He chuckled as he inched closer to me, crouching so he sat at my level.

"You should know, didn't my father mention me?" I stilled at his words, my face shying away the best I could.

"I'm not marrying you, I don't love you." He grinned, reaching out for my face. I flinched away before he harshly gripped my face, shoving my attention to his.

He wasn't ugly, I'll give him that, but I could see the evil simmering beneath him. His eyes sparkled with malice, a grin curling up on his thin lips. He chuckled while stroke my cheek, my body shuddering as I tried to not sob in his company.

"Let's play a game." I shook my head, this was not Saw, this was not some pathetic horror movie, this was my fucking life.

"No." I muttered weaker than I would've liked, his fingers suddenly curling and slapping me across my cheek.

"It wasn't an option. Stay alive for three days and I'll let you go, or until your boyfriend comes and find you. Get caught, well, you'll see what happens."

All the dread I had before suddenly pooled within my stomach, lurching up my throats as I rammed myself away from him, turning over to upchuck whatever I had left inside of me. All I heard before the door shut behind him was his laughter bouncing around the room, the only source of light walking out the door behind him.

Please, oh god please.

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