
With a small blush on my face i went inside my room and locked it. I sat on my bad and look myself into mirror. Do i really look beautiful, when he describe me i always felt like i am beautiful but he is the manik malhotra. The famous business tycoon so according to his class and standerds, i am not even 1%. Nandini do you really want to change yourself according to his taste.

I was thinking pacing here to there suddenly alia barge inside and look at me angrily. Yeah she is angry well frankly speaking my alu is very cool she doesn't get angry but how can i forget her mahabharata with manik.

" Didi will you care to explain me what's going on between you & manik jiju sorry not jiju anymore just manik. " Alia said trying to control her anger but i know what might be the reason.

" Actually me and manik has sort out our differences and came together again. " I said cheerfully and look at alia more angry.

" No didi, didn't i told you what he just did to me. You want more hurdles in your life. I am still thinking how to take you out from raghav's hell and you are already messed yourself in another hell. I'm telling you didi you're not gonna give him a chance. " Alia said like a stubborn child but i was smiling like a fool.

Alia shook me, she shook me twice but i was keep remembering those beautiful moments of my life which i have spend just a while ago with manik. Suddenly she shouted making my smile vanish.

" Didi i am saying something serious what is here to smile. Why aren't you understanding me. " She said in annoying tone.

" Alia alia alia i am so so happy today, you know everything went sort out and we are together and......................... * i told her everything included the plan of making me jealous*"

" Whattttttttttttt???????? " Alia shouted in scared tone and started to walk here to there but wait!!!! Why she is behaving like this?? I know when it's related to me then her anger is limitless but wait ✋, i didn't asked her till now what she did when he asked her to marry.

" Alia just stop behaving like a mad rabbit and tell me what happened. " I asked her calmly and she look more scared now.

" I just................ * yes alia come on say it* i just............. I just punched him. " She said finally and my eyes went wide with shock.

" You punched him. " I again asked her and she shook her head vertically and i start to pace here to there like a fool.

" Now why are you doing the same?? " Alia questioned me holding my elbow and i sat on my bad with worried face.

" Alia now how will i face him?? You know i have never raised my voice before him and you directly punched him. " I said and alia seems so worried.

" Ok i'll say sorry and i'll also tell him ki i was unaware of what he meant. He was seeking for help and i just punched him aise hi. " Alia said and i smiled imagining the scene. You know i was never this talkative but this feeling is giving me immense pleasure, after falling in love a nerdy girl like me started to sing and even taking to herself. I was never like that. I was so introvert before but after meeting with him finally i got the one who'll listen to my illogical talks. I smiled to myself and alia just pray to god and slept beside me in my room.



I shoved my hands inside my pocket and started to walk towards the second gate because from there my room is near. As i entered inside the room i saw my buddy, he is such a darling just because of him i could convey nandini orelse i know how tough nut she is but wait!!! What she is doing with him, yeah chachi ji in nandini's language but for me she is the most wicked lady who is making my love story dirty with those dramas.

" Hello chachi ji you here woh bhi at this time. " I asked smiling fakely but rolled my eyes inside.

" Yeah i wanted to see my nandini but beta at this late night what you were doing at terrace. You must sleep by now. " She said and i look at Harshad and he gave me duh look.

" Oh yes, actually i came here to meet my wife but you know what some unwanted peoples has make her life hell but now i'll make her life perfect. " I said and smirked but she smirked back.

" Yeah you're right, i was also talking to alia's dad to send nandini away as she is unwanted here. No body wants her. " Ohh!!! So she tried this shield to fight back. She wants me to hate nandini, she wants to insult her in front of me so i could feel disgusted.

" You're talking about nandini like this in front of me, then i just imagine what would you must've done behind us when you're insulting her in front of a guest. You know chachi ji your this behavior has just show me what kind of a person you're. Main to aapko bahaut achcha sochta tha. " I fake everything in front of her and her smirk suddenly changed into a scared expression as i suddenly turn her cards.

" No no, manik ji Actually i was searching for a groom for alia, so just in tension i said all that, nandini is like a daughter to me and i love her. " I just want to laugh out loud on her drama.

" Ohh when you'll get please inform me as i need to know what..................

............. *shikha cut him off*"

" I think i want someone just like you. Yes you're so perfect for alia. " She said with shinning eyes increasing my hatred more towards her.

" No no, firstly you listen to me so that you could make your those delusional misunderstandings clear. I was saying after searching someone for her please make me meet him once as i'll have to know na with whom my sister-in-law is getting married. Alia is like a sister to me. I just love my angel nandini so what do you think about me being with nandini. Isn't it great. " I said things with a sly smile and, she was fuming where harshad was trying to control his laughter and at last i smirked and asked her.

" See manik ji you're young and handsome that's why i am telling you nandini is not right girl for you. You know she just seduce raghav to marry her varna aap hi bataye raghav is no.1 business man of delhi city why would he ended up proposing a commoner. Nandini isn't good for you. " She pointed out on my nandini's character i clutched my fist and my face went red but harshad came with same expressions.

" You know mami ji maybe raghav must have fall for her qualities and his taste and choice must be excellent that's why he chooses nandini and about seducing i think you don't want to talk. " Harshad said and i smiled but when he disclosed last line chachi ji's smile vanished.


