《My Quirky Love》Chapter 26: English 101


I grab Precious hand and we went back to my room.

I can feel precious curiousity about what mommy had said.

There's no fucking way I'm gonna explain to Sunshine what mommy meant.

"Grey Grey why can't you answer my question?" Sunshine ask.

I slump on my bed and sigh.

Sunshine squats in front of me and she tried to look into my eyes.

Her expression were of confusion and curiosity.

"Precious I can't answer that question. Ever. Can you please just drop it?" I begged.

Sunshine furrow her eyebrows. "I understand Grey Grey that even you don't know how Ella can do it. I am just reall curious? Ella's so impressive!"

I don't think I want the direction of this conversation.

"I'll ask Ella at dinner. I was really curious Grey Grey." Precious said determinedly.

Oh fuck no.

"And can't you see? It's a good party trick. I need her to teach me how to do that."

No fucking way!

Party trick my ass!

"Precious don't you think it's much more a good idea if we eat our dinner here at our room?"


"I mean you'll only eat biscuit right? So I don't think multiple food in front of you will make your nausea better."

Please say yes. Please say yes! I chanted in my mind.

Sunshine nodded eagerly. "You're right Grey Grey. It would be rude to your parents and siblings to puke in front of them while they are eating. We'll just stay here."

Jesus thank you!

"Before I forgot Precious. Come with me for a minute."

We went to our bathroom. I opened my cabinet to show all feminine products we bought.

"For now, we will share this closet but I promise your own closet will be installed tomorrow.

Sunshine steps towards the closet and inspects everything that we bought.

She turns around and looked at me wide eyed.

"Grey Grey this is the expensive kind of pad!"

"Is it? I don't know Precious. Daddy just recommended it. He said it's highly rated."

"The pads that I used doesn't even have a name! But thank you so much for this."

"Anytime precious."

"Uhm Grey Grey can you give me a minute?" She ask shyly.


"I need to change my pads."

Oh right. Yup.

"We also that thingy where you put the pads before you dispose it."

I brought it out and gave it to Sunshine. "Have fun!" I shouts while I get out of the bathroom.

Have fun? For what Grey? When did changing a sanitary pad considered fun?

Sushine came out of the bathroom after 8 minutes and 34 seconds.

Yes I counted.

I stand up and walked to the fridge that daddy bought. "Choose what biscuit you want precious."

Sunshine skips to my side and peeks inside the fridge that are full of ice creams, chocolates and biscuit.

Sunshine got double stuff oreos.

I gulp when I saw a bar of Lindt milk chocolate.

I close my eyes. Don't give in to temptation Grey. It's not worth it. That Lindt was for Sunshine. I chanted to myself.


What kind of man you are if you can't even resist a bar of chocolate Grey?

"Grey Grey are you alright?" I gaze down and saw Sunshine looking at me worried.

"Yup. So that's it? Nothing else?" I ask hurriedly.

Sunshine nodded. I close the fridge.

We are watching dr. Pimple popper. I don't even know why we end up watching this. Sunshine's not even gross out. We discovered that Sunshine enjoys watching this doctor evacuating acne and cyst.

"Can we visit the shelter tomorrow? I know I've been gone for 2 days already. I am sure Miss Lorna's worried."

"Sure precious." I agreed immediately.

I grab my phone from my side table and discretely message my secretary that I'll be absent tomorrow.

"Aw it's finish!" Sunshine exclaimed.

I look at the screen and saw the credits rolling.

"What's next?" I return my phone on my bedside table and focus my attention to Sunshine.

"Well can you put some movies were the main lead are cuties or handsome?" She request.

"Definitely not!" I instinctively shouts.

Sunshine raised her eyebrow at my odd response.

"I mean err. Definitely not a problem precious." I corrected. Damn it.

I opened Netflix and starts to browse on the list.

"Do you want the lead shirtless?" I grit my teeth in annoyance.

"Yes please!" Sunshine answered excitedly.

"We can watch another episode of that pimple popper precious." I tried to convince her.

"No. I want the shirtless man please."


She end up watching Tarzan.

Sunshine was so happy seeing shirtless 80% of the movie.

"If you just want a shirtless man I am right here and very willing to do it." I silently grumble.

"Did you saying anything?" Sunshine ask sleepily.

I smile and said "Nope precious. Nothing."

"I'm gonna sleep now Grey Grey." She murmur.

I look at the clock and it was only 7 in the evening.

"Brush your teeth first precious." I reminded her.

"Mmkay." She sleepily got up. I grab my phone and text my secretary to send some files so I can work on it tonight. I was surprise when I hear a loud bang.

I look up and saw Sunshine rubbing her forehead. I was ready to get up when she suddenly raise her hand to stop me.

"Whoops! Sorry! I forgot that door exist for a second! I'm fine! I'm alive!" She shouts.

She opened the door and went into thw bathroom holding her forehead.

I shake my head and chuckle.

Such a silly girl.

She got back,lay down on the bed, closed her eyes. "Grey Grey." She murmured.

"Hmm?" I ask.

"You can eat dinner downstairs, I don't mind."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yup. I'll just be here sleeping so go eat with your family."

I stare at precious. I brush her red hair away from her face.

