《My Quirky Love》Chapter 18: The Rosen-Howers


Today's the dinner with Greyson's family.

Am I scared?


Am I worried that they'll not like me?

Nu uh. If Greyson and James are nice I am sure the rest of his family is nice also.

I wore one of the dress that Greyson gave me yesterday and partnered it with the cute kitten flats.

The shoes was so comfy.

I was waiting at the entrance of the shelter for Greyson. He made me promise that I should wait for him at the shelter.

I eagerly wait for him. He said 4pm and one of the volunteer told me it was 3:50pm already.

To pass the time I clean the tables on the cafeteria of the shelter.

I was busy that's why I did not know that Greyson already arrived. He saw me wiping one of the table.


I look up and smiled brightly when I saw Greyson wearing his black hoodie and pants. I miss that hoodie.

I raise my finger to tell him 1 minute and return all the cleaning materials I used then I wash my hands properly.

I have no time to dry them so I run towards Greyson with my hands wet and raised to prevent the water to drip to my dress.

"I want to hug you but my hands are wet." I told Greyson.

Greyson just 'tsk'.

He hold my arm gently and said "Let's go precious. There's some tissue papers inside the car.

I follow him outside the shelter. I saw a copper colored car parked right outside the entrance.

I know it was illegal to park here.

Poor person whoever they are.

I was stupefied when Greyson went straight to the said car.

He opened the passenger side and I hurriedly went in. I don't want Mister police to give Greyson a ticket.

As Greyson entered the car I told him to hurry up.

Greyson arched his eyebrow.

"Why are you in a hurry Precious?"

"Mr. Police will give you ticket Grey Grey."

"And why would he?" Greyson ask.

"It's not allowed to park here." I replied.

Greyson just snorts.

Just to show that he's not afraid of Mister Police he brought out some wet wipes and clean my hands. Greyson dry my hands and applied the hand cream that he applied before when we went out for a meal.

The very thing that I am afraid of happened.

An officer knock on Greyson's side.

I heard Greyson sigh.

He buckled my belt first then his.

He lower down the window by pressing something on his stirring wheel.

The officer was not looking at Greyson when he starts to list down Greyson's offense.

"Goodafternoon. I would like to inform you that you're illegally parked and also exceeds the grace period for you to get out of the space. For first offense it will be $65 plus tax of $15 then-"

Once the officer looked down he stops and stares at Greyson.

The officer gulps and stepback.

"My mistake sir. You can go now." The officer immediately said.

Greyson nodded and close his window.

I was flabbergasted on what happened.

I am still staring at Greyson. I didn't even notice that he already was driving the car.

"What?" He mutter.

I shake my head. Maybe asking him about what happened will ruin his mood. I'll just ask him later.

While we are travelling to Greyson's house I realize that his house was on the other side of the city. I notice that there's no people walking aimlessly to this area.

"Are we there yet?" I ask. We are driving for a long time.


"Sorry precious. My house was a little bit far from the shelter. It was usually 30 minutes but since the shelter was on the other side it's another 15 minutes." I nodded in understanding.

"We're here." Greyson said.

I imediately look out of the window.

I saw a huge wall with metal on top and it was endless.

The wall finally ends, a Black and Gold Gate welcomed us.

I saw six Sir Hulks on the other side of the gate.

I was amazed when the gate opened without anyone touching it.

"Wow! Magic!" I exclaimed and I even clapped in amazement.

I did not notice that 2 black cars was following us because I was currently amazed.

There's a long paved road and on both side there's a luscious garden with multiple trees, plants and flowers. Central Park was nothing on this landscape. This Garden was in another level.

"Oh my God Grey Grey! The flower's are all beautiful! I just want to roll on that grass! It looks fluffy. Can I?"

"Maybe later precious." He replied.

"Grey Grey do you live in a tent? Don't be shy just tell me the truth Because there's only plants in here. I can talk to Miss Lorna to reserve you a matress for tonight." I ask him seriously.