" So good night mamiji/ chachiji. "We wished and she just smile fakely and came back to our room and Harshad hugged me. I hugged him back.

" How Harshad how everytime you help me with your excellent ideas. " He just smile.

Kabir and dhruv just looking at us as if we went mad. " Manik now please don't tell us you want to marry Harshad after proposing alia. Why you're staring at him with so much love as if he is your girlfriend." Kabir said while laughing make dhruv laugh and Harshad just jerked himself from me broking our hug.

" Yes now i think manik doesn't have any choice as nandini rejected him, alia punched him and now his last option is Harshad. " Dhruv said laughing.

Harshad look at me with disgusting look and i walked towards them and grab their throats.

" Ohh ohh sorry..... " They said chocking little.

" Just shut up * i shouted and all of my family came to my room*."

" Manik What is wrong with you why you're shouting at this time. It's 12.30 am. " Nyonika yelled in anger and manik make a puppy face.

" Sorry mom but i want to reveal a good news to all of you. " I exclaimed as my expressions changed into happy once.

" Yes yes tell us manik vaise bhi it's been too long since we have hear a good news. " Dad said with a ray of hope in his eyes.

" Nandini forgave me. She give me a chance to proof my love, we came together again. " As i said all of my family mambers pounced on me like i am a piece of chicken. All of them hugged me.

" This time if you did something stupid then i'm gonna beat the shit out of you. " My muku threatened me and i chuckled. " After loosing her i am finally getting her. You can't measure my love nor my pain when she was not with me. " I said with a tear and mukti hugged me.

" As you can see everything is sorted out so let's do one thing, let's make you both engaged and then take nandini and alia with us to mumbai then you both can marry whenever you want. " Viraj said and i nodded horizontally. Everyone seemed confused with my expressions.

" Dad i am more than ready to do all this marriage functions and all but this time firstly we have to expose raghav because we can't let that jerk be close to my nandini. After that we will ask nandini ki vo kya chahti hain what if she needs time to settled with the happenings. " I said and all of them look convience.

" Manik nandini ke sath rehkr tu bhi samajhdaar ho gya hain." That jerk friend on mine compliment me and i feel like kill him.

We hugged each other and mom kissed my forehead and went with dad and fab5 shared a hug again. We are super happy today.


" Sorry na jiju, i am really really very sorry. I should have listen to you at once but i behaved impulsively. I am really sorry and i'll do anything to make it up for you but please forgive me. " Alia said sweetly and hold her ears and manik just hugged her tightly.

" You know alia you're the best sister in the world. You punched me for your didi, do tell me when you're a angel then why your mom is like that. " Listening manik firstly she smile then she frowned.

" Excuse me!!! " Alia said and manik look at her seriously. " See jiju it was my mom who give approval to this alliance on first place. I know jiju she was been so rude and inhuman to didi in her past life but now i think she is trying to improve herself. " Her words make manik confused, as he knows that nandini must have told alia about manik's plan but she is thinking shikha wants to change herself but to her goodness there is nothing like that.

" So didn't nandini told you everything clearly. " Manik finally asked her and she become confused while nodding a no and manik just told her and, her eyes filled with tears.

Manik's pov

" I can't believe my mom could do this. How can she even think like that, that i'll try to take my didi's place in your life. I was a fool who thought she is changing, changing for good but nah!!! Now i'll make everything clear." She said and turn to go but i held her elbow and stop her. " No i have already give her all the indications and even tell her clearly that i love nandini. " She suddenly hugged me i don't know when i smile and hugged her back.

" Everything is gonna be fine very soon. " I said while hugging her and the door got opened and that unwanted raghav came inside with his evil grin which make me feel like beating the shit out of him. Hearing the sound and realizing the situation we finally broke the hug.

" Oh sorry i know i should knock before enter but i thought that you..... " He just stopped and i replied plainly, " You know what raghav it's a basic manner if you knock but i can understand you and 2nd thing we don't have to be ashamed as you were trying to implying because i was hugging my sister. "

" Oh sister but i think she is going to be my sister-in-law so it's my right to know what she was doing here and now as you have already told me then now tell me which help you want from me. " Raghav said eyeing alia.

" I think it's our matter and you're still an outsider so you shouldn't get involved in our matters and what i was doing here was none of your business. " Alia said and me and alia observed his behaviour and he was clenching his jaw in order to control himself. Alia was right he is psycho and this bloody wicked woman is trying to make my nandini marry to this bastard.

" See alia the first function of our wedding is already done and about marriage i will marry her as soon as possible. " That bloody said and alia was about to burst out but i hold her hand.

" Alia i called him to talk to him personally, i mean we need to discuss some business so please leave us alone for some time. " I said and blink my eyes in Assurance and she went away not before giving a glare to raghav.

' see raghav i have something to tell you that is i. " I said and he seems shocked and he clutched his fist more. Don't know why god just wants me to deal with this psycho but for my nandini i have to make a deal. If he doesn't go for the deal then i'll show him who i am in my true words.


How's the part??

Shikha's insult by manik??

Alia's apology??

Few words about raghav??

Few words about nandini's pov??

Few words for manik??

Guys story is gonna come on track after 2 updates i think then i'll add lot's of romance and moments of manan but for that please vote for it and comment for it.

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