《The Greek God》Thank you


If you told me, 6 months ago to be exact, that 300k people (and counting) would read and enjoy my story, I would have laughed at your face.

But here we are, finishing my first ever book, and having thousands of people commenting and loving my book, it's surreal.

Thank you all for reading The Greek God. Thank you all for encouraging me to update and keep on writing. Thank you all for supporting me. This has truly been a journey.

Some people might want to know what happens next but sadly, there won't be a sequel. I believe that Astrid, Daniel and all their friends should enjoy their life as it is, even if it's fictional.

My purpose was never to write the traditional good girl and bad boy story. My purpose was to tackle taboos such as drugs, self harm and so much more. My purpose was to tell the readers that they are not alone, they have millions of other readers alongside with them, even if they live on the other side of the world.

You are not alone.

Thank you all for this, even if I have said this for the millionth time.

Thank you my fine Specimens❤️


P.s. don't forget to follow my other account, as I'll post this story there as well as respond to all you posts!

P.s.2. If you want to make a cover of this story, feel free to email them to me:

(The digits are 0-0-1)

Thank you all!

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