《My Quirky Love》Chapter 11: Excessive


You can talk?" I ask surprise.

Greyson has the audicity to shrug his shoulders.

''All this time you can talk? I thought you are mute!" I exclaim.

Greyson's ignoring my rant and smirks at me.

He's crazy and I'm dumb. Why did I assume that he's mute? Am I that judgemental?

"Let's be clear because I am confuse. You can talk?"

He nodded.

"You just don't want to?"

He nodded again.

I sigh.

Greyson ushers me to one of his black couch. He sat on the opposite couch.

"What are you doing here and how did you find me?"

I am ashamed to say but I just stare at him like a fudging lunatic. I can't still get over that he's not mute. His voice is deep and melodious. I bet he can sing too.

Greyson waves his hand in front of me to get my attention.

"Sorry. What did you say?"

"I ask what are you doing here and how did you know where I am working."

"Oh. That. I ask Miss Lorna to draw a map. Look look!"

I excitedly brings out the folded map in my pocket and showed it to Greyson.

He gently took the paper away from me and look at it.

"Your office was so far! What time is it?" I ask.

"Almost 9am" Greyson replied.

"Really?! So I've been walking for more than 2 hours! Wow I don't know what to say but "

Greyson eyes widen "You walked? Precious you could have use a taxi or the subway!"

"I could." I agreed. "But I can't."

Greyson furrow his eyebrow.

"No money remember? I mean if I sweep the stations they'll let me ride for free?" I ask curiously.

I did not notice that Greyson tighten his grip on the map that he was holding.

He look at me from head to toe which surprisingly did not made me uncomfortable.

"Why are you not wearing a dress?" He ask.

I stand up and turns around so that he can see my whole outfit.

"It's the latest trend! Honestly you should keep up." I try to pose like those models on billboards but I just look weird.

"I am sorry if I am not updated on latest trend nonetheless you look beautiful whatever you wear."

I'm gonna tear up.

How sweet.

"Seriously Sunshine why are you dress differently? What happened?" Greyson said seriously.

I sigh.

I take a deep breath.

Here goes nothing!


All Sunshine's gift was inside the private room's closet. I am still undecided how to give it to her without looking like I am a psycopath.

That's dad not me.

I am currently reading and I am almost finish reading it.

So far I don't learn anything.

I heard Kurt knock on the door so I press the button on my table to open the glass door.

I am waiting for Kurts masculine voice not the sweet voice of Sunshine.

I look up so fast I swear I heard my neck creeks.

Sunshine's here.

In my office.


I stand up immediately and walk towards Sunshine slowly.


I am not hallucinating right?

I poke Sunshine's cheek with my finger to make sure that she's really here.

"Surprise." She said.

I am overwhelmed right now. I am happy, surprise and worried.

There's so many questions running through my mind. Why she's here? How did she found me? The most important question.

Is she okay?

I lift her as I hugged her and I accidentally answered her.

"I'll catch you."

I can't help it.

She needs to know somehow that I am here for the long haul. I'll be here for her through thick and thin.

Sunshine look so cute when she's confuse.

She thought I am mute! It's not the first time that people thought I am mute.

The truth was I am just lazy answering people's dumb questions.

There are questions that are not worth my breath.

With the exception of the stupid questions that my siblings formulate in their underdeveloped brain.

Yes I am talking about Gabriel and Jamison.

Anyways, I let Sunshine sit but she stood up when I ask why she's wearing a shirt triple her size and a baggy short that you can barely see under her oversized shirt. Don't forget her slippers thats clearly not her size.

Sunshine's feet is 6 and that slippers like 8. I don't even know how can she walk on that thing without tripping.

Sunshine sat down and slump.

"Last night I went to the bathroom. I foolishly left my Eco bag outside. When I went out it was gone."

I knew something had happened to her!

"All my clothes and slippers was inside. I ask everyone if they saw my bag but they said they don't."

Sunshine looks at me straight in the eyes with tears pooling at the side of her eyes ready to roll down to her prominent cheeks.

"I tried to convince myself that whoever got my things needs it more but It's hard Grey Grey." At this point her tears keeps falling.

I can't take it anymore so I sat beside her and lift her to my lap. I hug and let her bury her face to my chest.

Boundaries be damn. She needs comfort.

"All-all of my things are there but then I realize that the shelter has extra clothes so I ask for Miss Lorna's permission if I can get a pair of clothes for today. Then I belatedly decided that I should visit you for a change so I ask again Miss Lorna to draw a map to your office. The end."

My poor precious Sunshine. I hugged her tightly and stop myself from kissing her head.

It's not a good time for that. I can wait.

"There's no trouble on the way here?" I ask worriedly.

Sunshine shakes her head. "People in this side greets me which is nice."

They did? Huh. Good for them.

It will be challenging to track anyone who's rude to my precious but I love challenges. If I need to hire more MIB I will. My dad is already spending a few hundred thousands a month for our security another hundred thousand is not a bother.