"Okay." I whispered. I kissed her forehead before I went down for dinner.

On the way down I was thinking on where I should bring Sunshine after visiting the shelter.


I reached the dining area but I still don't have any concrete plan in mind.

My family are just starting to sit at the chair which was surprising because our dinner usually starts at 6pm.

"I thought you are all finished eating." I said.

"Good evening big brother." My sibling greets.

I make my rounds around the table and kissed each of their cheeks.

"Well we got a bit carried away playing scrabbles that's why we are late for dinner." Mommy explained.

"Who won?"

Gabriel snorts and said "of course, daddy won. It's like he memorize all the dictionaries that the world can offer."

I saw daddy roll his eyes and rebut "Gabriel for the love of God, how many times did I remind you that a 3 letter word will get you nowhere in scrabble."

"Hey! AXE is a great word!" Gabriel defended.

"Gabriel you fucking form , and in three consecutive turns! What the hell! I can't believe Columbia even accepted you!" Daddy shouts.

"Hey! Like I said I am a exceptional role model for the youth!" Gabriel protest.

"And you Jamison? You don't have a place to brag! You have so many letters but you formed It's not even a word!"

"It's the fish!" Jamison rebut.

"Brother it's ." Parker calmly replied.

We all laugh, even the staff was entertained with their ridiculous converstion.

"And who the fuck can form the word in scrabble?! That's cheating daddy!" Jamison complained.

Daddy arch his eyebrow and said "It's not my fault if formal english 101 was your weakest subject. Blame your uncle Blake for that."

I nodded in agreement. Uncle Blake's formal letters needs to be proofread at least 10 times.

I thought my work will be easier now that Brandon was in charge of their company but fuck no. He's way worse.

One time I read the word "Roasted Chicken" in one of the contract that he passed to me. I am not kidding!

He blamed auto-correction.

Auto-correction my ass.

Gabriel narrowed his eyes in mischief.

Uh oh. I bet my ass he's gonna put daddy in trouble.

"So you mean mommy's bad at english 101 also because she's the sister of uncle Blake?"

Mommy stops slurping her soup and calmly put down her spoon.

We are all anticipating what will happen next.

She faced daddy with a serene expression.

She place her right arm on top of the table and put her chin above her palm.


With one word daddy eyes widen.

"Yes love?"

Oh your fuck daddy.

"Are you saying that I am bad in that subject?"

"No. No. No Love. I would never!" Daddy denies.

"So what do you mean Gideon?"

"What I meant it was only Blake not you love. Never you. Please please let's drop this." Daddy pleads.

Mommy narrowed her eyes and said "I don't think you only meant Blakey. He is my brother after all."

"Nope love. I swear. You and Blake are not alike. At least in that department."

Mommy leans back on her chair calmly while staring at my now sweating father.

"You're not convincing at all. Perhaps you should sleep beside Gabriel tonight and reflect on your thoughts."

"What!" Daddy and Gabriel shouted at the same time.

"Mommy no! Why am I included in this!"

"Because you love seeing your father in trouble that's why." Mommy replied to Gabriel.

"Love Gabriel snores! Our rooms are soundproofs for that reason!" Daddy exclaimed.

"No I do not!" Gabriel denies.

"Yes you do!" My siblings, parents and I shouted back to Gabriel.

"Brother you know I love you but damn your snore can be heard through Siberia." Jamison chide.

Gabriel cross his arms above his chest and pouts.

"I am surprised you don't wake yourself up because of your snoring." Ameera added.

"You should really check that out Gab. I can accompany you if you want." Parker advised.

Gabriel narrowed his eyes and roam his eyes to us and smirks.

"Fine. I'll go to the doctor but you're all gonna come with me tomorrow."

All of us tried to protest but groan in defeat when mommy agreed.

Damn it.

We finished our dinner and my siblings went up to their respective rooms.

I went to the kitchen first and inform the cooks to bake some cookies for Sunshine tomorrow.

When I was opening my door I saw daddy walking in the hallway holding a pillow and a blanket scowling.

"Mommy really kicked you out."

"Yes. Your brother always loves puts me in trouble but you know what?"

"What?" I replied.

"Your mom can't sleep without me so Gabriel will have not only me but also your mom sleeping beside him."

Oh shit.

That's true. Mommy can't sleep without daddy.

"And once Gab starts to snore I'll smack the shit out of him until he wakes up."

That's brutal.

Daddy bid me goodnight then he walks off to Gabriel's room. Since daddy was permitted to all our rooms he easily opened Gabriel's room and I heard Gab shouts "No fucking way!Don't lay there daddy! That's my side!!"

Poor Gab.

Once I entered my room, I was surprised to see the Lindt Milk chocolate lying on the side of my bed with a post it note attached to it.

I shakily picked it up. The note was like written by a child and the words are all misspelled but I love it.

I stare at Sunshine and kissed her forehead lightly. I slump on the floor and ate my chocolate happily. After I ate all of it. I save the wrapper and hid it in one of the special drawer in my walk in closet.

I did my nightly routine and slowly lay on the bed without waking Sunshine up.

I gently lift her head and lay it on my chest. I wrap my arms around her body securely. I smiled when Sunhine automatically wrapped her arms around my waist.

I kissed her hair longer than normal and whispered

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