Greyson shooks his head.

Did he get fired?

"Look at the front precious."

We are approaching a massive marble fountain with different colors lighting it up.

"Before there's an angel on top but mommy just wants a regular one with no design." Grey explained.

"This is just the regular one? How much more if it's not?"

Behind the fountain was more impressive.

At this point I swear my jaw was dragging on the floor. Greyson assist me out of the car.

This place was massive! I can't even see all of it!

"This is your house?" I ask Greyson in disbelief.

He nodded.

"Are you sure this is not the white house?"

"I heard someone ask me that question before." I look up when I heard someone said that.

"James!" I shouts.

I run towards him excitedly.

I hug him tightly.

"I miss you!"

James smiled and rub my head.

"We just saw each other yesterday little one. I miss you also."

I hug him again and then got a little bit shy when a smiling woman was beside James.

She looks so young. She's taller than me I am solid 5 feet so she's 4 to 5 inch taller than me.

She has a darkbrown hair that was flawlessy styled in to a ponytail and was secured by a purple ribbon.

She has black eye glasses and hazel eyes. She has pink plump lips and button nose.

She's wearing a purple casual dress and barefoot?

"Oh my God! You're beautiful! And you have no shoes on!" I exclaimed.

I heard someone shouts At the background but I ignore it. I am focus at the Goddess in front of me.

"Right?! Being barefoot at the house feels much more comfortable." Her voice was lady and child like. It was soft.

I nodded in agreement. If she say I should jump on a bridge, I'll do it. This woman can convince anyone to do her bidding.

Shocks she's beautiful.

"Love please wear your slippers. You'll get sick." I saw James kneeling in front of the Goddess.

I feel someone wrap an arm around my waist. I look up and it's Grey Grey.

We look down and James was still helping the goddess to wear her matching purple slippers.


"Gideon, you know I hate slippers!" She pouts.

"Love I don't want you get sick." He repeated patiently.

Who's Gideon?

James stood up after securing the slippers on the beautiful woman's foot.

"Precious you know my daddy and I would like to introduce you to my mommy."

"Our queen." James butts in.

"My mommy and our queen. Ella Rosen-Hower."

I was gaping at her.

"You're Greys mommy?!" I exclaimed.

She giggles and nodded while James tug her to his side and kiss her cheeks which made her more giggle.

"You look hella young!" I said amazed.

"Thank you. You can call me Ella" She replied shyly.

"Let's go inside Sunshine. My other children are waiting for you inside."

I nodded.

They entered first. Before we enter his house I tug Greyson's arm.

"How many siblings do you have?"

"4 precious. 3 brothers and one sister." I nodded at him.

When I step inside the house I was again gobsmacked.

"Should I remove my shoes Grey Grey?" I murmur.

Grey shooks his head.

On each side there' a line of men and women wearing suits. There's like ten on each side.

At the end Greyson's parents was standing with 2 person each beside them.

Theres an elegant staircase that was split into two.

Greyson nudge me to walk. While walking I accidentally look up and gasp.

There's a massive hanging lights on the ceiling.

It sparkles so brightly.

"It's diamonds!" Greyson's mom happily informed me.

"Really? Wow." I stare some more. It was rare to see a diamond hanging lights.

"Do you want me to be my partner Sunshine?"

I look at her curiously.


"Partners in crime. I've been meaning to steal and sell that chandelier for a long time but I need an accomplice. I'm sure Gideon will not notice if that thing dissapear from the ceiling!"

I saw the 4 other person beside them laugh while James scratch his head.

"Love you basically reveal your plan."

"Did I Gideon?" Ella asked surprise.

"Yes love." James confirmed.

"Then pretend that you did not hear it ." She replied simply.

"It's impossible that I'll not notice it missing." James mutter lowly.

Greyson guide me to the first man on the far right.

All of them are taller than me.

This one in particular doesn't look anything like Grey.

"Sunshine this my brother Parker." Parker smiled and I was astounded "You look like the male version of Ella!'