I look down and Sunshine's still snuggling on my chest which is fine. She can snuggle me anytime. Forever is much more preferrable.

I need to assign some MIB for Precious protection. They'll only intervene if needed. Is 5 enough? Have to ask dad. He's expert in this field.

"Sunshine?" I softly said.

I glance down again and found out that she's already sleeping. She must be tired and stressed. I carress her hair and tuck her rouge hair behind her ear gently.

"What will I do with you precious?" I murmur.

I carefully carry her to my private room and lay her on the bed. I tuck her and place pillows on her side. I don't want her to accidentally fall to the floor.

It's risky but I kiss her forehead before going out of my room.

I sat on my chair and call the only one I can trust in this situation.

"Daddy are you busy?"

I close my eyes and thank God that I got blessed with the best parents a child could have. Whenever one of us call daddy he always ask if we are okay immediately or if we need something.

"It's about Sunshine daddy."

I can hear murmurs in the background then daddy said

"Okay daddy. Thank you." I murmur.

I end the call and patiently wait for dad.

I already open the door so daddy doesn't need to knock.

It's not even 10 minutes and daddy already arrive.

I immediately close the door and lock it to make sure that no one will disturb my conversation with dad.

He sat down beside me and face in my direction.

"You came in less than ten minutes. Are you in the area?" I ask curiously.

"I am at Blake's." Uncle Blake's place is 30 minutes away from here.

Daddy saw my expression and added "I use the chopper."

Ah. That's why.

"If my brothers heard that you use the chopper you'll never hear the end of it dad." I snicker.

"I am different! You need me that's why I use it to come to you faster unlike your brothers, they use the helicopter in a Mcdonalds drive thru at 2am Grey!" Daddy exclaimed.

"Apparently out of 5 of my children only one is normal which is Ameera the rest of you-" he sigh and shakes his head.

"Hey! I am " I exclaim.

I am tempted to pout but I stop myself.

Daddy arch his eyebrow.

"Sure. A grown ass man who manage a multi-billion dollar companies around the world that doesn't talk and just glares or impassively stare at everybody. Yes. That's normal." Daddy sarcastically points out.

"I got that from you."

"I talk Grey. That's the difference."

"Yes you do talk but to scare the living shit out of people." I pointed out.

"No comment." Dad declared.

Thought so.

"Anyway why do you need me?" He ask.

"Well Sunshine's here." I started.

Before I tell you what my dad did we need to be clear.

Okay. My dad's brilliant in every aspect of life but dealing with mom in decades, Along the way mom's if you know what I meant brush up on him.

Daddy roam his eyes around the office and even look under my table which is odd. He even look under the couch.

He looks at me and said "I can't see her. Where's she?"

I sigh.

"She's sleeping in the private room dad. Why would you even think she's hiding under my desk?" I ask perplexed.

Daddy clears his throat and replied." I just remember some "

I raise my eyebrow. "If it's with mom I don't wanna hear about it. Please spare me the gory details."

Daddy shrug his shoulders. "Just know that it was one of the most hardest moments of my life Grey."

I roll my eyes at him.

"Back to Sunshine."

I told him everything.

Daddy's face darken when he learned that someone stole Sunshine's things at the shelter and his expression soften when he heard that she walked for more than 2 hours wearing baggy clothes and 2 size too big slippers to reach our office.

"She cried dad. It's hard to see her like that but you know? she has nothing against the person who stole her things. She even reasoned out that maybe that person needs her things more."

Dad and I both sigh.

"What should I do dad?" I ask.

He smirks and was starting to talk when I cut him off "No. I am not telling her to live at our house. I mean not

"I did not even say anything!" He defends.

"Uhuh. Sure. Your thinking about it." I chide.

Dad grumble and said "I was suggesting to assign some of our MIB for Sunshine."

"Agreed. How many?"

"Well since her area is a little bit okay maybe 6?"

"Six? Isn't that too many? How about mom when she lives in that small apartment of hers?" I question.

"If I remember correctly she has 2 cars on standby with 4 MIB each inside then another four incognito so 12."

I stare at him in disbelief.

"Don't look at me like that. Your mom's like Dora the explorer. She fucking even owns a Map. If not for her guards foiling every kidnap attempts that was planned by my enemies. I don't think she'll be alive today. "

True. Mom doesn't even know she almost got kidnapped.

Multiple times.

"Daddy we all know that if someone told mommy that they have multiple cakes at their house she will go with them happily." I reminded him.

"And we all know that Sunshine will go with even of there is no bribe." Dad pointed out.

I bring out my note pad and wrote guards. Daddy saw what I wrote and smirks.

"I thought six is excessive?" He teased.

"No. Your right. The more the better."

"We will provide lockers at the shelter with secure locks. That way no things will be stolen."

I wrote 'lockers'.

"Now. If I were you, start to get my future daughter in law's trust so she can move in already. The more days that she spent sleeping at the shelter the more sleep you'll loose."

I wrote get her trust.

I sigh.

This is harder than I thought.

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