He even giggle and nodded.

I hug him in greeting.

Next person in between James and Parker was a supermodel. I am not joking.

She's so tall and slender. She has a perfect black straight hair. Her eyes are bluish grey also like James and Greyson. All her features was so beautiful.

"You look like James and Grey! You're so beautiful!Who would have thought that James face looks beautiful in a woman."

The girl smiles and shows me her perfect teeth. The heck? she got it all!

I look at James so that he knows I am teasing him.

"What can I say Sunshine. I am handsome. My genes are perfect."

"True. No dispute coming from me." I agreed which made James smile.

"Don't encourage him Sunshine. Please his ego's big enough as it is. We don't need to inflate it more." Greyson chide.

"I am Ameera the baby of the family." She introduced herself.

"I am Sunshine!" I hug her also.

As soon as I step on the side of Ella I was suddenly engulf in a group hug.

"Hey. Break it up! She'll suffocate for fucks sake!"

I catch my breath when they let go of me.

Grey rub my back slowly and was repeatedly asking if I am okay.

I nodded at him." I just got overwhelmed."

I straighten my posture and looks up.

On the right was a boy who looks like Greyson but the difference was his eyes were hazel and he is smiling widely.

"Sorry for suffocating you! I just got excited. My names Gabriel."

I hug him and said "Gabriel as in the angel?"

It was funny when all, including the staff snorts.

"Far from it Precious."

"Hey! I am a Perfect Angel! A good role model to the youth!" Gabriel protested.

"Sure honey." Ella quips which made all them laugh except for Gabriel who pouts.

Gabriel stomps in front of Greyson and pouts. Greyson sighs and pats Gabriel's head to placate him.

I look back at the last boy and he's smiling also. He's a perfect mixture of Ella and James.

It is a crime to be ugly in this family.

I look back at Greyson who's still placating Gabriel and said "All of them are smiling Grey Grey, why are you the only one always scowling?"

"Sunshine, I got it from my father." I look at James and his smile literally brighten up a notch.

"Are you sure?" I ask skeptically.

"Yup he's just pretending. Next thing you know he was killing someone in coldblood in an alley." Grey replied.

"I do not! I am not grumpy Grey!" James protested but Ella pats James shoulder and murmur "There. There. Gideon. Don't be upset if it's true."

James pouts at Ella which made Ella giggle and kiss James cheek.


I switch back my attention to the last one.

He hold my hand and said

"I am Jamison the youngest brother of Mr. Grumpy over there. It's good to finally meet you Sunshine."

He attempts to kiss my knuckles but my hand was tapped away and was replaced by Gabriel's hand.

"Eeewww. Jamison! Let go of my hand dammit!" Gabriel shouts.

Jamison opened his eyes and realize that he was kissing Gabriel's hand instead of mine.

He stood up straight quickly and pretends to puke on the floor.

"My God! Someone give me alcohol and disinfect my lips and my mouth please! I don't want to get whatever disease that's living on Gabriel's hand!"

"How fucking dare you Jamison! From now on I'll not give you extra cake at midnight!" Gabriel exclaimed

"What! You eat cake as a midnight snack?!"

Ella, Parker, Ameera and even Greyson shouts the same thing. While James just rubbing his forehead.

All four of them surge towards Gabriel and I dodge and stand beside James.

"Are they arguing about dessert?" I ask confused.

James sigh and explained "Remember Sunshine. In this family, food's is the priority. You should not come in between food and my family. They will choose food even if it is a life and death situation."

I was shock when I heard Gabriel shouts "Ow! It was just one cake!" Don't hit me!" He whined.

"No! You traitor!" I don't know who shouted that.

"They are getting violent I think James." I look at the staff to see if any one will come to Gabriel's aide but they just look indifferent as if this is a normal occurence.

I look up at James and he shrug his shoulder. "They'll be fine. And oh. Welcome to the Rosen-Hower Family Sunshine."

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